Is it possible to drink coffee before and after sports training?

Many athletes take stimulants of artificial or natural origin before training in the gym. This technique provokes an increase in adrenaline levels, thereby increasing the intensity of the activity. Drinking coffee before and after exercise can have both benefits and harm. The effect of caffeine on the body is very ambiguous. You can avoid negative changes and increase the effectiveness of your workout only by choosing the right time to drink coffee drinks.

Is it possible to drink coffee before training?

Drinking coffee before running and before training in the gym is not prohibited. Its use allows you to achieve the following goals:

  • Eliminate drowsiness.
  • Burning excess weight. Calorie consumption increases if you drink a cup of espresso 30 minutes before training.
  • Extending the time of classes, increasing their intensity. Caffeine promotes the release of adrenaline. Thanks to this, the feeling of fatigue does not appear for much longer.
  • Alignment of breathing. The drink helps contract the diaphragm.
  • Elimination of muscle pain. It has been scientifically proven that the alkaloid has an effect on the muscular system. When used, the likelihood of pain is reduced.

It is worth noting that drinking coffee drinks before doing physical exercise is not always allowed. You don’t have to give up aromatic espresso or cappuccino before fitness, bodybuilding, or running. Climbers and skiers are strictly prohibited from consuming coffee drinks. This is due to the fact that blood flow to the heart decreases significantly when rising to altitude.

Professional athletes do not drink coffee before training or before competitions. Experts classify caffeine as a stimulant.

Effect on the body

Nervous system

Coffee is considered a good stimulant for the body. It awakens tone and increases brain activity. Only its frequent use leads to insomnia, irritability, and in men even to a decrease in potency.

Heart and blood vessels

The human body is a single interconnected system. Therefore, after a cup of instant drink, not only the nervous system, but also the heart functions more actively. It is not recommended for people who suffer from hypertension and heart disease.

Excessive consumption of instant coffee can provoke disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system even in completely healthy people.

Instant types of drinks are harmful to anyone who suffers from gastrointestinal problems. Instant coffee contains components that increase acidity. This can cause the formation of stomach ulcers (and exacerbation of gastric ailments), liver and pancreas diseases. Natural and ground coffee contains less of these substances.

It is better not to drink instant and natural coffee on an empty stomach.

Impact on appearance

Experts are unanimous in their opinion that instant coffee drinks lead to premature aging of the body. This is associated with a dehydrating effect.

Instant coffee contributes to the formation of cellulite.

In addition, coffee has a detrimental effect on tooth enamel, which is manifested in the formation of plaque and darkening.

Harm to pregnant women

Is such coffee harmful for expectant mothers? The answer is yes. They are strictly forbidden to drink any coffee (ground, instant, natural). If a pregnant woman drinks three cups of coffee a day, the likelihood of miscarriage increases more than three times! This is especially dangerous in the second half of pregnancy.

Reduction of microelements

Frequent consumption of instant coffee leads to the loss of microelements important for the body. Women are at increased risk. To prevent various diseases, experts recommend that coffee lovers periodically take vitamin complexes.


It occurs in both men and women. Caffeine becomes a drug for people, and many gradually increase the dose of the drink.

IMPORTANT! If you decide to get rid of such addiction, then you need to act “without sudden movements.” Doctors recommend reducing the strength and amount of coffee gradually.

The benefits and harms of caffeine for athletes

Caffeine consumption affects a person's mental and physical state. The effect is most pronounced during sports. The alkaloid promotes the following changes:

  • helps to concentrate, improves coordination of movements;
  • helps increase endurance - it becomes possible to train longer;
  • enhances determination, allows you to improve athletic performance;
  • reduces the level of adenosine, which prevents the contraction of muscle tissue during exercise;
  • stimulates muscle growth;
  • eliminates drowsiness, feeling of fatigue;
  • converts subcutaneous fat into energy.

Drinking coffee after and before a workout can be harmful. The following negative changes are possible:

  • excessive stress on the nervous system;
  • increased heart rate;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • removal of useful substances (magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium);
  • accumulation of cholesterol, which negatively affects endurance in the future;
  • obstruction of blood flow to the heart.

benefits and harms of coffee

Caffeine interferes with oxygen saturation in the blood. Due to this, weakness appears and dizziness is noted. You may even faint.

Myths about coffee

Due to the popularity of coffee and its ambiguous effect on the body, people have many different myths about this drink. Recent scientific research has refuted most of them.

Myth No. 1. Coffee causes drug addiction

The legend that coffee is very difficult to give up does not stand up to criticism. An attachment to the drug certainly arises, but it cannot be called an addiction. If you gradually reduce the dose of caffeine, bringing the consumption to several sips a day, then the body will get used to it, and giving up your favorite drink completely will not be difficult. There will be no withdrawal or breakdowns in the future.

Myth No. 2. Drinking caffeinated drinks disrupts your sleep.

