How coffee with milk affects our body: who is useful and who is not?

Spoiler: I refuse coffee with milk, and I have 5 reasons for this

On one of my trips to Cuba, I met the owner of a small coffee plantation. When I asked him what he thought about the classic combination of coffee and Cuban rum, the old man was indignant: “It’s better to throw out my beans right away than mix them with anything! You need to drink coffee in its pure form: grain and water, no additives!” I did not traumatize the tender psyche of the Cuban with stories about my love for coffee with milk (it is now a thing of the past). I'll tell you. At the same time, we’ll figure out whether such a tandem is beneficial, or whether it can be harmful to health. Don’t be shy either – tell us in the comments, do you add additives to your coffee?

coffee with milk

Can I drink coffee with milk?

The answer to this question depends on the environment in the body, more precisely in some of its organs. As for the stomach, there are no problems here. On the contrary, adding milk to a drink is beneficial for it. Complications can occur in the duodenum, in which, after consuming this combination, smooth muscle contraction begins. These contractions can subsequently affect the pancreas, preventing it from functioning properly. This can lead to blockage of the gallbladder and bile ducts with subsequent digestive problems.

If the gallbladder does not work properly, more serious problems may arise, especially in older age, when a person may be bothered by gallstones, diabetes, joint pain and spinal pain.

Have you heard about Chicory? We have described in detail what this coffee drink is and its health benefits

The fact about the harmful effects of coffee with milk is quickly spreading among people. But even here the world is not black and white. Therefore, the truth about the consumption invigorating drink and its effect on the body is also not monotonous. Many experts are of the opposite opinion. In their opinion, the role is played not by the negative consequences of a combination of 2 products , but by lactose intolerance. For a person suffering from an allergy to this milk component, its consumption has an irritating effect.

Important! Some nutritionists recommend adding milk to coffee for people with stomach problems (in particular, those with ulcers). This way the drink will tone , but not irritate the mucous membranes.

Does the type of milk used matter (low-fat, semi-fat, whole, cream )? It's more a matter of taste . The composition of coffee actually triggers the release of neurotransmitters in the brain, which suppresses anxiety. The man relaxes. But if you have problems with the gallbladder, increased sensitivity to fat is present as such. Therefore, if more than the optimal dose of cream (1 tsp) is consumed , an adverse reaction may occur. However, 80% of the population does not have this problem.

Benefits of energizing caffeine

The coffee fruit, like a living laboratory of nature, combines many organic elements. It contains more than thirty organic acids, essential oils, protein, mineral salts, alkaloids (this includes caffeine).

Caffeine gives a tonic effect. A small amount of it excites the nervous system and cerebral cortex.

The overall metabolism improves, breathing increases, blood circulation accelerates, and the vital activity of the whole organism increases.

Calorie content of the drink

No matter how you drink your coffee (without milk, with milk, with or without sugar , with whipped cream and syrup), when you add certain ingredients, the drink becomes a bigger, more insidious calorie bomb than you think. In particular, dairy products and sugar increase the fat and calorie content. For example, a latte (coffee with a large dose of milk) is comparable in energy value to a hamburger!

Turkish coffee:

  • Coffee beans + water.
  • Kcal: practically none.
  • Fat: none.


  • Coffee beans + water + sometimes milk.
  • Kcal: small portion – 11, large – 20 (more when adding sugar, milk).
  • Fat: none (provided no other ingredients are added).


  • Espresso + hot frothed milk.
  • Kcal: small portion – 120, large – 200.
  • Fat: small portion – 6 g, large portion – 10 g.


  • Espresso + hot milk.
  • Kcal: small portion – 200, large – 350.
  • Fat: small portion – 10 g, large portion – 18 g.

Сafé au lait

Europeans began to discover the taste of the coffee drink at the end of the 16th century, and only a century later in Europe the tradition of mixing it with milk appeared.

How beneficial is drinking coffee with milk?

It was started by the French : they became famous for their creative approach to creating culinary recipes.

By mixing brewed coffee with hot milk, they opened the world to a drink that is now known to all coffee gourmets under the name “café au lait” .

What underlay its appearance - the desire to create a healing drink or a banal attempt to get rid of the inherent bitterness of coffee with milk - is unknown.

But the union turned out to be successful .

Properties of coffee and milk for the human body

Do you regularly add milk to your coffee, or do you like cappuccino or latte? Have you heard that this combination can be harmful to your health? Many doctors have noticed that this combination has a negative effect on some patients.

The harm of milk itself

Do you sometimes experience stomach discomfort after drinking coffee and milk? Pay attention to this. Sensitivity to the milk sugar lactose may occur. Unabsorbed lactose causes flatulence, abdominal pain, and impaired bowel movements. When adding low quality coffee powder, problems are guaranteed. The drink may not be processed properly, leading to stomach, duodenal, liver, and intestinal upset.

