Coffee with cardamom: how much to add, how to brew and drink

With a bitter or sweet aftertaste, with the aroma of fallen leaves or the subtle scent of jasmine, tart or delicate - coffee is so different and so beloved. The natural spice cardamom has the ability to make coffee not only tasty, but also healthy.

Cardamom is one of the most expensive and valuable members of the Ginger family. It began to be grown in India, and it was there that the spice gained its widest distribution in cooking and medicine. Cardamom has chosen hot countries as its home, but today it is possible to grow this heat-loving plant at home. The spice gives dishes and drinks an exquisite taste and aroma, saturates them with useful elements and stimulates the improvement of the overall tone of the body.

Coffee with cardamom: feature of the drink

Coffee with cardamom: benefits and harm, best recipes

The positive and negative aspects of coffee with cardamom are made up of the characteristics of each of the ingredients separately. Let's start with coffee. One of its main advantages is its stimulating effect, for which it is worth saying “thank you” to caffeine.

And although this substance helps you wake up, focus and become more productive, some people also experience unpleasant consequences - especially if they overdose. These include insomnia, increased excitability and nausea.

We have already written in detail about the pros and cons of coffee and we recommend reading a separate article on this topic.

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The second ingredient in cardamom coffee is a spice that people have used for centuries both in cooking and as medicine. Originally a common ingredient that found a place in Middle Eastern and Arabic cuisine, cardamom has also gained popularity in the West over time.

Cardamom comes from the seeds of several different plants that belong to the same family as ginger. It has a distinctive flavor that complements both sweet and savory dishes.

People use cardamom seeds in desserts and meat dishes, as well as in drinks such as coffee and tea. What are the health benefits of this spice? Now we will tell you in more detail.

Positive properties of the spice

This seasoning contains many different components that have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. It is very useful to add cardamom to food; it does not lose its benefits when interacting with hot food and drinks.


It contains the following substances:

  • protein,
  • starch,
  • saturated fatty acids,
  • phosphorus,
  • magnesium,
  • calcium,
  • iron,
  • manganese,
  • zinc,
  • ascorbic acid,
  • B vitamins.

Thanks to such rich content, this spice has numerous positive properties. One of its most interesting abilities is to neutralize the effects of caffeine. Thanks to this, those people who are sensitive to this substance can afford to enjoy the drink.

Cardamom has a strong effect on coffee, giving it a refined aroma and unsurpassed taste. But this is not the only effect that he is capable of exerting. Quite often, women who want to lose weight prefer to brew coffee with cardamom.

Coffee with cardamom

The seasoning helps stimulate the digestion process and normalize intestinal function. As a result of consumption, the body’s metabolism is quickly activated and the elimination of toxins and other harmful substances is accelerated. In this regard, the accumulated fat layer is burned much easier and in the shortest possible time. The spice is absolutely safe, as evidenced by the fact that it is often prescribed to women during pregnancy, trying to reduce the manifestations of classic toxicosis.

Ground or instant coffee with cardamom has a whole range of properties that are very beneficial for the human body.

  1. Has a calming effect.
  2. Helps in the treatment of colds.
  3. Effectively fights cough.
  4. Relieves fatigue and tones.
  5. Relieves toothache.
  6. Helps freshen breath.

The drink has strong antiseptic properties, which helps fight oral diseases and relieve inflammation in carious formations. In addition, cardamom has a diaphoretic and expectorant effect, and has a beneficial effect on the human immune system. It is very useful to use it as an additional remedy in the treatment of influenza, bronchitis, and sore throat.

Cardamom in coffee

Cardamom: 7 Health Benefits

Coffee with cardamom: benefits and harm, best recipes

Scientists have conducted several small studies on cardamom, the results of which indicate that it has some positive effects on human health. Although these results are promising, larger and more controlled studies are needed before health professionals can recommend cardamom for the treatment of serious problems.

Helps fight bacteria and germs

One study found that cardamom essential oil was effective in killing several different types of bacteria and fungi. Scientists have suggested that the antibacterial activity of the spice may be due to its ability to damage the cell membrane of certain bacteria.

Cardamom essential oil has shown "antimicrobial activity against almost all microorganisms tested" in a number of other studies, and it has been suggested that the ingredient may be a component of new antimicrobial drugs.

Positive effects for people with metabolic syndrome and diabetes

Metabolic syndrome is a range of health conditions that can lead to heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Among them: obesity; high blood sugar; hypertension; high triglyceride levels; high cholesterol.

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In one animal study, in which researchers put rats on a high-carbohydrate, high-fat diet, rodents that also consumed cardamom powder had lower weight and better cholesterol levels than their counterparts who did not receive the supplement.

A double-blind study found that cardamom may help improve certain biomarkers that can cause inflammation and disease.

This study included women who were overweight or obese, as well as women with prediabetes and high cholesterol. The results showed that participants who took cardamom for eight weeks had lower levels of C-reactive protein, inflammatory proteins and other markers that can cause health problems.