Insomnia from drinking coffee can occur if you drink 2-3 cups of strong drink at night (3-4 hours before going to bed). Drinking coffee in the morning or before an afternoon workout at the gym will not affect your sleep in any way.

Myth No. 3. Instant coffee is harmful

Instant coffee drink lacks almost all beneficial substances and contains much less caffeine than freshly brewed natural coffee. It will not provide much health benefit and will not significantly improve the effectiveness of your workout if you drink it half an hour before it. But we cannot talk about any harm to the body.

Myth No. 4. Coffee provokes the development of osteoporosis

Excessive amounts of caffeine can actually cause calcium to drain from your bones. But this amount can easily be compensated by drinking only 2-3 tablespoons of milk. So, drinking coffee with milk reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

Myth No. 5. Coffee greatly increases blood pressure.

In fact, with regular coffee consumption, the blood pressure monitor readings do not change at all. The pressure may increase by 10-20 mmHg. in the next 1-2 hours after taking it only if you drink the aromatic drink no more than 1-2 times a month or after a long break.

Thus, most myths are fiction, and scientific research does not support them with facts or refute them completely. What has actually been proven by scientists is that caffeine, when consumed in the right dosages and at the right time, helps increase the effectiveness of sports or fitness, gain muscle mass or lose weight faster.

You cannot consider the drink magical and completely rely on it alone - drinking coffee without following the rules of nutrition and physical activity will not affect your figure.

Is it possible to drink coffee after a workout?

Coffee and sports are not always compatible. A person who is tired after doing physical exercise often tries to regain a feeling of vigor with the help of coffee, but such actions are strongly not recommended. This is due to the following reasons:

  • Training is stressful for the muscles and nervous system . The body needs time to recover. Caffeine stimulates brain activity and interferes with rest. The result is irritability and nervousness.
  • After training, an athlete needs healthy, sound sleep . If classes were held in the afternoon, caffeine can lead to the development of insomnia. Accordingly, the body will not fully recover.
  • Coffee has a diuretic effect and provokes the excretion of fluid that muscle tissue needs after heavy exercise.

Sometimes it is still allowed to drink coffee drinks after physical activity. If your workout was done in the morning or afternoon, a cup of espresso will help keep you alert and active for the rest of the day. True, you should not drink it immediately after completing the exercises, but after 30 minutes.

Types of instant coffee

Depending on the production technology, there are three types of instant coffee: powder, freeze-dried and granulated.

  1. Powder - in the manufacturing process of this type, complex equipment is not used. It is obtained by spraying a special concentrated liquid in the air, which is allowed to dry. Afterwards, the coffee powder is packaged in packages that protect it from moisture getting inside. Powdered coffee is considered the most inexpensive and dissolves faster compared to other types.
  2. Granulated - coffee powder is moistened in warm water, thereby the particles stick together, forming granules. High-quality granulated coffee does not leave sediment at the bottom of the cup after brewing.
  3. Sublimated - made using freeze-dry technology. That is, the concentrated coffee liquid is frozen under vacuum. The result is crystalline pyramids. Freeze-dried coffee contains more caffeine than its analogues. The most expensive type of instant coffee.

Coffee after workout for weight loss

Among the properties of coffee is the ability to burn fat cells and activate metabolism. If you combine its use with sports, the effect will increase significantly. You will actually be able to lose weight. The main thing is to drink the drink without any additives. Drinking coffee with milk, sugar and other additional ingredients is prohibited. You should drink it no earlier than 30 minutes after finishing your workout.

slimming coffee

What is better coffee or caffeine tablets?

Instead of coffee, you can take 2-3 tablets of caffeine sodium benzoate to increase the effectiveness of your workout. One tablet contains 40 g of caffeine and 60 g of the excipient sodium benzoate, which enhances the solubility and absorption of the active component. This is the only caffeine-containing drug that is available in pharmacies without a prescription.

Scientific research has not yet revealed which source of caffeine is better: natural coffee or synthetic tablets. Each organism is individual, so only through experimentation can you find out which one has a greater stimulating effect and is right for you.

Caffeine tablets will be a real lifesaver for those who for some reason do not like drinking coffee, but want to increase muscle strength, endurance and lose weight faster.

Useful tips for coffee-loving athletes

To avoid negative influences, lovers of sports and coffee drinks should adhere to a number of recommendations:

  • Drink coffee after a workout in combination with fast carbohydrates. Thanks to this, you will be able to quickly restore energy reserves and strength.
  • Drink enough fluids to avoid dehydration.
  • Drink a maximum of three cups of espresso or Americano per day.
  • Avoid drinking coffee drinks on an empty stomach.
  • Drink coffee an hour before training and at least half an hour after its completion.
  • To avoid addiction, take a break every couple of weeks - give up coffee drinks for several days.

