Operating principle of a geyser coffee maker: video, device, advantages and disadvantages

Morning with an invigorating aroma spreading throughout the apartment and a slightly bitter, deep taste... A cup of coffee for many is the best start to the day! Some people bought a whole coffee machine for this, others prefer the good old Turk. But the most popular coffee pot in the world is considered to be the geyser coffee maker or moka. This fact is confirmed even by the Guinness Book of Records.

And if such an assistant has not yet settled in your kitchen, then it’s time to think about purchasing it. How a geyser coffee maker works

, the peculiarities of its choice and the intricacies of preparing the most delicious coffee in the world - read on.

Geyser coffee maker device

This coffee pot consists of five main parts:

  1. Lower water tank;
  2. Filter funnels;
  3. Rubber gasket-seal;
  4. Sieve filter;
  5. Top compartment with a metal tube for ready-made coffee.

All parts are screwed into each other one by one.

Operating principle of a geyser coffee maker

is based on a simple physical process - the action of steam pressure. A similar phenomenon is observed during the eruption of volcanic geysers. Hence the name of the device.

When water heats and boils, steam is generated in the lower container. With its pressure, it literally pushes boiling water through the filter containing ground coffee. In the process, coffee powder imbues the water with its taste and aroma. Having gone all the way through the tube, our favorite drink awaits us in the upper compartment.

On the side wall of the lower part of the coffee pot there is also a safety valve for emergency release of steam - a mandatory part in a device that operates with high pressure. It also serves as a mark for the amount of water. You need to pour it into the compartment no higher than the level of this valve, otherwise water will remain in the geyser coffee maker after brewing coffee.

Some tips

In order for the device to please its owners for a long time with uninterrupted operation and high-quality coffee, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations for use:

  1. Maintaining temperature conditions. The gas must be turned off after the water rises to the upper compartment. If the stove is electric, the coffee maker must be removed from the stove.
  2. Avoidance of snorting. A working coffee maker begins to make snorting sounds if the steam becomes too hot, which will certainly affect the taste of the finished coffee.
  3. Proper care. The components of the geyser-type coffee maker must be thoroughly rinsed under running water after each use. The use of abrasive detergents is prohibited, as they can affect the taste of the coffee, giving it a metallic or chemical taste.

Important! The plaque that forms on the inner surface of the vessels does not need to be cleaned off. According to reviews, its presence only benefits the finished drink.

Coffee beans

Choosing a suitable geyser-type coffee maker is not difficult. When going shopping, you need to take into account that some models may include the following functions:

  • notifications about the end of the process;
  • light indication of work;
  • timer;
  • automatic shutdown.

Instructions for use

It’s easy to use a geyser coffee maker:

  1. Pour water into the lower compartment
  2. Insert a filter funnel into which we pour ground coffee.
  3. Screw in the top container
  4. Put the coffee pot on the fire

Before brewing coffee in a geyser coffee maker on an induction cooker or electric stove, make sure that your coffee pot model is suitable for such cooking surfaces. If you are using a gas stove, make sure that the fire does not “lick” the body or heat the handle, otherwise it may melt.

The main thing is to take precautions so as not to get burned by the steam, and not to leave moka unattended on the stove.


Any utensils require care, otherwise they quickly break down. Caring for a geyser coffee maker is easy. You just need to wash all working parts after each brewing coffee.

Problems with care

The problem is caused by the rubber O-ring for the filter. It must be handled carefully and with care.

The rubber gasket needs to be cleaned regularly, without much effort or using chemicals. Over time, the gasket wears out and requires replacement. But this is not a problem - repair kits are sold for most brands of coffee makers, which include an O-ring and a new filter mesh.

Secrets of the most delicious coffee in moka

It would seem that you filled all the necessary tanks, put it on the fire and in a few minutes you get a cup of aromatic drink. But there are several secrets and subtleties in coffee recipes in a geyser coffee maker.

To prepare 1 cup of coffee, you need 200 ml of water and 16 g of ground coffee powder. We have already said how much water can be poured into a geyser coffee maker - watch the position of the emergency valve. The water should be warm. Baristas claim that a water temperature of about 30-40˚C helps get rid of the excessive bitterness characteristic of coffee.

Don't be afraid to add spices. This can be done either by putting coffee powder into the moka filter, or directly into the cup.

There is no need to press the coffee in the strainer too hard, otherwise it will be difficult for the water to rise through the dense “tablet”, so the finished drink will turn out weak. But to prevent it from coming out too strong and bitter, you can stop the coffee extraction by quickly removing the moka from the heat and placing it on a damp towel or any cold surface.

