18 Coffee Brewing Methods: All About Coffee Brewing Methods


If you were asked 10 years ago what kind of coffee you wanted, would you most likely have answered “espresso” or “Americano”? Today, with all the new and progressive brewing methods, it becomes difficult for us to make a choice in favor of just one. Purover? Aeropress? Hario?

You can pray for a French press, but how will you know it's the best without trying all the methods? Let's look at them all! We will tell you about all the ways to brew coffee. You can also jump to the desired section from the table of contents below:

  1. Espresso machine
  2. Moka
  3. Aeropress
  4. French press
  5. SoftBrew
  6. Siphon (gabet)
  7. Percolator
  8. Chemex
  9. Hario V60
  10. Kalita
  11. Vietnamese filter
  12. Melitta
  13. The Bee House
  14. The Clever Dripper
  15. Cold brew
  16. Nitro brew coffee
  17. Cowboy coffee
  18. Turkish coffee

Pressure brewing

When we talk about pressure brewing, the word "Espresso" may come to mind, but in reality, there are many more ways to brew than just using an espresso machine.

With this type of brewing, water is forced through the ground coffee under high pressure, so the brewing time is significantly reduced. The taste of coffee is more intense than with other types of brewing.

Let's look at the three most popular pressure brewing methods: espresso machine, moka and Aeropress.

Espresso machine

Anyone who knows anything about coffee is familiar with this coffee machine: it has been keeping us alert since the distant 1901.

Although you can now buy espresso machines to suit every taste with additional features and capabilities, you need to remember that its main function must still be performed at its best: brewing espresso.

They are expensive? Yes and no. It all depends on your wishes and capabilities.

What to expect

Time (from bean to finished coffee): Depends on the machine. Equipment used for commercial purposes can take 15-40 minutes to warm up, while espresso machines for home use will warm up in 3 minutes. Further, for all machines the standard brewing time is 20-30 seconds.

Grind type : You need fine.

Tip : To check if the grind is right for you, place some ground coffee on your fingers and move them around. The coffee should form clumps on your fingers. Grinds that are too coarse will not come together, and grinds that are too fine will clump too much.

Flavor : A shot of espresso, brewed correctly, has a strong, crisp and full flavor and should not be bitter.

Availability of skills : Also depends on the espresso machine. Some machines will make a great shot almost automatically, while others will require a serious base of skills and knowledge.

Who it's best for : If you like milky drinks (like lattes) or if you like a quick coffee and a pick-me-up. Espresso machines are unique - no other automatic equipment can replicate the taste of her espresso shot.

Who it's not for : If you like subtle, light flavors, don't want to spend big on a coffee machine, or don't have the space for one.


  • Fast brewing
  • Large selection at different price categories
  • Concentrated, tart coffee


  • Cheap coffee machines will not give perfect results
  • Takes up a lot of space
  • And a little everyday thing: it’s hard to wash :(


If you don't want to buy expensive equipment, but want coffee brewed under pressure, then a moka (or geyser coffee maker) is what you need. The magic of moka is in the 3-step preparation process. The principle of operation of a geyser coffee maker is as follows: the water below boils, the steam causes pressure, which pushes the water upward through the ground coffee.

Will the resulting coffee taste like a shot from an espresso machine? If you do it right (no special skills required), you will get a bittersweet and tart flavor. The better the moka, the higher the quality.

What to expect

Time : Very fast. Once you have heated the water, the brewing process will take no more than 5 minutes (a little longer if you have an induction cooker). For this reason, mocha is well suited for those who are in a hurry in the morning.

Grind Type : This is the tricky part. You will need a coarser grind than for an espresso machine, but finer than for drip coffee makers. If you still aren't satisfied with the taste, you'll have to brew it by trial and error: starting with a larger one and gradually making it smaller until the texture and taste are most pleasant to you.

Tip : If the brew is too weak/watery, the grind is too coarse and the extraction was not complete. The coffee is too bitter - the grind is too fine.

Taste : Not quite an espresso shot, but very close. The result will be a strong and tart drink.

Availability of skills : You don't need to be a barista to make coffee in moka: once you find the right grind, everything will be much easier. You collect water, heat it up and monitor the process.

Who's it for : You don't want to spend a lot, you want something portable, but you're not a fan of light flavors in your coffee.

Who it's not for : You don't like the taste or texture of an espresso shot. The resulting drink has a tart taste. If this is not for you, then take a closer look at other methods.


