Coffee with cream - calories, recipes, benefits and harms

Many people add cream to coffee. Compared to milk, they are much healthier, as they contain vitamins and fats that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. In addition, they make the taste of the drink softer and more delicate. Unlike milk, creamy products do not remove the antioxidants found in coffee beans. They are usually added less than milk, so it is more economical, and at the same time, the calorie content of coffee with cream is comparable to the energy value of many drinks made from milk. In general, a complete benefit.

Coffee with cream - calories with and without sugar

Calorie content of coffee with cream

Coffee is not a high-calorie product, but when dairy products and sugar are added, the calorie content increases dramatically. Therefore, you must be aware of how the fat content of cream and its volume affect the energy value of the drink.

Calories are calculated for 150 ml coffee with the addition of 15 ml of cream. Drink without sugar.

Cream fat contentEnergy value of cream (per 100 g)Energy value of coffee with cream (without sugar)
10%118 kcal21 kcal
15%160 kcal27 kcal
20%205 kcal34 kcal
30%293 kcal47 kcal
35%335 kcal53 kcal

What is the lowest calorie coffee?

Black coffee is a diet drink. Its popular variants are espresso, Americano and ristretto. The calorie content of a cup of any of them is only 4 kcal. Per 100 grams of prepared instant drink there is no more than 2 kcal. This is true for any version of the product without any additives. The latter greatly influence the nutritional value of the product. With the addition of sugar, milk or cream to a mug, the amount of fats and carbohydrates in the product increases rapidly. This drink is no longer low-calorie.

How to brew coffee with cream in a Turk?

Coffee brewed in a Turkish coffee pot can not only give you energy in the morning, but also a good mood. The aroma and excellent taste of coffee brewed in a Turk with cream is almost impossible to resist. However, some people brew it incorrectly, which leads to the loss of certain taste qualities of the drink. It is also worth noting that filtered water always makes the taste more “clean”. In addition, it is better to prepare finely ground coffee in a Turk, since in this case the foam rises faster and it gives all its best qualities to the water.


– finely ground coffee – 2 teaspoons; — liquid cream – 20 ml; - whipped cream - 1 tbsp. spoon; – water – 150 ml; - sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

This set of ingredients will be needed to prepare a soft, delicate and very tasty drink. So, how to brew Turkish coffee with cream? First, heat the ground coffee in a Turk. Now, using a filter, we filter the water and only then pour it into the Turk. Then we wait for the first boil. We do not remove the Turk from the heat and wait for the second boil; if desired, you can wait for the third boil. Remove from heat.

After this, we add liquid cream to our aromatic coffee, the amount at our own discretion (the more, the softer the taste of the coffee). If you like sweet drinks, then you can add sugar to the cup (the amount to your taste). To give coffee with cream a complete look, squeeze out a little whipped cream from the aerosol. It is best to squeeze them out when the drink has cooled a little or just before serving, as the cream can quickly “fall off”.

Thanks to its characteristic creamy taste, this coffee can be served with a piece of delicious Napoleon, cottage cheese cakes, chocolates or cookies. Before serving Turkish coffee, it is recommended to pour boiling water into the cups to warm them up.

Calorie content of coffee served in restaurants and fast food chains

An excellent end to lunch or dinner in a cafe is a cup of coffee. Modern fast food chains offer it in a wide range. At Costa Coffee you can try not only traditional espresso, but also a stronger version of the drink without additives - ristretto, containing only 20 ml of water. The nutritional value of both is 4 kcal.

At Coffee House you can order a large glass (470 ml) of aromatic drink with milk. It will contain 207 units. energy. At the visitor's request, a latte with syrup is also prepared - the calorie content of the product in this case will be even greater.

The Cofix coffee chain offers a latte with caramel syrup. 100 g of this product contains 90 kcal.

A serving of KFS cappuccino (300 ml) contains 147 units. energy.

However, the leader in nutrient content is the refreshing coffee drink Frappuccino, popular in establishments in Europe and America. A mixture of strong coffee, milk, sweet syrup and ice is served in a large glass (500 ml). This serving contains 43 g of carbohydrates, 10 g of protein and fat. The nutritional value of the dessert is almost 300 kcal.

Black coffee with cream and protein cream

Strong, finely ground coffee, diluted with cream and protein cream, has a very interesting and slightly unusual taste. Many people are accustomed to coffee or coffee drinks with aerosol cream, but this recipe uses liquid cream and a very delicate cream that looks like a weightless cloud. I suggest you try this drink. You will definitely like it!