To get foamy coffee in a geyser coffee maker, thoroughly whisk a small amount of the finished drink in a cup. Then add the rest of the coffee to this mixture.

Do not bring the process to the point where the coffee pot hisses - this sound means that all the water has already left the lower reservoir. It is better to turn off the stove at the peak of the “rumbling” of the moka and leave the container for a minute. This way you will protect the coffee from overheating and strong bitterness.


Turka, also known as cezve, was invented a long time ago. Its first “inventors,” as the name implies, were the inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula.

But few people know that the ancestor of the cezve was the “dalla” - a small copper jug ​​with a long, narrow spout and equally long handles. This piece of tableware was invented by African nomads who highly valued the coffee drink.

The modern Turk has a fairly recognizable shape: narrow at the top and widening at the bottom.
Most often it is made of copper, but the inside is coated with tin or silver .
Preparing coffee in such special containers is not difficult if you follow the established procedure .

  • First, the cezve is heated over a fire.
  • Then coffee is poured into it, and it is also slightly warmed up.
  • Sugar and spices are added to the ground coffee beans.
  • From above, the contents of the Turk are filled with cold water.
  • The drink is heated over low heat until a foamy head appears.
  • After this, the cezve is removed from the stove, and the prepared coffee is poured into the cup.

For your information! Connoisseurs of real coffee are sure that only a drink prepared in a Turk can be considered a classic.

How to choose a geyser coffee maker

So we come to the main thing - which geyser coffee maker to choose in order to enjoy a delicious drink every day.

You can find three types of mocks on the market:

  • For gas and electric stoves;
  • For induction cookers;
  • Electrical.

The first option is the most common and budget-friendly.

According to the material, geyser coffee makers can be made from:

  • Of stainless steel;
  • Aluminum;
  • Combined materials, such as glass and metal.

It is impossible to say which geyser coffee maker is better: aluminum or steel. Aluminum is a budget option, perfect for gas and electric stoves, easy to maintain, but does not look as beautiful as a stainless steel coffee maker. “Stainless steel” is more capricious in this matter and requires careful care if you want the surface of the coffee maker to always shine like new.

When it comes to compatibility with induction cooktops, there are both aluminum and steel models that are suitable for induction cooktops. The main thing here is not the material, but the presence of a special induction disc at the base of the coffee maker, which makes it compatible with an induction hob.

If you are faced with a choice: a geyser coffee maker or a Turkish coffee maker, a coffee maker is definitely better - it does not require special knowledge and skills in making coffee, and all the grounds remain in the filter, and not at the bottom of your cup. In addition, in the process of preparing Turkish coffee, you must constantly ensure that the drink does not “run away,” which is not always convenient, especially in the morning when you are in a hurry to get to work.

If we compare which is better, a geyser coffee maker or a French press, then there is no clear answer - it all depends on your taste preferences. A coffee maker produces stronger, richer coffee, but a French press allows you to experiment with a variety of unconventional recipes.

Well, when choosing between a geyser coffee maker and a coffee machine, many choose the latter: it is more convenient to use.

A little history

Coffee as a product has been known for a long time, so it was brewed in every possible way! But in the 19th century, when scientific and technical thought began to flow with various inventions, attention was paid to coffee. At the same time, the principle underlying the geyser coffee maker was invented. And it was invented in 1833 by the Englishman Samuel Parker, if Wikipedia is not deceiving us. And we believe her - someone needs to be trusted.

And in the final version, when boiling water passed through the coffee in the coffee maker only once, it was brought to mind and patented by the Italian Alfonso Bialetti already in 1933 AD.

And they began to call it “Moka Express”, which today, in fact, is synonymous with a geyser coffee maker or Bialetti coffee maker .

Today, Bialetti is already a well-known brand that produces “real” coffee makers.

But since the design of the coffee maker is simple, well-studied and does not hide any secrets, everyone who is interested in it produces it under various brands with a different number of edges, with a different spout, and so on.

And it cannot be said that coffee brewed in “not real” coffee makers tastes significantly different from the original Bialetti. The source material - the quality of the coffee bean, how it was ground, how long it was stored and under what conditions - plays a more significant role here. The better it is, the tastier the coffee will be.

What kind of coffee is needed for a geyser coffee maker?

One of the disadvantages of such a coffee pot is that you need to select the right grain and grind for it. It is best to use freshly ground beans. It is the grinding of coffee for a geyser coffee maker that regulates the strength of the drink. And if previously it was believed that finely ground coffee is the key to a strong and rich drink at the end, then recently research by scientists has proven that coarser and medium grinding allows for maximum coffee extraction and a lasting and deep taste, and also saves money. powder consumption.

If you use store-bought coffee powder, pay attention to special marks: the inscription moka or moka pot means that you are holding in your hands the right coffee for a geyser coffee maker.