Coffee is a very controversial product, capable of both benefit and harm. Positive effects are observed only when consumed in moderation. Excessive concentration of caffeine in the body will lead to numerous negative changes. Athletes are recommended to drink coffee before physical activity if they need to increase endurance to improve results. At the end of the workout, you should stop using it.

How much coffee can you drink for optimal effect?

Athletes, especially professional ones, always closely monitor their health. They need high levels of strength and endurance of the body, which are unattainable without proper nutrition. Therefore, questions about how much and what to consume for health benefits come first for them. This also applies to coffee.

The information that can be found regarding the recommended daily intake varies greatly from one source to another. Some believe (citing scientific studies) that drinking more than one cup per day is already harmful to health. Others, also using the data of scientists, boldly declare that it is normal to drink 2-3 cups of strong coffee a day; they certainly will not cause harm, but only benefit. In general, everyone says that it is acceptable to drink up to 6 cups a day.

According to testing results, the maximum effect of caffeine on performance is achieved at doses of 200 to 250 mg. As the dose increases, the effect no longer increases.

Given the lack of an exact opinion, each person needs to be guided by his own well-being. If there are signs of so-called “caffeine poisoning” (increased heart rate, anxiety and panic, insomnia, severe mood swings), this is a sign that the amount of coffee you drink should be reduced. In general, experts are inclined to believe that at one time the human body can receive 100-200 mg of caffeine, which is contained in approximately 3 teaspoons of ground or 2 soluble, without causing harm to health. You can drink no more than three of these servings per day.

One cup of espresso contains 80-100 mg of caffeine, Americano - 80-135 mg, cappuccino - 70-80 mg, instant - 65-100 mg. According to the American Soft Drink Association. At the same time, natural coffee is healthier for the body than instant coffee, which uses chemical additives.

Coffee and sports

Harm of coffee drinks

Clear benefits for athletes can only come from the natural coffee beans from which the drink is made. The use of soluble powder, called so-called, does not carry any value.

The main negative aspects of instant coffee are the following:

  • a large number of dyes and preservatives;
  • harmful acids;
  • carcinogens.

All these harmful substances contribute to clogging of the body. Components obtained artificially are deposited in the kidneys, which over time leads to the development of disease of the excretory organs.

It has also been proven that instant drink accelerates the loss of calcium by the body and provokes heartburn.

Preservatives and other harmful compounds worsen metabolism, contribute to slagging in the body and, as a result, lead to weight gain.

In addition, the artificial type of the drink interferes with the natural absorption of vitamins by the body.

All these factors lead to the development of inflammatory processes in the body and the occurrence of cancer.

What are the benefits of natural coffee drink?

The natural product has an analgesic effect, which is why it is so valuable among athletes. In addition, coffee enhances the effect of certain types of pain medications.

It has been proven that this type of product reduces the risk of developing heart disease, as it helps strengthen the myocardium and cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol plaques.

Its choleretic effect prevents the development of cholelithiasis.

The product is an excellent preventative against cancer due to its powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Coffee removes all waste and toxins, and also improves the functioning of the excretory organs due to its diuretic effect.

Thanks to its stimulating effect on the organs of the central nervous system, in particular the brain, the drink prevents the development of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

By normalizing blood sugar levels, people who frequently consume the product reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

The fat-burning effect of coffee has become the determining factor for its use in various diets and drugs for weight loss.

It has been proven that coffee drinkers are less susceptible to suicide, do not suffer from seasonal depression and are often in a great mood. They are energetic and full of strength.

Reaction and other cognitive abilities

Caffeine usually does not directly affect our productivity, memory speed, or task completion.
Having more than two cups of instant coffee in your daily diet greatly affects your reaction time and concentration. Firstly, these processes are associated with the invigorating effect of coffee, a sharp refusal to drink it promises a decrease in cognitive abilities. Secondly, reaction, memory and attention generally decrease by 15-25% in people who drink instant coffee every day for several years. This is why instant coffee is not recommended for drivers and pilots. If it is too difficult to give up instant coffee, you should take various drugs that increase the reaction and other cognitive abilities of a person.

Each of the cases considered is a serious reason to refuse instant coffee. If we summarize and add up all the disadvantages of instant coffee, the conclusion suggests itself: abuse of this type of coffee leads to disruption of the performance of a number of systems and organs in the human body. Of course, in each individual case there may be a measure to mitigate the effects of instant coffee on the body, but they can be completely eliminated only by stopping its constant use.

In addition, on our website you can find interesting information about 4 types of milk for coffee, the benefits and harms of coffee with cardamom, the benefits and harms of coffee with honey. And also about how to neutralize caffeine and save yourself from a hangover, how many calories are in a mug of coffee-based drink, 6 possible reasons why you want to sleep after coffee. It will be interesting to read 4 arguments in favor of drinking coffee before training, how and from what instant coffee is made, learn how to drink coffee at night and not suffer from insomnia. Or learn 3 ways to brew delicious coffee in the microwave.

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