There are also opinions regarding the connection between consumption of a combination of coffee + milk and the development of cancer. But these assumptions have never been confirmed. None of the food ingredients appear to increase the risk of tumors of the digestive system or other organs.

Is coffee with milk healthy or not?

So what will happen after drinking coffee with milk - harm or benefit ? This is a drink of acidic nature. Therefore, when it enters the duodenum, which has an alkaline environment, this organ reacts with contractions. This can negatively affect the pancreas and gallbladder. Warning signs include spasms in the lumbar spine, constipation, gallstones, pain in large joints, and bloating.

Of course, you don’t have to give up your favorite combination right away. In the absence of these problems, a small amount of milk or whipped cream in your coffee will not harm. But professional baristas warn: do not spoil a quality drink with any additions. The best way for gourmets is to drink it without any additional ingredients.

Reducing the risk of cancer, protecting against disease

Coffee is a popular drink that many people cannot imagine going a day without. It also has many beneficial effects. One cup of drink a day reduces the risk of liver cancer by 15%. Women are less likely to experience dangerous breast cancer. Drinking coffee may also protect against the development of a number of diseases, including diabetes. It contains antioxidants that prevent premature aging of cells, strengthening the resistance of the nervous and immune systems.

Sometimes you can come across the opinion that milk suppresses the effect of caffeine. This is wrong. On the contrary, it has a positive effect on the gastric mucosa and relieves the negative effects of caffeine (especially when consumed in the morning on an empty stomach).

But milk can reduce the effects of several beneficial substances found in coffee. Strong antioxidants, such as chlorogenic acid and related substances, have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, lower blood pressure, and protect against various diseases. Milk has been shown to reduce chlorogenic acid levels by about a quarter.

Important! As already mentioned, small and rarely consumed amounts of milk in coffee are not dangerous . If there are no stomach problems, there is no need to give up your favorite cappuccino.

Black coffee and ulcer

Do you suffer from heartburn after drinking an invigorating drink? Milk can help. It compensates for the relatively low pH of coffee, which can irritate the stomach and cause gastric juice to leak into the esophagus. Drinking black coffee on an empty stomach can even cause stomach ulcers. Therefore, it is recommended to drink it after meals, and the morning with a latte, which protects the gastric mucosa.

But it's important to remember that milk is not water, so it's relatively high in calories. Especially in one piece. Therefore, it should be perceived as a dish, and not just a drink.


Milk undoubtedly softens the characteristic taste of coffee. But does it reduce the effect of polyphenols entering the bloodstream after drinking a cup of the drink that gives energy ? I took up this issue. She conducted extensive research in Switzerland. The goal was to determine the effect of milk on the time it takes for polyphenols to be released from coffee into the blood. Research has also expanded to plant-based milk alternatives. The result was identical - milk (including vegetable milk) does not affect the activity of polyphenols. Accordingly, it does not reduce the antioxidant response associated with these substances.

But what about the stimulating effects of coffee? It is because of them that many people have made drinking the drink a morning ritual. Caffeine invigorates , increases attention, concentration, and energy. It has been shown that adding small amounts of milk can reduce these effects. But this effect is insignificant. Caffeine is absorbed a little slower, therefore, its effect is prolonged.

What is the conclusion? Can I drink coffee with milk ? It has not been scientifically proven that its consumption causes digestive problems in healthy people. They can occur in people with lactose intolerance, an allergy to cow's milk protein. In this case, you can try, for example, soy, rice, almond milk.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the benefits , the combination of natural products can actually have several negative effects on the body. But they are insignificant. So what happens when you add a few milliliters of cream to a drink?

As mentioned above, the effect of a number of beneficial substances, especially antioxidants contained in coffee beans, is reduced. An important antioxidant is chlorogenic acid. Milk reduces its effects by up to 25%.

Particular caution is required for people suffering from high blood pressure. For them, drinking coffee is generally risky, and in some cases completely inappropriate. The drink is not recommended for people with mental health problems. Although caffeine has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, it also has a downside: large amounts of this substance can cause increased heart rate, restlessness, anxiety, and rarely panic attacks. But everything is very individual, each person must test his own limits. The solution is simple - limit the consumption of the invigorating drink.

In association with coffee consumption, an opinion is often expressed about the following property of caffeine - the development of addiction. Regular consumption increases resistance to its effects, which requires increasing the frequency of dosing. Missing the usual dose may result in withdrawal symptoms such as headache, fatigue, irritability (usually these symptoms subside within a few days).

Important! Do not confuse natural coffee with milk with ready-made mixtures (e.g. McCoffee ). They have nothing in common with the original drink, not to mention certain beneficial , especially medicinal properties. to use such alternatives.

Are you wondering if you should give up your favorite combination if you don’t feel any discomfort after consuming it? But the effect occurs only after a longer period of use. It is important to take into account the existing risk of ulcers, constipation, flatulence and even diabetes due to the return of pancreatic fluids into the organ itself. This is the answer to the question why you shouldn’t drink coffee with milk too often.