  • Inexpensive
  • Fast
  • Portable


  • Some people think the coffee tastes like it did 15 years ago (low quality)
  • Risk of making the wrong grind type and not completing the extraction or overcooking


The AeroPress has a cult following in the traveling coffee community, and is more reminiscent of a scientific instrument than a coffee brewer. It can be called one of the best inventions in the coffee world.

It's simple: the right water temperature, the right pressure level, the right grind type, and a quality drink in your hands! By the way, this is one of the fastest brewing methods.

This simple, three-piece device is competing with the Chemex in the popularity race.

What to expect

Time : There are several ways to prepare coffee in an AeroPress, but if you are in a hurry, you can do it in just 1 minute after the water reaches the optimal temperature.

Grind Type : This may surprise you, but the grind type doesn't matter. You will get different flavors with different grind types. At the same time, of course, there are recommendations on the type of grinding, but these are best practices rather than clear rules.

Taste : Excellent taste and color of the drink. A “cleaner” taste than when brewing with a moka or French press. To describe it in four words: soft, rich, clean and fast.

Availability of skills : Not required, very easy to use.

Best for : Travelers and those who want quick, clean, delicious coffee.

Who it won’t suit : It’s hard to say, because the AeroPress wins in all respects. The only thing is that it is not suitable for those who do not want to use paper filters for various reasons.


  • Inexpensive
  • Fast
  • Portable


  • Filters required
  • You can only make two cups of coffee at a time: it will take time to prepare coffee for several people

Is it possible to brew ground coffee with boiling water in a cup?

a cup of coffeePhoto by Andrew Neel: Pexels
There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on the chosen drink option.

In order for ground coffee to be brewed in a cup with boiling water, it must be a fine or medium grind. Often modern manufacturers leave a special mark on the packaging “for brewing in a cup”, which makes your choice easier.

Brewing by soaking

Brewing this way is fundamental and the oldest. In short, you simply mix ground coffee with hot water and brew. Then you leave the brewed coffee and throw away the coffee grounds.

Sounds simple. However, in brewing there is a fine line between too much and not enough: finish the brew too early and you'll end up with a weak taste, too late and your coffee will be too bitter. The good news is that it's not that difficult to learn and you'll end up with a great brew.

The most common steeping brewing method is the French press. We will also talk about Soft Brew and siphon.

French press

The French press is the unofficial mascot of home coffee. This is how coffee was brewed back in the 20th century, and the French press itself has a lot of fans among those who drink coffee at home. Why?

It's easy to use, you can take it with you, and it makes pretty good coffee. If you are using a French press, make sure you get the right grind type because this is the most common mistake when brewing with a French press.

By the way, you can make cold brew using a French press.

What to expect

Time : Not very fast. From the moment the water boils until the coffee is completely brewed, it will take approximately 10 minutes. You will need to pay attention to the process.

Grinding type : Coarse grinding only. Grinding too fine will result in coffee particles not being filtered and ending up in the brewed coffee. The coffee will become too strong and taste bitter.

Taste : French press coffee is soft and aromatic. True, sediment will collect at the bottom, so you shouldn’t drink the coffee to the last drop.

Availability of skills : Not required, everything is very simple. But making the perfect coffee will be more difficult, but if you strictly follow the instructions, it should turn out well.

Suitable for : You like the unique taste of coffee brewed in a French press, if you have a large group of people or if everyone in your family drinks coffee.

Who it won't suit : Frequent travelers won't benefit from a glass French press.


  • Unique taste
  • Easy to use
  • Ability to brew several cups of coffee at once


  • It is difficult to “perfect” the brewing process

Soft Brew

A relatively recent invention (2010). The Soft Brew has been described by some as a “primitive yet modern” device. It can also be compared to a French press, but the Soft Brew is easier to use.

How to use : Fill a steel filter with ground coffee, pour boiling water, leave for 4-8 minutes and serve. The principle is the same as when brewing tea.

The beauty of Soft Brew is in the filter: a huge number of tiny holes through which even the finest grind will not leak into the drink.

What to expect

Time : 4-8 minutes from the start of brewing.

Grinding type : Any will do! Space for experimentation.

Taste : Similar to French press. A special filter is provided for finely ground brew, which reveals a deep taste and rich body. Like a French press, only cleaner.

Availability of skills : Not required. You can make great coffee with your eyes closed. Soft Brew was developed for this very purpose.

