How to brew coffee on the stove: rules and features of preparation

To get the maximum benefit and taste from the popular drink, you need to know how long to brew coffee in a Turk on the stove. This method is most often used at home. It is important to be able to choose the right ingredients and turk. Everyone has their own preferences - some like latte, others like cappuccino or espresso. But they are prepared based on the classic recipe.

Drinking natural coffee helps you finally wake up, recharge your batteries, and lift your mood. Therefore, every morning its connoisseurs enjoy a coffee symphony.

How to brew Turkish coffee correctly

To brew quality coffee, prepare roasted beans. Do not store the grains for a long time, otherwise they will lose their flavor.

How to brew coffee with foam


It is best to grind the grains immediately before cooking. This way you can fully enjoy the aroma of this drink.

- The grind level of the coffee is also important - try a fine grind. The fact is that coffee must give its properties to water, and this happens faster and better if you use a fine grind.

— It’s worth noting that finely ground coffee rises faster before boiling. This creates a rich foam that tightly seals the neck of the Turka, which preserves the aroma.


To make the taste milder, add a small pinch of salt to the coffee pot before you start brewing.


It is advisable to warm the cup, as a cold cup will not allow the coffee to fully reveal its aroma.

How long to brew coffee


You need to prepare at the rate of 1-2 teaspoons of coffee per cup of water. Also, it's worth noting that overdosing on coffee won't make it taste any better (too much caffeine makes the drink bitter), and it may not be good for your health either.


Use filtered water. You also need to make sure it doesn't come to a boil while cooking. You need to cook on low heat.

— During cooking, make sure that the foam cap does not collapse.

— Don’t be distracted while brewing coffee; you need to follow this process from start to finish.


After you have brewed the coffee and removed it from the stove, add some very cold water. After this, the grounds will settle and the drink will become more transparent.

Preparing Ingredients

For coffee, roasted Arabica or Robusta beans are used. The Turks were the first to roast coffee beans over an open fire.

To achieve ideal results, you need to follow several rules:

  • choose medium-roasted beans; stronger ones will give the drink a bitter taste;
  • It is better to grind the coffee before preparing it; the less time has passed since grinding, the more intense the smell;
  • It is not worth grinding a lot of grains at once; during storage they lose their beneficial properties and the aroma disappears;
  • Warm the Turk a little before cooking.

How long to brew coffee at home is not the most important thing, the degree of grinding is important. To get an invigorating drink, fine or medium grinding is recommended, but not very fine. You can use a different type of grinding, and the coffee will taste different. It is advisable to choose a manual grinding type.

Water should be taken bottled, spring, raw. If you use a liquid containing chlorine, the nuances of taste, the individuality of the variety and roasting will disappear.

How to brew coffee in a coffee maker

It is already known that in order to quickly recover in the morning, an apple is more effective than coffee. But if you are a follower of the old method and prepare coffee using a coffee maker, then you need to know a few rules.

1. Choosing the right grind for your coffee maker

Not all coffee makers are created equal—different models require different grinds. First, you need to find out what grind size is right for your coffee maker. Any manual for using a coffee maker will provide the necessary information.

2. Don't forget the filter

The coffee maker has a special removable container. You need to insert the filter into this container - it is different for each model. The correct size filter is easy to insert and does not wrinkle or protrude at the edges. There are both reusable and permanent filters. If your coffee maker has a permanent filter, then you won't have to change it.

3. You need to pour coffee into the filter

Before you start pouring coffee, you need to determine exactly the amount of coffee. On average, a cup holds about 230 ml of coffee. To make coffee for one cup you need to pour 1 tbsp into the filter. a spoonful of ground natural coffee. If you prefer stronger coffee, you can add another spoon.

4. Measure out the amount of water

Pour the volume of water into the coffee maker reservoir that will correspond to the number of cups. The tank has divisions to determine the volume of water. If you think that you have not filled enough water, simply replenish the tank with the required amount.

5. Pour water into the special compartment of the coffee maker

Typically, such a compartment can be found at the top of the device, under the lid.