Additionally, this combination may cause lymphatic problems, leg swelling, flatulence, gynecological discharge, or an inability to lose weight in women.

pregnant to avoid drinking the drink . The harm of coffee with milk for the pregnant woman herself is similar to that indicated above, but it can cause complications in the development of the fetus. In addition, the child may develop a dependence on caffeine, which subsequently manifests itself as sleep problems.

Drinking coffee while breastfeeding is less of a problem than during pregnancy. It is recommended to drink it as long as possible before feeding - to feed the baby no earlier than 3 hours later.

Let's limit ourselves to two servings

The eternal culprit in debates about the dangers and benefits of aromatic drinks - caffeine - can have both a tonic and a depressant effect . To feel invigorated, 1-2 teaspoons of coffee per 120-200 g of water is enough, which corresponds to approximately 0.1-0.2 g of caffeine. Doctors regard 0.3 g of this alkaloid as a one-time dose as risky.

Having drunk more than a couple of servings in a row, soon after the mood rises, a person will experience irritability, nervousness, trembling in the hands, and an increased heart rate.

If this becomes a habit, these symptoms can become chronic.

Find out about the dangers and benefits of tea with ginger, its healing properties and therapeutic effect on the pages of our website!

Did you know that chicory is a caffeine substitute? Read this article about the benefits of instant drinks.

What are the benefits of black tea with milk? You will learn about the properties of this drink in this article:.

How to use it correctly and how much

When to drink coffee is a completely individual matter. But if you consume it, listening to what the experts say, it will provide good concentration during the day and quality soy at night.

When should you drink coffee? Morning is not an ideal time. According to scientists, the first cup should have been drunk between 8:30 and 9:30 am (assuming that the person gets up between 6:00-8:00 am). The next cup can be drunk in the 2nd half of the day (from 13:30 to 17:00). Drink your last coffee between 17:30 and 18:30. It is not advisable to consume a caffeinated drink later - it can become an obstacle to good sleep.

Time to stay awake

A person’s desire to sleep is due to the inhibition of cells in the cerebral cortex. Caffeine interferes with this process. Therefore, morning coffee helps you wake up .

An additional portion of it, drunk in the evening, can lead to insomnia . Although there is confirmed evidence that drinking coffee and milk before bed helps older people who complain of insomnia to fall asleep.

In very weak concentrations, it is also sometimes recommended for children with increased activity.

The digestive system is also susceptible to the drink. After a glass of drink after dinner for dessert, the secretion of gastric juice will increase, the digestion process will be activated, and food will be better absorbed.

How does it affect weight loss?

When following a diet, the type of milk used plays an important role, as it increases the nutritional value of the drink.

First of all, beware of sweetened, whipped cream. When these ingredients are added, a low-energy drink can suddenly become an energy bomb. From an energy point of view, you can add a little low-fat or semi-skimmed milk (maximum 20 ml). Those with a sweet taste can use artificial sweetener.

Important! When losing weight, avoid whole milk, cream, whipped cream, and white sugar.

Coffee cosmetology

Natural coffee is often used in home cosmetology.

To create cosmetics, the grounds formed during the process (without sugar) are usually used. Masks, creams, lotions, for which it serves as a basis, cleanse and tone the skin, and even help fight cellulite.

It’s easy to prepare a nourishing toning mask that deeply cleanses the skin : you need to take 1 dessert spoon of coffee grounds, sugar, full-fat milk and ground cinnamon, a pinch of salt, a little olive, almond or peach oil.

Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained and apply it to the face for 15 minutes, avoiding the areas around the lips and eyes. Then rinse with warm water.

After this procedure, the skin should rest for about an hour.

In this video, watch how to prepare a face scrub at home:

Verdict: Coffee with milk is not harmful to health

So what is the final conclusion? This is not to say that adding milk or herbal alternatives to coffee is harmful to health. It has been shown that this does not affect the antioxidant activity of coffee beans, but, on the other hand, softens the stimulating effect of caffeine and prolongs it. This combination has never been proven to negatively affect digestion or create harmful substances in the body.

Milk can balance the pH level in the stomach, minimizing the irritating effects of acidic coffee. But it is important to be careful about calories, carbohydrates, fats - in excessive quantities, these food components can cause weight gain.


You may notice that coffee drinkers are usually agile and slim. Caffeine promotes weight loss. There are several reasons for this.

Help of coffee with milk during weight loss

Thanks to its invigorating effect, it encourages a person to move and act. At the same time, it suppresses appetite, and after drinking a portion without sugar and milk, which contains only 7 calories, for two or three hours the strong desire to eat something will be absent.

Even a couple of tablespoons of milk (low-fat) and a dessert spoon of sugar will not add many calories. The wasted energy will exceed the received.

Caffeine is a good diuretic . This is one of the components of weight loss drugs.

But at the same time, the body leaves the body with the most important microelements: calcium and magnesium. To avoid serious health problems, they will have to be constantly replenished.

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