Suitable for : You don't want to put in too much effort to brew a good cup of coffee, but you appreciate the quality of the drink.

Who it's not for : You like to experiment with making coffee and get creative with it. If this sounds like you, you'll quickly get bored with Soft Brew.


  • Insanely easy to use
  • Relatively fast
  • Sold in different sizes


  • Partly ceramic, so not designed for travel

Siphon (gabet)

Making coffee in a siphon is unique in itself. This is not an easy way to make coffee and requires a lot of effort, so you are unlikely to use it every day. Siphon for brewing coffee is a whole art.

Some people think that a siphon makes the best coffee, while others, on the contrary, say that this is more of a “pictorial”, “still life” brewing method, suitable for a “coffee show” in front of your friends.

What to expect

Time : About 10 minutes. By the way, washing the siphon is a real hassle.

Grind Type : Medium to coarse, about the same as a French press.

Palate : Very clean and rich when done right. Since the coffee is brewed only in glass, it will be one of the purest compared to the drink brewed by all other methods.

Availability of skills : Requires dexterity and strict adherence to instructions.:) If you are a chemist, then there will be no problems

Suitable for : You are an ardent coffee lover and want to try something extreme.

Who it's not for : You love quick, easy-to-make coffee. You will hate the siphon.


  • If used correctly, it produces the most delicious coffee, according to many experts.
  • Your friends will consider you a real coffee guru


  • This is an advanced brewing method. Be prepared for mistakes to happen
  • Very fragile, can't be taken with you anywhere
  • If you just want coffee, then this device will be a headache for you.

Roasting Tips

Can hide flaws

When choosing, it is better to stick to Arabica. Robusta is characterized by sourness and a high caffeine content. Tasty and high-quality bean coffee cannot be sold at a low price . The degree of roasting plays an important role. It is divided into several types.

For home preparation, it is better to buy medium-roasted beans; the drink will be strong and aromatic.

By roasting too intensely, unscrupulous companies try to mask defects in the beans (mold, cracks, uneven structure).

Two simple home methods

True gourmets buy green coffee beans and roast them themselves. To do this, use two methods: in a frying pan or in the oven.

Take a frying pan with high sides and a thick bottom. It is washed cleanly, eliminating extraneous odors so that the coffee does not lose its taste and aroma. Pre-washed and dried grains are laid out in a thin layer on a heated frying pan and fried for 7 to 25 minutes, stirring with a wooden spatula. After frying, allow to cool on a tray.

For frying in the oven, it is heated to 230 degrees. The grains are placed on a special baking sheet with a large number of holes. Fry for 15-20 minutes. Stir and check the degree of readiness preferably every 2 minutes.

Read more about roasting methods in the article “How to Roast Coffee Beans at Home.”

Drip brewing and filter coffee

Filter coffee and drip brewing methods are currently at the peak of popularity with the growing interest in alternative methods of brewing coffee. We'll look at pour-overs, cold brews, and everything in between.

The brewing process is fairly straightforward: pour water into the ground coffee contained in a filter of one kind or another. The water seeps down, resulting in clean, light coffee.

“Less is more” is the main motto of the drip brewing method. Most devices of this method are small in size, portable, inexpensive and suitable for brewing small portions of delicious coffee.

Percolator, Chemex, Hario V60, Kalita, Melitta, Vietnamese coffee, Beehouse, cold brew are all drip brewing methods.


The percolator is nothing new or unusual in the world of coffee. Most often they are used in inexpensive cafes, so high-quality coffee will not be brewed this way.

Many in the coffee community dislike this brewing method because it "negates the grain." In a percolator, brewed coffee is boiled several times, which leads to over-extraction and bitterness.

What to expect

Time : The water will pass through the filter for about 10 minutes, but the result is unlikely to make you very happy. You can try brewing for only 3-4 minutes to get a better taste.

Grinding type : Coarse. Using a fine grind will literally ruin what is, to be honest, not the best quality coffee.

Taste : Nothing special. If you use a coarse grind and brew for no more than 4 minutes, it will be drinkable, but you won’t wake up with anticipation in the morning.

Availability of skills : Not required. Just add coffee, water and turn on the percolator.

Suitable for : You don't care what your coffee tastes like. It's quick and easy.

Who it's not for : Anyone who appreciates the unique characteristics of the grain.