(*) In many coffee maker models, the reservoir contains divisions so that the user knows how much water to pour. But it will still be more convenient to measure the volume of water with a cup into which the drink will be poured, i.e. for 1 cup of coffee 1-2 tbsp. spoons of drink and a volume of water corresponding to the volume of the cup.

6. Turn on the coffee maker

To do this, first insert the coffee maker flask onto a special heated stand. Make sure the water compartment is closed. Next, click “Start”. Coffee preparation will end when the drink stops dripping.

It is worth mentioning the fact that some models of coffee makers are equipped with an anti-drip system. This means that if you are preparing coffee for several cups, but still want to drink the first cup before the preparation of the drink is finished, then you can freely simply remove the flask (in this case, the coffee maker automatically stops “dripping”) and fill your cup with coffee . Then simply insert the flask back and the “dripping” will continue.

The harm and benefits of coffee

Humanity has been drinking coffee for a very long time, and there have been debates about the dangers and benefits of coffee for almost as long. These disputes mainly concern caffeine, which coffee contains in large quantities. But it should be remembered that it also contains a huge amount of useful substances. Namely vitamins, calcium, magnesium, organic acids, beneficial microelements, etc.

It must be remembered that there are people for whom drinking coffee is undesirable. These include people with kidney disease, coronary heart disease, and hypertension. But this doesn't mean they need to give up coffee completely, just drink it in moderation. A cup of this wonderful drink a day will not harm anyone.

Coffee should not be consumed before bedtime as it promotes mental arousal, which can lead to insomnia. Coffee is also harmful on an empty stomach and can cause heartburn, so you should drink it after eating or while eating something. Harmful effects of coffee when consumed in excess:

  • addictive (people's opinion, but unproven fact);
  • causes headaches and increases blood pressure;
  • during pregnancy can cause miscarriage;
  • dehydrates the body, as it is considered a diuretic (to avoid this, you need to drink water after coffee);
  • harms the cardiovascular system.

Benefits of coffee when used in moderation:

  • invigorates and tones;
  • improves metabolism;
  • increases resistance to stress;
  • improves mental activity;
  • reduces the likelihood of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduces the risk of developing diabetes;
  • in men it helps improve sperm motility.

How to brew delicious coffee in a saucepan

If you are expecting guests and want to make coffee for them, or if you have a large family who loves this drink, you can, of course, use a Turkish coffee pot as usual. But then you will have to make coffee several times.

To save time and immediately prepare large quantities of coffee, you can use an enamel pan.

When choosing a pot for making coffee, the main thing you need to pay attention to is the tight fit of the lid. The better it adheres to the pan, the better your coffee will be.

Let's start cooking:


First you need to grind the grains. The degree of grinding can be any, depending on your tastes.


Use boiling water to rinse the pan, and then add the required amount of water and add a little sugar.


After you bring the water to a boil, remove the pan from the stove and add ground coffee.


Place the pan back on the stove, but do not bring to a boil. When thick foam appears, remove the pan from the stove and leave for a few minutes to allow the drink to infuse.


When the coffee has brewed and the grounds have settled, it’s time to pour the drink into cups. But try to warm the cups in hot water in advance.

How much time do you need to spend

So, how long should you brew coffee at home in a Turk to always get a delicious, invigorating drink? According to the most conservative estimates, the entire process will take 3-4 minutes, although lovers of a strong drink will spend about 8-10 minutes brewing. If the grains still need to be ground, add another 3-4 minutes to the main time.

Coffee with foam in Turk
The richer and thicker the foam, the tastier and more aromatic the coffee.

In the East, time moves slower, so they prepare coffee slowly, sedately, enjoying the cooking process itself. Many people also roast the grains themselves, grind them, and only then begin the cooking process. Of course, a European cannot afford to spend so much time on a morning energy drink, so he increasingly resorts to using a coffee maker or coffee machine.

This is a good option that helps save time and effort, but it is much nicer to spend just 5 minutes to perform a simple but colorful ritual using a copper Turk. While the coffee is brewing, you can enjoy its rich aroma and feel how your body awakens, how your eyes open wider and how quickly the desire to try a sip of this magnificent energy drink grows.

How to store coffee

— Try to protect coffee from exposure to air, direct sunlight, humidity and foreign odors.

