Doctors urge you to give up the habit of drinking coffee on an empty stomach

Coffee is such a popular drink that its consumption level is second only to water in some countries.

Not only does the caffeine in coffee help you feel less tired and more alert, it can also improve your mood, brain function and exercise. It may also promote weight loss and protect against diseases such as type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and heart disease.

Many people like to drink coffee in the morning. However, some claim that consuming it on an empty stomach may be harmful to your health.

This article discusses whether you should drink coffee on an empty stomach.

Does it cause digestive problems?

Research shows that the bitterness of coffee can stimulate the production of stomach acid.

Thus, many people believe that coffee irritates the stomach, exhibits symptoms of intestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and causes heartburn, ulcers, nausea, acid reflux, and indigestion.

Some believe that drinking a cup of coffee on an empty stomach is especially harmful because there is no other food to prevent damage to the stomach lining.

However, research can't find a strong link between coffee and digestive problems—regardless of whether you drink it on an empty stomach.

While a small proportion of people are extremely sensitive to coffee and regularly experience heartburn, vomiting, or stomach upset, the frequency and severity of these symptoms remain consistent whether they drink coffee on an empty stomach or with food.

However, it is important to pay attention to how your body reacts. If you experience digestive problems after drinking coffee on an empty stomach but not when drinking it with meals, consider adjusting your intake.

Conclusion: Coffee increases stomach acid production but does not seem to cause digestive problems in most people. Therefore, drinking it on an empty stomach is completely normal.

Is it possible to drink coffee on an empty stomach?

If you're one of those people who can't start the day without the aromatic ritual of morning coffee, you've probably heard countless times that drinking coffee before your first morning meal is not good for your stomach. But is there any truth to this, and does the scientific community agree with this thesis? Read below.

Coffee on an empty stomach: benefit or harm?

It is one of the most popular drinks around the world, right after water. Beyond the smell of your first morning coffee, its benefits are numerous. Today, caffeine is the most commonly used stimulant and has many beneficial effects on the body. Thus, caffeine makes you more alert and focused, and may also have the effect of increasing energy levels. Additionally, scientific studies have shown that coffee can improve other cognitive functions such as memory, mood, wakefulness , but also reduce reaction time.

Because caffeine increases metabolism, it is often associated with easier weight loss and greater athletic performance. By stimulating the nervous system, caffeine increases the availability of fat stores as an energy source, which leads to outstanding athletic performance, but also makes it easier to shed unwanted extra pounds.

Why do most people believe that drinking coffee on an empty stomach can be harmful to your health??

Research shows that the bittering agents in coffee can stimulate increased stomach acid production, which is why many believe that coffee irritates the stomach lining, causing heartburn, nausea, and can worsen the symptoms of various digestive diseases and disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome.

People argue that drinking coffee on an empty stomach is especially harmful because there are no other foods in the stomach to prevent the acid from coffee from acting on the stomach lining. However, scientists have not yet found convincing evidence of a link between drinking coffee on an empty stomach and indigestion.

A small number of people are extremely sensitive to even the smallest amount of coffee, so they react quite violently. Symptoms include heartburn, abdominal pain and even vomiting. Such people are advised to avoid drinking coffee altogether, since the symptoms are the same whether they drink coffee on a full or empty stomach.

The most important thing is to listen to your body and pay attention to how it reacts to certain foods, including coffee. If you experience indigestion after drinking coffee on an empty stomach, but don't see any symptoms when you drink coffee after breakfast, listen to the signals your body is sending you and adapt to them.

The effect of coffee on the level of “stress hormones”

One of the main arguments against drinking coffee on an empty stomach is the effect of coffee on the amount of the “stress hormone” called cortisol. It has been nicknamed the " stress hormone " due to its increased secretion in stressful situations. With everyone leading a hectic and stressful lifestyle these days, it is no surprise that more and more people have chronically elevated cortisol levels, which can lead to various disorders and diseases such as thyroid problems, diabetes, high blood pressure or obesity.

Interestingly, coffee stimulates the formation of cortisol, but its concentration does not increase significantly in people who drink coffee regularly. Likewise, insufficient research supports that drinking coffee after meals may have the effect of reducing cortisol secretion. Indeed, if you drink coffee infrequently or occasionally, the random increase in cortisol levels is short-lived and does not have long-term negative effects on health.

Potentially negative effects of drinking coffee

Whether you drink coffee on an empty stomach or only when you eat something, coffee has its downsides. Caffeine is addictive and some people may be particularly sensitive. This reaction is caused by the effect of coffee on changing the chemical composition of the brain, which nevertheless requires more of this drink.

