Rules for brewing coffee, why it should not be boiled

Let’s immediately make a reservation that today we will talk about real ground coffee, and not about the soluble “surrogate” that is offered to us everywhere. And although among the readers of this article there will be many lovers of instant coffee, true connoisseurs of this noble drink know that you can truly enjoy only freshly brewed ground coffee, prepared according to all the rules. So, here are the typical mistakes made by inexperienced “coffee makers” when preparing coffee.

Wrong choice Turkish

Often, a person who decides to brew coffee on his own for the first time buys a “larger” Turk from the nearest supermarket in order to please not only himself, but also his loved ones with the drink. As a result, the coffee turns out completely different from what, for example, it was served on your last vacation in Turkey. What is the reason? The fact is that preparing coffee for several people is much more difficult than brewing this drink for just yourself – your loved one.

Therefore , we recommend that you first learn how to brew coffee for 1-2 people in a small pot (100-150 ml).


By the way, pay attention to how coffee is brewed on sand? – One small Turk per person.

It is also worth noting that many “coffee lovers” recommend 150 ml Turk.

Because modern stoves heat up a 100 ml pot too quickly, and as a result, the unfortunate coffee maker does not even have time to trace the main stages of making coffee.

Features of brewing coffee in a Turk

To prepare the drink you will need a conical turk or a regular coffee maker. The original shape of the cezve is explained not only by ancient traditions, but also by the presence of a narrowed neck, due to which a thick and strong foam is formed. The formation of foam is a must as it prevents the aroma from evaporating.

Coffee is poured into the Turk, poured with cold water, sugar is added if desired, after which the Turk is put on fire. Some add cinnamon or cocoa to the contents, which allows you to add strength to the finished drink.

True coffee lovers prefer copper vessels to enamel coffee makers. Moreover, coffee in such containers is prepared on special stoves with hot sand. However, this is completely optional, because to quickly prepare an invigorating drink, you can use the simplest method - brewing coffee directly in a cup, like tea. In this case, the drink needs to be infused for 5 – 7 minutes and it will be ready.

In Turkey, the drink is prepared in two ways. Some pour ground coffee and sugar into a pot of boiling water, while others infuse coffee and sugar in cold water before brewing. In both cases, the drink is not boiled, but brought to a certain temperature. The procedure should be repeated three times.

In eastern countries, before preparing coffee, sugar is initially burned in the cezve. After it darkens, pour water into the Turk and put it on high heat. As soon as the water boils, add ground coffee and bring to a boil. To improve the aroma, a pinch of cinnamon is often added to the drink.

In Austria, grated chocolate and whipped cream are added to black coffee. Ice cream is prepared in a similar way. You can also treat yourself to a tasty drink in Russia, because today you can buy coffee in Moscow with any additives. When preparing ice cream, different options are possible. For example, a scoop of ice cream can be dipped into a cold or hot drink. It is important to prevent the ice cream from melting.

Quantity of coffee

The amount of coffee directly affects the quality of the drink. The most suitable option for yourself can be determined by selection. Make 2-3 test brews with different amounts of coffee and decide for yourself how much you need. If in doubt, add another spoonful. Believe me, it won't get worse. But too small an amount may not have the most favorable effect on the quality of the drink.

spoon of coffee

Most “coffee lovers” consider the ideal ratio to be 1.5-2 tablespoons of coffee per glass of water.

What will change in the drink over time?

The longer coffee sits, the more chemical reactions occur in it:

  • oxidation. Yesterday's coffee acquires a characteristic sourish taste, which may not appeal to many lovers of the original taste;
  • volatilization of aromatic substances. Essential oils tend to evaporate quickly. It is this quality that affects the decrease in the richness of taste and aroma over time;
  • increased concentration. If there are solid particles of beans left in the coffee, over time, due to the evaporation of water, the drink acquires a richer taste. It becomes more bitter and dark.