— Store coffee in a hermetically sealed opaque container - this way it can last for about six months.

— The best storage place is a table or kitchen cabinet - coffee can be stored in such places for several weeks. One of the most inappropriate places is the refrigerator, contrary to erroneous belief.

— If you want your coffee to be stored for a long time, choose coffee beans, since in this form the level of protection from harmful factors is higher.

— It is better to grind coffee immediately before drinking, so you can fully enjoy the aroma and taste.

How to choose the right coffee

It should be remembered that when making instant coffee, the beans undergo heat treatment, and this kills all the beneficial properties of coffee.

Instant coffee is divided into 3 types:

  • sublimated. Among the soluble types it is considered the most expensive and good. The manufacturing process consists of many stages. Ground and roasted grains are first boiled, then frozen at low temperatures, dried and broken into granules. Next, they are soaked in essential oils that were obtained during cooking.
  • granulated. Roasted and ground grains are initially treated with water under pressure and then dried. The final stage is steam treatment, during which the granules are formed.
  • powder. It looks very similar to powder and is the cheapest coffee option. The production is almost the same as that of granulated coffee, but the stage of steaming and formation of granules is omitted.

Glass and tin cans are considered the best packaging for instant coffee. Proper instant coffee should dissolve equally well in both hot and cold water.

How to brew ground coffee

— As was said earlier, it is better to brew very finely ground coffee in a Turk (see How to properly brew coffee in a Turk


— If you use a coffee maker, it is very important to observe moderation when preparing coffee. It is better not to grind the grains very finely, but coarsely is also not correct.

If the grind is too fine, coffee dust may pass through the filter and the drink will turn out cloudy. And if the grind is coarse, then it will infuse longer than usual, and most of the aroma will evaporate.

— A sense of proportion comes with experience, so we won’t give specific numbers.

— The aroma of coffee is improved by salt, or rather a couple of its crystals. They need to be added before cooking.

— It is better not to heat up coffee that has cooled down, as you will hardly feel its aroma.

Turkish choice

Turku (cezve) was invented in Turkey; it is made of copper, less often of ceramics, brass, aluminum, and clay. For cooking, it is advisable to choose a cone-shaped vessel; the diameter of the bottom should be twice the diameter of its neck. This prevents the aroma from evaporating and affects the taste. How long does it take to brew Turkish coffee? It depends on its volume and material.

Most often, the drink is prepared on the stove in a copper cezve with a narrow neck for 1-2 servings. In a copper pot with a thick bottom, the liquid heats up slowly. The grains convey all their best properties, the drink turns out rich, strong and aromatic. The long handle, made of poorly heated material, will not allow you to get burned during cooking.

An aluminum pot heats up quickly and cools down quickly, while a brass pot heats up more slowly than a copper pot. It is recommended to use a Turk made from refractory clay for one type of coffee. It absorbs essential oils and aromatic substances. The drink is also brewed in a ceramic cezve; it does not absorb odors and tastes, but is short-lived.

How to brew natural coffee (recipe)

Brazilian coffee (serves 4)

- 8 teaspoons ground coffee

- 1 teaspoon cocoa powder

- 1 teaspoon sugar

- 200 g milk

- 400 ml of water.


Brew strong coffee (2-3 teaspoons per cup of water).


Bring the milk to a boil.


Pour cocoa and sugar into a separate container and fill it with some milk. Stir. Add the remaining milk and add just a little salt.


Boil everything for 10 minutes.


Next, remove the container from the heat and whisk until an oily, bubbly mass appears. Immediately after this, add coffee to it.

(*) You need to drink this coffee in small mugs (in Brazil there are special mugs for this - shicarazinhas).

Viennese coffee (2 servings)

- ground coffee 6 tsp.

— sweet cream 150 ml

- sugar 1 tsp.

powdered sugar

cocoa powder or chocolate syrup


Whip the cream together with a small amount of powdered sugar until foamy. Next, put it in the refrigerator.


Pour coffee and sugar into a pot and pour 2/3 cup of cold water.


Bring to a boil using low heat.
Brew coffee as usual (see How to properly brew coffee in a Turk


Strain the coffee into warm cups until it takes up less than half.


Add cold whipping cream to a cup.