  • Fast and easy
  • Fills the house with that pleasant aroma of coffee


  • Not the best method for brewing coffee: bitter and hot
  • You need to clean it often to maintain flavor and prevent burnt marks.


When you first saw a Chemex, you might have thought it was a vase. There's a reason for this look: it makes great coffee and does it in style. :)

The biggest benefit of the Chemex is its capacity: you can easily make 3 or 4 cups of coffee at a time. Like other drip brewing methods, the Chemex is not easy. This is not a primitive pouring of ground coffee into a filter and pouring water. You will have to practice to know the appropriate grind type, water temperature, and amount of coffee. But once you get the hang of it, you'll fall in love with the Chemex.

What to expect

Time : Fast: 3.5 minutes.

Grind Type : Experiment to see what you like best. Ideally, the grind should be between medium and coarse, closer to medium.

Flavor : Chemex filters are 30% thicker than other drip method filters, meaning richer flavor. Sort of like a French press, but without the sediment.

Availability of skills : There are many ways to ruin coffee brewed in a Chemex. You will need practice.

Suitable for : You like pour-overs and often make coffee for several people at once.

Who shouldn't use it : If you need to make coffee for one or two people, or if you often travel with coffee.


  • Makes 3-4 cups at a time
  • Brews rich and aromatic coffee
  • The most stylish way to brew coffee


  • High probability of under-extraction or too much extraction
  • Too much for 1-2 people

Hario V60

At first glance, many people underestimate Hario compared to other pour-overs. And, in fact, this is a simple and at the same time excellent way to brew coffee: it is small and light, so you can take it with you anywhere, and the coffee turns out to be of high quality.

Yes, it looks simple, but its innovation lies in its unique cone-shaped system: at the bottom of the hario there is a large hole, and on the sides there are spiral ribs.

As with all pour overs, Hario has its own technique for brewing coffee, but after a few times you will start to get the hang of it.

What to expect

Time : About the same as with Chemex: 3.5 minutes.

Grind type : Medium-fine is fine.

Taste : Aromatic coffee without bitterness.

Availability of skills : The process is simple, but you need to understand that there may be mistakes when pouring water. The advantage is that you can experiment with the drink and get different tastes.

Suitable for : If you are often on the go and don’t want to drink instant coffee. The V60 is very light, so it won't be a big burden in your travel bag. Also good for those who want a quick drip coffee in the morning.

Who isn't for it : If you're the type who just wants to press a button and get coffee.


  • Makes quality coffee quickly
  • Very easy to clean
  • Very inexpensive


  • Requires special filters that are not always easy to find


Kalita is the main competitor of the Hario V60. The kalita is also cone-shaped, but less sharp, as opposed to the hario, which means longer brewing and less chance of error.

It is quickly gaining popularity because it is easy to use and suitable for every day as it consistently brews good coffee.

What to expect

Time : Three minute process.

Grinding type : Fine grinding.

Taste : Rich, clean coffee, like most pour overs.

Availability of skills : Almost none required, Kalita is less demanding than Chemex. The main thing is not to rush when brewing.

Who's it for : You like pour-overs and want something small and easy to use.

Who it won't suit : You want more control over the process. Then Hario V60 is your choice.


  • Brews quality coffee quickly
  • Very easy to clean
  • Inexpensive


  • Just like Chemex, it requires special filters, which are not always easy to find.

Vietnamese filter

Vietnamese filter is a simple brewing method that will require 4-5 minutes of your time. Unlike the filters above, this method does not require any special skills: just fill it with water and wait.

Why do they love him? Because it makes excellent cold coffee.

What to expect

Time : 4-5 minutes and the coffee is ready.

Grind type : Coarse - slightly finer than for a French press.

Flavor : Distinctive - not as tart as espresso, but smoother and cleaner than a French press. The absence of paper filters ensures the presence of oils, just like in a French press.

Availability of skills : Just follow the instructions and you will succeed in no time. Everything is much simpler here than with other filters.

Suitable for : You want a device that will make you one cup of coffee and no more, and does not require any special skills from you. And if you are a fan of Vietnamese coffee, you will definitely need a Vietnamese filter.

Who it won't suit : Since it only brews one cup, it is not suitable for purchase for the office or for a large family.


  • Easy to brew coffee
  • Ideal for one cup
  • Lightweight, portable and durable


  • Brews one cup at a time
  • No paper filter means there will be some sediment, especially if the grind is fine


Melitta is one of the most convenient options. Great for travelers. This is a simple, cone-shaped plastic device that allows you to quickly brew coffee. The coffee will not be as high quality as brewed in other filters, but the advantage of Melitta is its low price and portability.