In another study, 83 people with type 2 diabetes were given either green cardamom or a placebo. Those who took cardamom saw improvements in hemoglobin A1C and insulin levels after just 10 weeks.

Improved Heart Health

Coffee with cardamom: benefits and harm, best recipes

Results from a rat study suggest cardamom may help protect against heart attacks. The authors suggest that the spice's antioxidant activity may help improve heart function, but they also note the need for human studies to confirm these findings.

Another study on rats found that cardamom oil may help improve cholesterol levels in rats. Rodents given cardamom had significantly lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels at the end of the eight-week study.

Oral health

While many may think of mint and cinnamon as breath fresheners, people have been using cardamom for this purpose for centuries. Moreover, they did this not only because of the taste of the spice. The secret is that cardamom can help fight bacteria in the mouth, a common cause of bad odor, tooth decay and gum disease.

A recent study found that cardamom seeds may help improve oral health due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The findings suggest that cardamom extract is effective in destroying bacteria that can lead to gum disease or infection.

In a randomized study, participants chewed fennel or cardamom seeds for five minutes. The authors found that chewing any type of seed effectively balances the pH in the mouth, which may help prevent tooth decay.

Liver Health

In Ayurvedic medicine, people use cardamom for its detoxifying properties. Although there is no scientific evidence to support this benefit, cardamom does appear to have some beneficial effects on the liver, which plays a crucial role in eliminating toxins from the body.

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In an animal study, researchers fed rats a high-fat, high-carbohydrate diet and measured certain markers of liver health. After eight weeks, rodents given cardamom had lower levels of liver stress than animals that did not eat it. This discovery suggests that cardamom may help protect the liver from certain types of damage.

Antitumor properties

Coffee with cardamom: benefits and harm, best recipes

Cardamom contains natural phytochemicals that may be able to fight diseases such as cancer. Of course, this does not mean that this spice can replace a full-fledged cancer treatment, but some studies confirm that cardamom may have anti-cancer properties.

One study found that giving mice cardamom supplements for 15 days resulted in a reduction in the size and weight of their malignant tumors.

Prevention of peptic ulcers

Like ginger, its cousin cardamom can help with digestive ailments. Some people use spices to make tea to soothe their stomach. It may also be useful in protecting the stomach from ulcers.

In a recent study, scientists induced stomach ulcers in rats by giving them large doses of aspirin. They then introduced cardamom extract into the diet of some rodents to see how it affected their ulcers. Rats that ate food with this supplement had fewer ulcers than animals that did not receive it.

In another scientific experiment, the authors found that cardamom extract combined with turmeric and sembung leaves helped protect rats from stomach ulcers.

How to select and store coffee

Coffee is produced from the fruits of Robusta and Arabica, two varieties of the coffee tree. The choice of one type of grain or another is based on individual preferences.

How to select and store coffee

Arabica is characterized by a rich sweet and sour flavor with hints of bitterness. The plant is very capricious in breeding, and the grains of this variety can be distinguished by their elongated shape.

Robusta trees are less demanding in terms of growing conditions; they can withstand temperature changes and weather vagaries. This type of coffee can be distinguished by its round-shaped beans; they contain more caffeine and their taste is bitter.

100% Arabica is considered the most elite, however, the same variety grown on different continents, under different weather conditions, can differ significantly in taste.

When choosing coffee in a store, it is important to pay attention to the packaging. Access to oxygen and light inside the pack mercilessly destroys the taste of the future drink. Coffee connoisseurs under no circumstances buy beans by weight. High-quality packaging is made of foil in three layers and is equipped with a valve, which is designed to allow carbon dioxide to escape from the pack.

An important criterion when choosing coffee is the degree of roasting. This indicator is influenced by the amount of essential oils contained in the grains. The indicator can be found on the packaging - it is designated by numbers (from 1 to 5) in increasing order of degree of roasting. When choosing, you should take into account that after processing, the grains retain their aroma for 30 days, so you should pay attention to the date.

Whole beans best retain the taste and aroma of the future drink, while ground coffee loses most of its organoleptic qualities almost immediately after grinding. Fine espresso is considered ideal for preparing a drink from ground raw materials, and the coarsest and cheapest raw material is coarsely ground coffee, which is ground for 10 seconds.

It is not uncommon to find watered down coffee. The ground product can be checked at home for the presence of foreign impurities. To do this you need to place 0.5 tsp. purchased coffee in a glass of cold water. A counterfeit product will give the liquid a brown tint, but real coffee will not release pigment until heat treatment.

When choosing a spice for preparing a coffee drink, you should also pay attention to the quality of the product. Whole grains without damage, with a persistent spicy aroma, can be used for cooking. If there are notes of mold in the smell, and the grain shell is interspersed or chipped, it is better to avoid such a product. Ground cardamom, packaged in separate packages, makes consumer choice easier. It can be immediately used to prepare aromatic coffee.