Drinking too much coffee can also contribute to feelings of anxiety, increased heart rate, headaches, and may also increase blood pressure. However, there is still no scientific evidence that drinking coffee on an empty stomach increases the frequency or severity of these side effects.

Likewise, the last coffee of the day should not be consumed in the afternoon due to the effects of caffeine, which can last up to 7 hours after consumption.

It's important to note that caffeine crosses the placenta and can take effect for up to 16 hours after consumption. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to reduce their intake of caffeinated beverages to 200 mg or one to two cups.

Finally, when is it time for your first coffee?

Many people like to start their day with a big cup of coffee. Despite persistent advice from laypeople, the scientific community has no conclusive evidence that drinking coffee on an empty stomach is harmful. In fact, consuming coffee has the same effect on the body whether you drink it on an empty stomach or after a meal.

It is important to listen to your body, which sends you clear signals if it doesn’t like something. Therefore, if you do not experience indigestion after drinking coffee on an empty stomach, try it.

Coffee or Guarana?

Few people know about such a product as Guarana. Guarana is a plant that is eaten as a tonic. Guarana provides a longer release of caffeine than a cup of coffee. That is, after taking guarana you will feel cheerful for a long time. It is also very convenient to take Guarana as dietary supplements; it is also produced in liquid concentrate; just drink 25 ml of the drink and you will be provided with an energy boost for the whole day.

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Does it increase stress hormone levels?

Another common argument is that drinking coffee on an empty stomach can increase levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Cortisol is produced by your adrenal glands and helps regulate your metabolism, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. However, chronically excessive levels can cause health problems including bone loss, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Cortisol levels typically peak around the time you wake up, decline throughout the day, and peak again in the early stages of sleep.

Interestingly, coffee stimulates the production of cortisol. Thus, some people argue that drinking it first thing in the morning when cortisol levels are already high can be dangerous.

However, cortisol production in response to coffee appears to be much lower among people who drink it regularly, and some studies show no increase in cortisol levels. Additionally, there is little evidence that drinking coffee on a full stomach reduces this effect.

Moreover, even if you don't drink it often, any increase in cortisol levels will be short-lived.

There is no reason to believe that such a short peak will lead to long-term health complications.

In short, the negative effects of chronically high levels of this hormone are more likely to be caused by a health disorder such as Cushing's syndrome than by drinking coffee.

Conclusion: Coffee may cause a temporary increase in levels of the stress hormone cortisol. However, it is unlikely to cause health problems, whether you drink coffee on an empty stomach or with food.

Is there any benefit?

Despite the contraindications, the drink has benefits. According to Solomatina, to cheer up, it is better to choose coffee rather than energy drinks.

“Energy drinks contain sugar and soda, and coffee is associated with other ingredients. It tones for quite a long time, but acts gently. <…> Toning from coffee is due to the action of caffeine, and then coffee, on the contrary, begins to soothe: first the blood vessels narrow, and then, on the contrary, they expand,” the nutritionist explained.

To get the maximum beneficial properties from the drink, you need to drink it correctly. Coffee should not be mixed with sugar or milk in large quantities. This is explained by the fact that combinations with milk protein are more difficult to digest, and sugar is absorbed faster. However, if you need to quickly get yourself back to normal, then you don’t have to give up sweet coffee.

Coffee drinks are not contraindicated for those who are on a diet. Nutritionist Elena Solomatina explained that coffee speeds up metabolic processes in the body and helps cope with loss of strength. But there are some nuances here.

“You need to remember that coffee is a diuretic, so you need to increase the amount of water you drink after it,” the expert added.

Other potential side effects

Coffee can also have several negative side effects, regardless of whether you drink it on an empty stomach.

For example, caffeine can be addictive, and some people's genetics may make them especially sensitive to it.

This is because drinking coffee regularly can change your brain chemistry, requiring gradually increasing amounts of caffeine to produce the same effects.

Drinking too much coffee can lead to anxiety, increased heart rate, and increased panic attacks. It can even lead to headaches, migraines and high blood pressure in some people.

For this reason, most experts agree that you should limit your caffeine intake to 400 mg per day, which is the equivalent of 4 to 5 cups (0.95 to 1.12 liters) of coffee.

Since the effects of caffeine can last up to 7 hours in adults, coffee can also disrupt your sleep, especially if you drink it later in the day.

Finally, caffeine can easily cross the placenta and its effects can last up to 16 hours longer than usual in pregnant women and their babies. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to limit their coffee consumption to 1-2 cups (240-480 ml) per day.

Keep in mind that drinking coffee on an empty stomach does not seem to affect the strength or frequency of these effects.

Bottom Line: Drinking too much coffee can cause anxiety, migraines, and poor sleep. However, there is no evidence that taking it on an empty stomach affects the frequency or severity of these side effects.

What about losing weight?