Maintenance and repair of a geyser coffee maker

Keeping your moka clean is an absolute rule. And no matter how elementary the process may seem, we will tell you step by step how to clean a geyser coffee maker


  1. Be sure to allow the coffee pot to cool after the last use;
  2. Spin the mocha while holding the body;
  3. Take out the filter and shake out the coffee grounds;
  4. Rinse all parts thoroughly under warm running water. Do not wash the device with abrasive or aggressive chemicals;
  5. Hand wash only; some parts may not be dishwasher safe;
  6. There is no need to clean the inside of the coffee maker until it shines. The coating of coffee oils that remains on the walls protects the drink from a metallic taste and, in principle, improves the taste of the coffee. This is why Italians believe that an old coffee maker always makes coffee taste better;
  7. It is not necessary to remove the sealing gasket with each sink, but you need to make sure that there is no scale, deposits or particles of coffee left on it;
  8. A geyser coffee maker may explode if the emergency valve becomes clogged, so clean it thoroughly from time to time;
  9. Wipe all parts dry. To prevent drops of water from remaining on them, it is better to wipe them additionally with a paper napkin;
  10. Store the moka in a perfectly dry state, whether assembled or disassembled.

If you ignore the recommendation to wipe it dry or leave coffee in the geyser coffee maker, mold may appear in it. Such a “surprise” is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous to health. In this case, use soda: wipe all parts of the coffee pot with soda solution, rinse well and dry them thoroughly. Soda will cope with both the fungus and the characteristic unpleasant odor.

During operation, you may encounter malfunctions of the geyser coffee maker.

. However, don’t worry, there is a solution for each of them.

Geyser coffee maker leaks

This happens when the rubber O-ring gasket between the top and bottom of the coffee pot loses its seal. This part is considered a consumable item and requires replacement every 5 years. After replacement, the coffee maker will stop leaking, and the taste of the coffee will become richer, because with the restoration of tightness, the pressure will become higher.

Water does not rise in the geyser coffee maker

During normal operation of the moki, a small amount of water remaining in the lower reservoir is acceptable. But if there is a lot of water left after making coffee, it indicates a problem. It may be that the coffee powder is ground too finely. It is compacted into a too dense “tablet” and does not allow hot water to pass into the upper compartment. This problem can be solved by selecting the correct grinding, which we talked about earlier. Also, water may not rise well if the structure of the moka is damaged (for example, after it falls). This malfunction cannot be eliminated on your own; you need to contact specialists or even change the coffee pot.

Liquid coffee

A too thin drink with a small concentration of coffee can result if the preparation technology is incorrect. Remember that the consumption of coffee powder for a geyser coffee maker is different from that for a Turk or coffee machine. And stick to the appropriate recipe. A moka has less pressure than a coffee machine, so you need to add more ground coffee to get a thick drink.

Sludge in coffee

Unexpected grounds appearing in moka coffee is a result of using too fine a grind of the coffee beans. Powder particles fall through the filter along with water into the upper compartment. If everything is fine with the grinding, then check the serviceability of the filter. Perhaps it also needed replacement and this is what caused the liquid and suspension in your drink.

Advantages of Turks

A copper cezve decorated with antique patterns looks very stylish. Therefore, they very often try to keep this piece of utensils in plain sight, which is its very first advantage.

Also, the undeniable advantages of the Turks, which cannot be found in a geyser coffee machine, include:

  • Ease and ease of care . As soon as the freshly brewed drink is in the cup, the cezve is filled with water and left in the sink. At the same time, it can be immediately washed and reused.
  • The ability to prepare coffee “infusion” according to any recipe . Lovers of experiments, unusual tastes and just dreamers will definitely appreciate this plus.
  • Possibility of simultaneously preparing coffee for a large number of people . Only thanks to the Turk can a good housewife quickly prepare an invigorating, aromatic drink for herself and all members of her family.

Important! The cezve is also irreplaceable in cases where frequent power outages become constant “companions” of a person.

Disadvantages of Turks

The first and, perhaps, the most important disadvantage of Turks is its quality .
If you purchase a not very well-thought-out piece of utensils, consisting of two halves, you can very quickly split the cezve.


  • This device for brewing coffee beans does not tolerate fuss, haste and inattention . As a result, as soon as you get distracted for a second, the coffee “runs away.”
  • The thick, specific grounds that remain after boiling ground grains are liked only by those who know how to tell fortunes from them. Still, other people experience discomfort when it gets into their mouth.

Attention! The fact of how the cezve is “structured” is also important. For example, a metal handle that is not long enough will bring a lot of additional trouble to its owners.

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