Coffee storage

Coffee beans are a delicate product that requires individual storage conditions. Even a small amount of air can ruin the taste of the drink.

If storage conditions are not observed, coffee beans absorb moisture from the environment and after a short period of time become unsuitable for preparation. In addition, coffee can lose its aroma and taste due to the evaporation of essential oils and absorb foreign odors. Such a product will unpleasantly surprise you with an aftertaste mixed with third-party aromas.

Foil or vacuum packaging is most suitable for storing coffee beans. The product can be stored in an airtight container for about a year and should be used within 3 weeks once the package is opened. These are terms for rooms with an average temperature of 22°C and normal air humidity. Glass jars with a tight-fitting lid are also suitable for storing coffee.

Coffee beans can be frozen. Vacuum packaging is suitable for this. Freezing should be done in small portions, placing containers in the freezer. Once defrosted and ground, this coffee is not suitable for storage and should be consumed immediately.


how to choose the best coffee Expand

Risks and Side Effects of Drinking Cardamom Coffee

Coffee with cardamom: benefits and harm, best recipes

There are no reported risks of using cardamom in cooking or any known side effects of this spice. Using cardamom as a spice and flavoring is safe for most people.

However, you should not overuse this spice, since in large doses it can cause respiratory allergic reactions.

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How much cardamom to add to coffee? Go by your taste, or use the tips from the oriental coffee recipes that await you below.

Contraindications and potential harm

If not brewed correctly, cardamom coffee can be harmful to health. It cannot be used:

  1. Pregnant women.
  2. While breastfeeding.
  3. Hypertensive patients.
  4. Children under 12 years old.
  5. Persons prone to allergic manifestations.
  6. People with unstable mental health.

Abuse is contraindicated for everyone without exception. If you drink it 2 hours before bedtime, it will lead to insomnia. Therefore, in order to fall asleep normally at night, it is recommended to drink cardamom coffee in the first half of the day.

Also, gastroenterologist patients suffering from a pathological condition of the gastric mucosa will have to refuse this drink. In their case, drinking coffee can lead to an exacerbation of pain.

stomach ache

A large amount of cardamom in the body will lead to dehydration. The main symptom of this condition is intense thirst. Therefore, in order to prevent the occurrence of health problems, while still pleasing yourself with delicious spicy coffee, you need to consume it in reasonable quantities.

Oriental coffee with cardamom in Turk

Coffee with cardamom: benefits and harm, best recipes


  • 1 tablespoon of ground coffee beans;
  • ¼ teaspoon chopped cardamom;
  • 150 ml cool water.

How to cook

Place all the ingredients in a Turk and simmer the drink over low heat. Skim off any foam that has formed and bring the coffee to a boil again. Strain the drink into a mug and add milk and sugar to taste.

A little about cardamom

Cardamom and ginger are related plants. It is more common in Asia and the Middle East than in Europe. There are several varieties that are grown in different countries and continents. They are usually distinguished by the color of the seed pod.

For example, in India, where most cardamom is grown, the black variety is most often used, in Southeast Asia - green, and in Europe - white or silver. To get the maximum effect from the spice, you need to buy a box of seeds and open it before use. Ground cardamom will no longer have maximum flavor and aroma.

Alternative recipe for oriental coffee with cinnamon and cardamom

Coffee with cardamom: benefits and harm, best recipes


  • 1 tablespoon ground coffee;
  • ½ glass of water;
  • 2 cardamom seeds;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • a pinch of vanilla.

How to cook

Heat the Turk and add dry ingredients into it. Now add water. Bring the drink to a boil over low heat and add sugar.

Tricks and useful life hacks for making Turkish coffee can be learned from a separate material.

  • Bar How to brew Turkish coffee correctly: step-by-step instructions and secrets of a delicious drink

Composition and calorie content

Overall, the flavored drink is low in calories. At the same time, it contains a whole bunch of nutrients. There are 311 kcal per 100 g of cardamom. It is rich in B vitamins (B1, B2, PP, B6), C, as well as macro- and microelements such as calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, zinc.

There are only 2 kcal per 100 g of coffee, and without added sugar or milk, this drink fits perfectly into a low-calorie diet. Coffee contains residual amounts of proteins and carbohydrates (0.2 and 0.3 g, respectively).

Drink serving rules

The right coffee deserves the right cup. It must be heated, made of porcelain - this material conducts heat much better than ceramics, so it heats up faster and retains heat longer. A warm cup is very important - it ensures that the aroma of the drink is preserved.

The shape of the cup also plays a role. Ideal conical shape. Imagine the aroma coming from the very bottom, sliding along the edges of the cup and finally, thanks to its round shape, meeting in the middle above the coffee - exactly where you smell it on the tip of your nose.

It is correct to serve a glass of still water with coffee. Not from replenishing the body with fluids, because “coffee dehydrates.” Water is supplied to rinse the taste buds before drinking the drink to maximize its taste.

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