Even in this case, you should not drink coffee and tea on an empty stomach. Although regularly drinking coffee on an empty stomach suppresses your appetite and makes you feel full, it's important to remember that it can do more harm than good. In this case, the end should not justify the means, and the price for a beautiful figure should not be health.


To lose weight, you can drink coffee such as espresso (a small mug of strong black coffee). Caffeine acts as a catalyst that helps food, such as a hearty lunch, be better absorbed. But again, you should not drink it on an empty stomach.

Wake up and shine: how to replace morning coffee for vigor?
Wake up and shine: how to replace morning coffee for vigor?

Bottom line

Many people enjoy coffee first thing in the morning before they eat.

Despite persistent myths, there is little scientific evidence that drinking it on an empty stomach is harmful. It likely has the same effects on your body no matter how you consume it.

However, if you have digestive problems when drinking coffee on an empty stomach, try drinking it with food instead. If you notice an improvement, it may be best to adjust your routine.

What drinks are best to start the day with?

It is best from water - warm or hot, from 38 to 50 degrees. This is how the “inner shower” takes place. Here we can draw an analogy with dirty dishes that we wash with hot water so that the dirt comes off better. It’s the same with the body - we give ourselves such a “hot shower” to cleanse the body and start all the important metabolic processes.


You can drink water with lemon, with mint or without anything - it all depends on how the body perceives it (if there is no heartburn or problems with acidity levels) and what you like best.

In general, the habit of starting your morning with a glass of warm water can have a great impact on your well-being. See the “Championship” video for more details.

Types and varieties of coffee: Arabica and Robusta

There are two most popular types of coffee: Arabica and Robusta, while there are more than a hundred varieties.


  • the most common type of coffee
  • has a milder taste, slight sourness and strong aroma
  • contains about 18% oils and 1-1.5% caffeine

Arabica coffee treecoffee tree

  • characterized by a coarser aftertaste and astringent aftertaste
  • contains about 9% oils and up to 3% caffeine
  • often used in the preparation of instant coffee
  • Usually, due to the bitter taste, they are not consumed in their pure form, but mixed with Arabica in different proportions.
  • inferior in popularity to Arabica due to its specific taste
  • The caffeine content of Robusta is twice that of Arabica

Robusta coffee beansRobusta coffee beans
In addition to these types, there are also Liberica and Excelsa coffees, which are similar in taste to Robusta and are used to create blends. The taste, smell and chemical composition of coffee, including the amount of caffeine, is determined by the climate, the soil of the coffee trees and other factors. , the diversity of which determines the presence of a large number of coffee varieties.

Some of them:

  • Santos, Victoria, Conilon (Brazil)
  • Colombia
  • Ethiopian Arabica Harar
  • Arabica Mysore (India)
  • Tapanchula, Maragogip (Mexico)
  • Mandeling, Lintong (Indonesia)
  • Arabien Mocha (Yemen)
  • Nicaragua Maragojit et al.

Different types of coffee
different types of coffee

How does coffee affect the human body?

The effect that coffee has on the human body consists of the actions of its individual components. Therefore, first you should look into the chemical composition of this drink.

Raw coffee beans
raw coffee beans

Raw coffee beans contain:

  • proteins, fats and carbohydrates
  • alkaloids (trigonelline and caffeine)
  • acids (chlorogenic, quinic, citric, caffeic, oxalic, etc.)
  • tannins
  • ral salts and microelements (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, nitrogen, etc.)
  • vita
  • essential oils
  • water

During roasting, the proportions of elements contained in the grain change, and new compounds are formed (for example, Vita PP). Depending on the type of coffee beans and the degree of roasting, the composition of the drink also differs.

  • Caffeine is known for its properties of stimulating the nervous system, increasing productivity, boosting energy, reducing physical fatigue and drowsiness. Caffeine is also accused of causing addiction and addiction.

Coffee beans
coffee beans

  • Trigonelline In the process of roasting beans, trigonelline participates in the formation of the multicomponent substance kafeol, which gives coffee its characteristic taste and aroma. In addition, when fried, trigonelline releases nicotinic acid (vitaPP or B3), which improves microcirculation, reduces cholesterol levels, etc.
  • Chlorogenic acid is present in various plants, but coffee has the highest concentration of this acid. The beneficial properties of chlorogenic acid include improving nitrogen metabolism. In addition, the acids contained in coffee help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Chlorogenic acid imparts an astringent flavor to coffee.
  • VitaR Strengthens the walls of capillary vessels. One cup of coffee contains approximately one fifth of the daily requirement for this vitamin.
  • Essential oils have an antiseptic effect and participate in the formation of the attractive aroma of coffee.
  • Tannins (tannins) have a beneficial effect on digestion and give coffee a bitter aftertaste.