— finely ground coffee — 1 heaped teaspoon; - white of 1 chicken egg; - a pinch of citric acid; - sugar - 2 teaspoons (for cream), and if you like sweet coffee, then another 1-2 tablespoons; - cream - 10 ml.

Cooking method:

Let's start. This coffee is quite easy to prepare. You can brew it in several ways: in a pot or directly in a cup. I chose the second method. Pour the required amount of freshly ground coffee into a cup (both pure Robusta variety and its mixture with Arabica, etc. are suitable), pour in a small amount of boiling water. And after 5 minutes add the required amount of water. While the coffee is brewing, you need to start preparing the protein cream. By the way, it can also be prepared in two ways - by hand or in a food processor. I decided not to turn on the processor for 1 egg white, so I beat it with sugar by hand for about 5 minutes. During the whipping process, I added a pinch of citric acid to the protein, which turned out to be a very tasty cream with a slight sourness. Let's get back to coffee. Pour cream into it. And spoon the whipped white cream on top. Garnish with chocolate chips or ground cinnamon. Black coffee with cream and protein cream is ready! It can be served as a standalone drink or with additives in the form of biscotti, sweets, croissants and other delicacies that are so pleasant to enjoy in the morning.

Brief characteristics of coffee

There are many myths surrounding the drink. The result of numerous scientific studies devoted to its properties often leads to opposite conclusions.

Beneficial features

Major medical studies conducted over the past decade point to coffee's ability to reduce the risk of developing diseases such as coronary heart disease and heart failure. The substances contained in its grain have a tonic effect on the heart and blood vessels. We are talking about moderate consumption of natural coffee.

The drink improves glucose metabolism and insulin secretion. This allows us to consider the product as a means of preventing diabetes.

According to some researchers, caffeine maintains a person’s cognitive abilities at a high level and helps reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Reasonable consumption of an aromatic drink has a positive effect on mental health and mood due to its effect on the activity of serotonin and dopamine, the hormones of happiness and pleasure. The positive effect of its use can be considered long-term, since the product has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

BZHU and chemical composition

The biological value of coffee is assessed taking into account the nutrients it contains. Raw grains are rich in non-synthesized amino acids, proteins, and fats. The product collected from the tree contains more than 60% carbohydrates (polysaccharides and fiber), but during the process of roasting the beans, they are transformed into substances that form the taste of coffee and its aroma, without affecting the calorie content of the drink. Fats account for from 9.4 to 18%, proteins account for from 9 to 19%.

Chemical composition
The chemical composition of coffee includes caffeine and tannins.

The chemical composition of coffee should also include:

  • tannins - organic substances that give the product astringency and bitterness;
  • trigonelline is an alkaloid responsible for the taste and aroma of the drink;
  • chlorogenic acid - a substance due to which the product acquires astringency;
  • caffeine is an alkaloid that has no taste or odor, but has an effect on the central nervous system.

The last of these components was originally obtained from coffee beans, which led to its name. The tonic effect, increased mental and physical performance - these are the properties of the drink, which it owes exclusively to caffeine.

In accordance with modern requirements, the product must contain at least 0.7% of this alkaloid. This figure depends on the degree of maturity of the grains and the technology for their subsequent roasting. If the indicator is met, 1 tsp. freshly ground coffee contains up to 0.2 g of alkaloid. This is enough to get the promised tonic effect, which will last up to 4 hours.

Repeated consumption of coffee during this period is not recommended, otherwise the positive effect will be transformed into a negative one.

A person will experience sleep disturbances, increased excitability, and rapid heartbeat.

Harm and contraindications for use

The beneficial properties of coffee drinks appear with moderate consumption. Regular intake of more than 1000 mg of caffeine leads to the formation of addiction, similar to alcohol or drugs.

Contraindications for use
The drink is contraindicated during pregnancy.