What to expect

Time : 4-5 minutes.

Grind Type : Medium fine is fine.

Taste : Not as impressive as other drip brewing methods, but still better than instant coffee.

Availability of skills : Not required, it's simple.

Suitable for : Travelers.

Who it's not for : You like the deep flavor that comes out of the filter. You won't like Melitta very much.


  • Inexpensive
  • Lightweight and portable
  • Quick and easy to clean


  • Regular taste
  • Brews one cup at a time

The Bee House

The Bee House is a Japanese pour-over that is gaining more and more attention. Most likely because it's easy to use, makes good coffee, and looks stylish (ceramics in different colors).

Learning to brew coffee in Bee House will be easier than in Hario or Kalita: brewing takes longer, and even a coarse grind will do. High-quality coffee is guaranteed, even if you made a mistake at some stage of preparation.

What to expect

Time : Approximately 3-3.5 minutes.

Grinding type : As for melitta, medium grinding (Medium fine).

Taste : Clean taste, like other filters, but due to the longer brewing time, the taste will be more intense. It turns out to have a sweetish taste.

Availability of skills : With a little practice, you will quickly learn how to brew coffee with Bee House.

Suitable for : The taste of coffee and the appearance of the brewing device are important to you.

Who it won't suit : Travelers, ceramic will break.


  • Standard filters, easy to find
  • Made from ceramic: retains heat longer than plastic


  • Fragile, need to be careful

The Clever Dripper

It looks like another pour-over, but if you look closely, you'll notice that the Clever Dripper also uses a soak. A distinctive feature of the device is a valve that prevents coffee from entering the cup without your desire.

How to use : As usual, place the filter, add ground coffee and fill with water. Leave to brew for the time required. When the coffee is ready, place the Clever Dripper on the cup. This will activate the valve and the coffee will start flowing into your cup.

Why it's worth using: You get more control over your brew, which means more variety in the resulting flavors.

What to expect

Time : Depends on you. 3-4 minutes minimum.

Grind Type : A medium or fine grind will be ideal, but since you can control the brew time, you can experiment with the grind as well.

Taste : Some people love the resulting coffee and say it's a combination of French press and drip without the inherent disadvantages. Others think that the coffee is average. We think it tastes great, as do many pour-overs.

Availability of skills : Follow the instructions and control the time, and you will get a bright drink.

Who's it for : You love pour-overs and want to try something new.

Who isn't for it : You like fancier brewing methods, like a Chemex. In that case, Clever Dripper will not impress you.


  • Easy to use and clean
  • Suitable for travel
  • Cheap


  • Despite the fact that Clever Dripper is made of plastic, it does not look very expensive and fragile
  • Not the best looking one in your arsenal

Cold brew

Cold brew is one of the most popular methods of brewing coffee today. And no, we’re not talking about iced coffee here.

In short, cold brew is brewed by slowly cold filtering water through ground coffee. The process takes 10 hours or more!

Is this the same hot coffee, only cold? No. Once the drink is ready, you will be rewarded for your patience with an intense, unique coffee with a very smooth finish: no sourness, no bitterness. There is also no need to “enhance” with milk or syrups, you will feel the real taste of the drink.

An important advantage of cold brew is its shelf life: coffee will remain fresh for up to two weeks.

What to expect

Time : 10-24 hours.:) Be patient

Grinding type : Coarse.

Taste : Strong and intense taste without bitterness. All shades of the variety are felt. And the cherry on the cake is a very soft aftertaste.

Availability of skills : You just need to choose the right type of grinding.

Suitable for : You live in a hot country or it’s summer.:) This is also a great option for those who feel at their peak immediately after coffee, but then their energy levels rapidly decline. Cold brew will fill you with energy without a sharp drop in strength later. You will be alert, but at the same time calm.

Who it's not for : If you're impatient because cold brew is very slow.


  • Unique taste without bitterness
  • Does not provoke a sharp jump in vigor
  • Can be stored for up to two weeks in the refrigerator


  • Requires time and patience

Nitro brew coffee

Nitro brew coffee is the “little brother” of cold brew coffee. The difference is that nitrogen is added to cold brew, which changes the taste and texture of the drink in a special way. The result is a frothy cold brew that is slightly sweet and similar to a pint of beer.