What is the best coffee to drink for breakfast?

Good morning is hard to imagine without an invigorating cup of coffee.
In order for the tonic effect of caffeine not to fall like an avalanche on the nervous system awakening from sleep, but to act gently and sparingly, the coffee should be light, and the breakfast should be healthy, balanced and moderately satisfying, energizing for a long time. For morning coffee drinking, it is better to choose light or medium roast coffee - these can be beans that you grind yourself before preparing, or ready-made ground coffee. We chose Paulig Presidentti Original, made from a blend of 100% Arabica beans from South and Central America. Thanks to the medium degree of roasting, it has a harmonious, rich taste with light blackcurrant notes and is very gastronomic - it’s easy to choose breakfast dishes for it.

Coffee replacement

For those who are indifferent to coffee but want to tone themselves up, there are alternative options. Elena Solomatina reminded us that you can choose tea, both black and green. The latter contains theanine.

“He works well when you need to concentrate. The brain begins to work better, and we do not feel overexcited. Green tea helps you concentrate,” the nutritionist assured.

The choice is not limited to one tea. Daria Rusakova reminded that cocoa and chicory will also help to cheer up.

Making breakfast and coffee

There are several options for making morning coffee. Ground grains can be brewed directly in a cup or French press - at the rate of 3-5 teaspoons per 200 ml of boiling water. Or you can use a drip coffee maker or any of the alternative brewing methods - pour over, Chemex. These technologies are based on a special design: a funnel with a filter through which hot water is poured. The pour-over method involves installing a funnel on a coffee pot or cup, and the Chemex has its own lower glass flask.

These gentle brewing methods allow you to get a cup of aromatic coffee and enjoy a blend that many people worked on to create. By the way, all products in the Paulig Presidentti line are marked with the symbol of the international organization UTZ - this means that the coffee was grown in compliance with all principles of sustainable development.

You can make various coffee drinks based on black coffee - a light cappuccino or a stronger and richer flat white would be good in the morning - we prepared just that, with lush foam from coconut milk. To pair with it, we fried aromatic croutons from Borodino bread, with salmon and butter, adding freshness and tenderness. Perfect coffee morning!

Unsweetened French toast from Borodino bread with smoked salmon and egg in a bag

Ingredients (for 2 servings)

  • 3 large eggs
  • 4 slices smoked salmon (salmon or trout)
  • 100 ml cream 20% fat
  • 4 pieces of Borodino bread
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter
  • salt, freshly ground black pepper
  • handful of fresh mini spinach

Step-by-step cooking recipe

1. Beat 1 egg with cream and a pinch of salt until smooth. Dip pieces of bread on both sides into this mixture until the crumb is soaked.

2. Fry the croutons in a large frying pan in butter on both sides until golden brown.

3. At the same time, boil the eggs in a bag, 6 minutes. Cool in cold water, 1 minute. and peel very carefully and cut in half.

4. Place toast on plates and top with mini spinach, eggs and salmon slices. Serve immediately.

What is a coffee bean?

Until the 12th century, coffee beans were not brewed. They were simply ground and mixed with cheese or cottage cheese (rolled into balls) and eaten. They began to dry, fry, grind and brew a drink from grains only in the 13th-14th centuries. And the first coffee shop was opened in Turkey (in Istanbul) in 1555.

In principle, all coffee beans used in the food industry can be divided into two main and most common types, and they are named after the coffee trees from which they are collected. These are Arabica (Arabian) and Robusta (Congolese). It is from these varieties that 98% of the world's coffee is produced. The remaining 2% comes from Liberica, Arabusta and Excelsa.

Coffee beans contain substances beneficial to the human body such as:

  • calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium;
  • acids – organic and fatty;
  • serotonin;
  • polyphenols;
  • disaccharides, monosaccharides, dietary fiber and ash;
  • theophylline, theobromine, caffeine - alkaloids that stimulate the nervous system and cardiac activity;
  • vitamins E, B2 and B1, PP.

In the 20th century, more than 220 components of the so-called caféol, an oil that gives the drink its unique aroma, were isolated from coffee beans. Many people believe that coffee is a very high-calorie product. But it must be said that its calories depend on the variety, the method of processing the grains and whether there are additives in it. On average, this figure varies from 100 to 110 kcal per 100 g of ground coffee.

The effect of coffee on the human body

Modern scientists, thanks to research and collection of information, have come to the unequivocal conclusion that the benefits of coffee for the human body are much greater than the harm. And if it is consumed in reasonable quantities, it will not only lead to an increase in life expectancy, but will also have a positive effect on the functioning of the muscles, nervous system, heart, blood vessels, brain and gastrointestinal tract.

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