Much depends on the temperature at which the coffee is stored. For example, if you leave coffee with milk at room temperature, there is a high probability that it will spoil within 12 hours. Or rather, the milk will spoil, it will acquire an unpleasant aftertaste and may curdle. Drinking such a drink is not only unpleasant, but also unsafe. The acidified milk environment is favorable for the reproduction and development of many pathogenic organisms.

Acidified milk medium

Cooking time

Most experts recommend brewing coffee for no more than 10 minutes. But the drink cannot be brewed faster than 3 minutes. The coffee, ground into dust, is brewed in a small pot for about 5 minutes. Usually this is enough for the drink to acquire its aromatic and taste qualities.

Kitchen timer

In general, you can be guided by the following values:

  • If you have finely ground coffee , then you need to brew it for 3-5 minutes (but no more than 10).
  • If you have medium grind coffee , then brew it for about 4-7 minutes.
  • Coarsely ground coffee takes 6 to 10 minutes to brew.

Again, do not forget that the cooking time also depends on the size of the Turk and the degree of heating of the burner.

What is the secret of real espresso?

First of all, there is strong foam available! Real espresso is characterized by the presence of a brown-walnut crema with a slight reddish tint. This foam can easily hold small grains of sugar on its surface. If you are served coffee with dark foam, small black or white specks, the drink is overcooked and will have a bitter aftertaste. This effect is observed when there is an excess of coffee or the use of too finely ground raw materials.

If there is light-colored foam, we can say that the drink is undercooked. Its taste will be weak, the aroma will be less expressive, and the consistency will be watery. This may be caused by using coffee that is too coarsely ground or not using enough coffee.

And remember that real espresso should have a rich aroma, velvety taste and a long aftertaste.

Intensive boiling

Another common mistake is boiling the drink too hot.

Make sure that your coffee does not boil for too long when brewing.

The coffee is boiling

If you let it sit on the stove for too long, you will get a drink without foam and, as a result, the aroma and taste will lose their entire palette, and you will get just an ordinary drink - the worst of those served on tap in various eateries.

Cold coffee: pros and cons

Despite the fact that cooled coffee is considered safe, controversy surrounding its beneficial properties is still ongoing. While some believe that there is nothing wrong with a cup of cold coffee, others are categorically against such a drink. Let's look at all the pros and cons.

Arguments for"

  • The taste of cooled coffee becomes more intense. Many connoisseurs of the drink prefer to drink it cold. Moreover, the sugar in cooled coffee tastes much better;
  • Many cocktails and coffee drinks are prepared using cooled coffee;
  • In this drink, all microelements, esters and vitamins are completely preserved.

Arguments against"

  • Cooled coffee may change its taste. This is especially reflected in expensive and elite varieties, which immediately lose their originality and originality;
  • Some coffee lovers consider drinking cold coffee to be bad manners. Already half an hour after serving the drink on the table, they do not touch it;
  • cold coffee is considered a second-rate drink.

Second-rate drink

Don't start with experiments

What does a modern person do who has never brewed coffee in his life? Of course, he searches for information on the Internet (you probably came across this article while looking for information on how to brew coffee correctly). So, the Internet often recommends various options for making coffee, and the advice can differ radically from each other.

Brewed coffee

We recommend that before you start experimenting, you first learn how to brew the most ordinary coffee, without any “bells and whistles”, additives or unconventional methods. But when you have already learned how to easily (and especially the Internet) brew yourself a tasty and aromatic drink, only then try to experiment, looking for and finding new shades and variations of taste.

Acceptable storage period

What a pity it is to pour out a cup of cold coffee that you didn’t have time to drink right away. There is a great temptation to revive it - to bring it to a boil again. If no more than 5 hours have passed since preparation, there is nothing dangerous about it . Please note that a sweet drink spoils faster.

If you immediately put cooled espresso or Turkish coffee without milk and sugar in the refrigerator, it can be reheated within a day. It is not recommended to store longer.

heated in the microwave or on the stove contains the same amount of caffeine as fresh coffee , so the invigorating effect will be fully manifested. But you won’t be able to enjoy your favorite taste.