In some cases, coffee consumption should be controlled, and in some diseases and conditions the drink is completely contraindicated:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding. The caffeine contained in the product penetrates the fetoplacental barrier and can cause pathologies or even fetal death. The expectant mother should refrain from drinking coffee. Doctors give the same recommendation to nursing women: the alkaloid passes into breast milk and negatively affects all vital systems of the baby.
  2. Childhood. Caffeine can cause delays in the growth and development of a child and provoke the occurrence of cardiovascular pathologies. The age at which children can drink coffee is 13-15 years.
  3. Sleep disturbance in any form. Drinking the drink stimulates the activity of all systems of the human body and increases alertness. The effects of caffeine last for several hours.
  4. Mental disorders (various forms of neuroses, panic attacks, etc.). If you consume large doses of caffeine, the body produces an excess amount of adrenaline, which increases the manifestations of severe restlessness and anxiety and provokes panic attacks.
  5. Gastrointestinal diseases: acute and chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer. Coffee is a common cause of gastroesophageal reflux (heartburn). The drink increases the activity of the colon, which can lead to diarrhea. Caffeine destroys the protective barrier on the gastric mucosa and increases the production of hydrochloric acid and gastrin. This property of the alkaloid can provoke the appearance of erosion and ulcerative defects.
  6. Hypertension and symptomatic arterial hypertension. Once in the body, caffeine causes a slight increase in blood pressure. A healthy person does not feel this difference, but in people suffering from these diseases, it can provoke the development of a stroke or myocardial infarction.

Is it suitable for those on a diet?

Lovers of the aromatic drink who adhere to a strict diet are interested in how many calories are in a cup of coffee. This product itself is low-calorie: in 1 tsp. powder for making instant coffee contains only 2 kcal, the same amount of ground natural coffee (without additives) contains no more than 20. These figures can be safely neglected when calculating the daily diet.

The advantage of the product is its diuretic effect. In addition, caffeine speeds up metabolism: when it is present, the body burns fat faster.

Coffee is a low-calorie drink.

However, a low calorie content is typical only for a drink without sugar and other additives. Coffee of various types in combination with cream, sugar, chocolate and syrups can no longer be called dietary. These supplements contain a lot of fats and carbohydrates, the nutritional value of which cannot be ignored. If a serving of Americano with sweetener does not harm your figure, then daily consumption of 250 ml of Viennese coffee with milk, cream and a spoon of honey cannot be called a healthy habit.

You can reduce the calorie content of a flavored drink with additives if you prepare it yourself using the following ingredients:

  • milk with fat content no more than 1%;
  • sugar substitutes (stevia, agave syrup);
  • spices that reveal and complement the taste (cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom, nutmeg).

An alternative to classic coffee can be matcha latte. This is a traditional Japanese green tea powder, supplemented with frothed milk. In addition to caffeine, the drink contains L-theanine, which slows down the absorption of the alkaloid and allows you to prolong the effect of vigor. To prepare a matcha latte, take 3 g of tea powder, whisk it in hot water to form a thick paste and add foam from the hot milk. The calorie content of 100 g of drink does not exceed 40 kcal.

Norm per day

The list of positive qualities of the drink is long, but excess caffeine has a negative effect on the body, negating all the advantages of the product and provoking the development of dangerous diseases. You need to drink coffee in quantities that are not harmful to your health.

There are 3 main varieties of beans: Robusta, Arabica and Liberica. The first has a rich, strong taste and bright aroma. Arabica is softer, with a less pronounced coffee smell. Liberica is rare and is characterized by a specific aroma, low strength and unsaturated taste.

Norm per day
The permissible volume of the drink depends on the amount of caffeine in it.

The amount of caffeine in different types of beans varies. Most of it is in Robusta, 30% less in Arabica. Accordingly, the permissible amount of a drink made from beans of one type or another will be different: the daily intake of coffee made from 100% Arabica coffee may be higher.

For a healthy person, the optimal dose is 300 mg of caffeine per day and no more than 150 mg of the alkaloid at a time. This is equivalent to 2-3 cups of drink.

A serving of espresso contains up to 135 mg of caffeine, cappuccino - up to 80 mg. The minimum concentration of the alkaloid in decaffeinated types of drink is about 4 mg. However, you should not consume such a product in large quantities.

Due to repeated chemical processing aimed at extracting the alkaloid, the drink loses its beneficial properties and invigorating effect.

Coffee with cream and cinnamon

Coffee with cinnamon can be safely called a means for weight loss. It is known that cinnamon has a positive effect on metabolism, speeding it up. In turn, coffee can destroy fatty tissue. Coffee and cinnamon combined together thus turn into a real diet drink! To make the taste of this coffee softer, liquid cream is added, in addition to whipped cream.