You can serve the drink with chocolate syrup and/or cocoa powder.

Oriental coffee

Typically, this coffee is brewed in a container called a cezve, which is a cone-shaped saucepan with a long handle.

To make oriental coffee, you need to prepare the finest grind coffee.


Pour sugar into the cezve, pour in cold water and bring to a boil.

(*) It is better to use distilled or filtered water.


After that, you removed your syrup from the heat, add coffee to it and start stirring quickly until you get a thick foam.


Let the foam settle a little and place the container on low heat.

You need to remove the coffee several times and then reheat it again, so you get oriental coffee.

You can add spices, a little cocoa or salt to enhance the aroma and taste.

Coffee "Oflameron"

There are 2 options for preparing this coffee according to the old recipe. Each depends on the type of coffee you prefer - bitter or sour.

For sour coffee you need:


Prepare 1 teaspoon of finely ground coffee.


Pour 60-70 grams of slightly warm water.


Heat over low heat and, when foam appears, add 1-2 tsp. semi-sweet champagne.

(*) It is worth noting that champagne must be opened in advance to allow the gas to evaporate.


When the foam becomes massive, remove from heat.

For bitter coffee you need:


Prepare finely ground coffee at the rate of 1 tsp. for 60-70 grams of filtered or distilled water.


Before taking the first spoonful of coffee, dip it in vanilla water.


Heat the coffee over low heat until foam appears.


Add 1-2 tsp to the drink. semi-dry champagne without gas.


Wait until the coffee foam becomes massive and remove from heat.


Coffee Glass (1 serving)


Prepare coffee in the usual way (see
How to properly brew coffee in a Turk


Cool the drink.


Place ice cream in 300ml glasses


Pour 1 tbsp ice cream. spoon chocolate syrup and add chilled coffee.


Add 1 tbsp to each glass of drink. a spoonful of whipped cream, and a little sugar or powdered sugar. You can sprinkle with candy crumbs.

Coffee art

How long does it take to brew Turkish coffee on the stove?

To master the technique of making real coffee, let's learn all the tricks and subtleties. Let's start, perhaps, with the grinding stage. The grains should be crushed immediately before the cooking process. It is advisable to use manual grinding, then the taste and all the beneficial substances in the raw material will be preserved. But when using an electric coffee grinder, the beans heat up, as a result of which some of the elements evaporate and the taste of the drink changes slightly towards deterioration.

Important! Before brewing coffee, the Turk, regardless of the material, must be thoroughly warmed up.

Be sure to add a teaspoon of granulated sugar to an empty Turk and heat it over medium heat for 1-1.5 minutes. If you don't drink sweet coffee, you can add a pinch of salt. The taste will be amazing, and the drink will be prepared faster.

Now you can add coffee and water. It is advisable to use filtered liquid, then the coffee will be softer.

Important! Under no circumstances should you bring coffee to a boil. As soon as the foam begins to rise, the Turk should immediately be removed from the stove.

All sorts of fillers are added to the prepared drink. You shouldn’t limit yourself to cream and milk. Some people liked Swiss-style coffee. The highlight of this invigorating drink is the egg yolk beaten with granulated sugar.

You can also add syrups, ground cardamom, powdered cinnamon or vanilla for flavor. Orange zest and a pinch of ground nutmeg will add incredible taste and delicious aroma to freshly brewed coffee.

How to make Glasse

For this drink you need to take a portion of brewed coffee, a portion of any ice cream (creamy or chocolate), a couple of dessert spoons of syrup (preferably chocolate) and whipped cream, as well as half a dessert spoon of crushed colored candies.

Brew coffee and cool it. Beat a portion of cream in a blender, adding a little sugar. Place ice cream in beautiful wide glasses, add syrup, carefully pour cold coffee and top with crushed candies. The drink is ready, you can serve it!

You can easily prepare delicious aromatic coffee yourself. It is important not to rush and not be distracted from the process by other things, otherwise the coffee may surprise you - it will run onto the stove. In this way it is similar to milk, keep in mind. Completely immerse yourself in the preparation process, carefully monitor the foam, and a wonderful drink will delight you with its magical taste. Happy coffee drinking!

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