Warmed coffee, photo

  • This is interesting: How long does it take for caffeine to leave the body?

A few simple tips

Finally, I would like to give a few tips that will help you brew truly delicious coffee. After all, coffee is a kind of art that should be given enough of your time and attention.

Coffee in Turkish

To end up with a great drink:

  • It is better to add sugar to a heated pot before adding water (many people add sugar to an already brewed drink).
  • To get a dense and thick foam, you can warm up the coffee several times (however, make sure that your drink does not boil).
  • Cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, cloves, salt and hot pepper will help you find new flavors. However, be careful with additives!
  • The cup you plan to pour the coffee into must be preheated. It is enough to pour boiling water into it before starting cooking, and then pour it out just before pouring the drink.
  • Make sure that the heat intensity during the cooking process is minimal.
  • Let the drink brew before drinking. Literally three minutes is enough. You can even cover the cups with saucers during this time.

We hope our tips will help you understand the intricacies of such an issue as brewing coffee, and you will be able to not only enjoy your favorite drink properly brewed, but also treat it to others who will appreciate your efforts!
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How to make delicious coffee

Several conditions must be met in order to properly brew this invigorating drink.

Pure water - filtered, bottled

The water must be clean - filtered or bottled; most often they use cold, or better yet, ice water. Warm water makes the drink softer, but less rich.

The best coffee varieties - Arabica, Robusta

Coffee beans must be finely ground. The choice of variety is a matter of taste, however, Arabica is considered the most elegant and rich variety. Its large, even, flat grains have the most lush aroma and good oiliness, and the aroma depends on the place of growth.

Robusta is less popular; it is usually used as an additive, diluting Arabica to reduce the cost of the resulting mixture. Robusta, despite its harsh taste, gives espresso that very appetizing foam - crema, thanks to which experienced baristas in coffee shops can create different designs using hot milk whipped into foam.

Ground coffee beans quickly lose their noble aroma, so it is recommended to store them in a closed container in a dark and cool place. It is better to grind the grains in small quantities immediately before cooking. The grinding varies, the finer the coffee powder, the faster the drink will brew and the greater the chances of getting cream even at home.

Turka - shapes, sizes, materials

Turks, or as they are also called, cezves, come in different shapes and sizes, made from different materials.

Copper pots are best suited for cooking - copper retains heat well, and drinks brewed in such vessels have a particularly pleasant taste.

Aluminum Turks are more common; options made of stainless steel and other alloys, clay, glass and ceramic cezves are also available. When choosing clay ones, you need to take into account that it is best to brew coffee of one type in them, because the material from which they are made is porous and “remembers” odors well. Such Turks, like ceramic ones, are fragile and require careful handling. In addition, such dishes continue to give off heat even after they have been removed from the heat, and you need to continue to monitor the drink, otherwise it will “run away,” ruining the table and your mood.

It is better to choose a Turk with a narrow neck, although many stores also stock others. It is the conical shape of the cezve that guarantees long boiling, preservation of aromatic essential oils and the richness of the taste of the final drink. The handle should be attached at an angle and made of a material that does not heat up, such as wood.

You can cook in a Turk on anything: on a stove, sand, coals, in a fireplace or on a fire. The main thing is to wash the cezve thoroughly; when using a new cezve, it is not recommended to use detergents, as it will “remember” their smell; it is best to disinfect the dishes by boiling water with a slice of lemon in it.

Additives - sweets, spices, syrups, liqueurs

The taste can be varied by adding sweet or spicy spices, honey, syrups and alcoholic liqueurs. Traditionally, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, ground ginger, nutmeg are used; to give coffee warming properties, you can add a little red chili, sweetening it with honey.

Also, chocolate, milk, cream, nuts and nut butters are put into coffee drinks, even halva acts as a “highlight” from time to time.

Many people add salt at the tip of a knife when cooking, and to slow down the process, add sugar - no more than two teaspoons. This way the coffee takes longer to brew, which greatly improves its taste. In addition, sugar softens water. To give the coffee a velvety texture, add a little good butter during brewing.

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