True, finding a device for making nitro brew will not be easy.

What to expect

Time : If you want to make it yourself, you'll need to prepare the cold brew first, which will take 10-24 hours. Once the cold brew is ready and the nitro brew system is installed, you can start adding nitrogen.

Grind type : Same as cold brew: coarse (Coarse).

Taste : Foamy, light, creamy drink that tastes like beer. The high caffeine content of cold brew combined with nitrogen (which speeds up the absorption of caffeine into the blood) means a serious dose of energy.

Availability of skills : Setting up the brewing system and perfecting the brew will not be easy.

Who it's for : If you like cold brew.

Who it won't suit : You like hot coffee.


  • Big dose of energy
  • Light, creamy & refreshing
  • No need to add milk or sugar: not as harmful as many coffee drinks


  • Not easy to cook on your own: requires investment in equipment and time

Which type of coffee beans to choose

Not all coffee lovers are sophisticated connoisseurs. As a rule, we drink it in a familiar and comfortable place and do not wonder what is in our cup. Although there is something to think about.

The main types of coffee beans that are most popular are Arabica and Robusta.

Arabica and robusta differ in taste in the finished drink, but there are also fundamental differences: place and climatic conditions of growth, appearance, ripening period and grain size. These varieties also differ in chemical composition.

The most popular grain options are Arabica and Robusta
The most popular grain options are Arabica and Robusta

Significant differences that are of priority for the consumer are the percentage of caffeine; in Robusta it is higher than in Arabica, while Arabica is much more aromatic, and its taste is softer and richer.

Both types of coffee also have different varieties.

Brewing by boiling

Are all these coffee tricks necessary?

Certainly! They make coffee making fun and add variety. However, for a long time there was only one brewing method, the simplest and most straightforward: brewing coffee with boiling water.

All you need is ground coffee, water and fire, why complicate your life? If you don't have anything to make coffee at home, you can rest easy because you can still make a decent cup of coffee.

Consider the cowboy method and Turkish coffee.

Cowboy coffee

The oldest method of brewing coffee; it's old-fashioned, but it works. And it's not demanding: you don't need equipment or special skills. Typically used at campsites and picnics where people aren't in the mood for extra coffee and all that's available is a fire and a frying pan.

Pour water into the kettle, boil, add ground coffee, remove from heat and leave to brew for a few minutes. Once the grounds have settled, you can pour in the coffee.

What to expect

Time : Once the water boils, it will take 4-5 minutes to brew. A couple more minutes for the grounds to settle.

Grind Type : Medium coarse is best. The main thing is not to use a fine grind, otherwise you will drink a cloudy drink with sediment.

Taste : Very different depending on time, grinding and all other factors. However, it is still better than instant coffee. Of course, you won't find it in coffee shops.

Availability of skills : Do you know how to cook cereals? If yes, then you are ready for cowboy coffee.

Suitable for : If you do not have enough funds and motivation to purchase special equipment.

Who it's not for : Cowboy coffee is a slightly awkward way to make coffee. If this scares you, then take a funnel to your picnic.


  • You don't need any equipment, you can make cowboy coffee almost anywhere
  • You will feel like a hero from a Wild West movie


  • Nothing special in taste
  • It is very likely that the coffee will be overcooked

Turkish coffee

Since the 14th century, strong coffee was very popular in the Ottoman Empire (now Turkey). Thus, coffee prepared in Turk subsequently became in demand all over the world.

Making coffee in a Turk seems simple, but as with many brewing methods, it takes some skill. You will need the Turk itself, water and very finely ground coffee. You will need to boil the water on low heat 2-3 times. The result will be a coffee that you will either love or hate: a strong and unique taste with a dense foam.

What to expect

Time : 3-4 minutes per cup. It's fast.

Grind type : Very fine grind, almost like powder.

Taste : Aromatic coffee with a tart and dense taste. If you like strong black coffee, then you will like Turkish coffee.

Availability of skills : No special skills required, you just need to get used to it.

Suitable for : You like your coffee black and strong. A great way to cheer up in the morning.

Who it's not for : You like a clean taste, like pour-overs and drip methods.


  • Fast and easy
  • Unique, strong taste and aroma
  • No equipment required


  • Coffee can be overcooked and burned
  • Will not work with induction cooktops, only on fire
  • There is sediment left at the bottom of the cup

We hope this material was useful, and you chose what you like, or decided to switch to something new. As more and more new ways of brewing coffee are invented, the list will be updated.

How to brew ground coffee with foam?

If you want to make coffee with delicious foam, then choose a Turk for brewing it. Add ground grains, sugar, and any spices to taste into the container and pour in a little water.

Quickly stir the ingredients until smooth. And only after that pour the rest of the water on top.

Place the Turk on the stove and wait until the foam appears. Pour it into the prepared heated cup.

Repeat the procedure 2 to 6 times, each time pouring the foam into the mug. Then wait 3 minutes and pour all the coffee into the container.

You can prepare delicious aromatic coffee at home in different ways. Use a Turk, a French press, or even a regular pan or cup for this. And don’t forget about choosing the right water temperature and brewing time.

Try our coffee

Mix of grains

Espresso coffee

Blend of 100% Arabica beans. The aroma reveals notes of roasted peanuts and hazelnuts, while the taste is dominated by dark chocolate and walnuts. Soft aftertaste of cocoa and burnt sugar.


Coffee "Chanchamayo"

Rich and strong coffee with notes of bread in the aroma.


Coffee "Santos"

The aroma is dominated by spices and cocoa. The soft nutty-chocolate taste is offset by a slight sourness at the end.

Cold coffee drinks


Frappe coffee is prepared using a shaker or mixer based on one or two shots of espresso, sugar and a small amount of water, which are whipped until foamy. The drink is served in a glass glass with the addition of cold water, ice and milk.

Ice latte

Methods for preparing iced lattes may vary. One popular recipe involves mixing cold milk, syrup and crushed ice and then adding espresso to the mixture.

Thai coffee (Vietnamese coffee)

A cold coffee-milk drink is prepared as follows: add condensed milk and coffee to a glass with ice, then pour in milk or whipped cream. However, adding the last two ingredients is not necessary.

Cold brew

A coffee drink that is prepared by dripping cold water through a layer of coffee or steeping ground coffee in non-hot water for a long time. However, preparation methods may vary: some brew cold brew hot and then cool it sharply.

Nitro coffee

Nitro coffee is not so much a type of coffee drink as it is a method of preparation that makes the coffee carbonated. Typically, nitro coffee is a carbonated version of cold brew.

Espresso tonic

A refreshing coffee drink made with espresso and tonic. Lemon, cold water and various syrups are also often added.

Easy way

Brewing coffeeThis option is widespread in the Middle East and came from there.
The classic method of preparation, which contains only 3 ingredients: ground coffee, boiling water and sugar.


  • ground coffee – 1-2 teaspoon;
  • sugar or sweetener (to taste);
  • water – 200 ml.


  1. Boil water, let it cool slightly to a temperature of 85-90 degrees.
  2. Pour boiling water over the mug.
  3. Pour coffee and sugar into a cup and stir the dry mixture. The drink has a pleasant taste and is sugar-free. For people watching their figure, you can add a sweetener or skip the sweets altogether.
  4. Pour boiling water into a cup, stirring, and cover with a saucer.
  5. Brew for 5-7 minutes.
  6. Stir a little and the drink is ready to drink.

Cuban version

Cuban coffeeIn Cuba, this drink has been drunk for several hundred years, and its recipe remains unchanged to this day.
This method has its roots on the island of Cuba.


  • ground coffee – 1-2 tsp;
  • cane sugar (to taste);
  • water – 200 ml;
  • rum – 1 tsp.


  1. Boil water, cool slightly.
  2. Rinse the inside of the mug with hot water.
  3. Mix coffee and cane sugar in a cup. If you don’t have brown sugar, you can use regular sugar, a sweetener, or drink it without adding sweets. Alternatively, refined cane sugar can be consumed as a snack with a drink.
  4. Pour hot water over the dry mixture, cover and let sit for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Stir the finished drink a little and add rum.
  6. Wait until the mixture settles and the drink is ready to drink.

Modern method in 5 minutes

CoffeeThis method uses grains of any grind.
This method appeared relatively recently and involves using 5 minutes of brewing along with cooking.


  • ground grains 1 tsp;
  • sugar (to taste);
  • water -150 ml.


  1. Boil the kettle.
  2. While the boiling water is heating, warm the mug in the microwave.
  3. Pour the ingredients into a warm cup.
  4. Pour water and leave for 2-3 minutes under a saucer.
  5. Stir and the express drink is ready.
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