— instant coffee – 1 teaspoon; - liquid cream - 1 teaspoon; - sugar - to taste; — cinnamon sticks – 1-2 pcs.; - whipped cream in a container; - chocolate syrup.

Cooking method:

All ingredients for cooking are prepared, so you can get started. So, first, choose a beautiful small cup and pour coffee into it (to taste, but it’s better to stick to the norm of 1 teaspoon), pour boiling water. Now you need to add a spoonful of delicious liquid cream of any fat content to the drink, but the fattier the cream, the thicker the coffee drink. And then a cinnamon stick is added. At this stage, you can add granulated sugar if desired. Squeeze whipped cream from the aerosol on top, which will add additional notes to the drink and decorate it. Next, add chocolate syrup as decoration. Coffee with cream and cinnamon is ready! This coffee can perfectly complement a holiday table due to its beautiful appearance and “sounds” harmoniously in combination with a piece of cake, pastries and other desserts. Thanks to its delicate creamy notes, this coffee is more suitable for lovers of a soft taste in the cappuccino or latte style. At the same time, cinnamon makes it more spicy and exotic. Drinking instant coffee with cream and cinnamon is not only pleasant, but also healthy. Enjoy!

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with other recipes for making Coffee with cinnamon.


It is customary to prepare hot drinks, cold cocktails, and a variety of desserts from natural coffee and cream. A cup of hot coffee with aromatic creamy foam serves as a decoration for the festive table.

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Coffee with cream and cherry juice

Do you often have guests over and do you like to surprise them with something original and incredibly tasty? Then this coffee recipe with cherry juice and cream is perfect for your next feast! Cherry juice contains a considerable amount of antioxidants, thanks to which it can improve the metabolic processes of the human body. It is also full of all kinds of vitamins, in particular C, A, PP, B, and contains magnesium, calcium, potassium - microelements beneficial for joints. But these are all facts, and it’s time for us to start preparing a flavorful drink!


— ground coffee – 2.5 spoons; — sugar – 1 spoon (to taste); - cherry juice - 3-4 teaspoons; — liquid cream – 10 g; – water – 170 ml.

Cooking method:

It is advisable to use medium-ground black coffee for this recipe, or, as a last resort, instant coffee. So, let's brew our strong black coffee. You can choose any cooking method: in a Turk, in a saucepan, in a kettle, or you can simply brew it in a cup. Just first you need to pour a small amount of boiling water over the coffee, let it brew for 2-3 minutes, and then add the rest of the water. After the coffee has brewed (or steeped), take a small sieve or any other suitable tool and strain the drink. This will help remove excess coffee grounds and make drinking coffee more enjoyable.

Now add cherry juice with sugar. Mix the resulting drink thoroughly to dissolve the sugar. Taste it and add a little more cherry juice if desired. Now you can pour in the cream and serve the coffee juice to the table. This drink is served chilled, because it is in this form that the richness of its flavor characteristics will be felt best. For this reason, it is better to serve iced coffee with cream and cherry juice not in a cup, but in a glass or glass tea cup.

Coffee with cream and milk "New Orleans"

A very good recipe for coffee with milk and cream. The taste is very delicate and soft. In addition, it is great to drink without sugar.


— black coffee — 1/3 cup; - milk - 1/3 cup; - cream - 1/3 cup.

Cooking method:

You need to brew simple black coffee in a Turk. Why take 1-2 teaspoons of freshly ground coffee per 100 ml of water and cook until done. Then we filter the finished coffee into a container and rinse the coffee pot. Then pour a third of the coffee back into the pot. Pour in a third of the cream. And finally add a third of the milk. Then we put the Turk on the fire and bring it to a boil, but do not boil. Let the coffee with milk and cream sit for a couple of minutes and pour into cups. That's all, the wonderful New Orleans milky coffee is ready. If desired, you can add sugar.

How many calories are in 100 grams of coffee?

The calorie content of coffee without sugar depends on a number of factors. For example, the energy value of a natural and instant product is significantly different. Different indicators are recorded when using the decaffeinated version and the flavored variety.


Instant coffee contains a minimum of fats, sugars and acids. These substances are simply washed away during production. The amount of natural raw materials in such a product does not exceed 15%. The rest of the composition consists of all sorts of chemicals that give color and aroma. Therefore, the calorie content of instant coffee without sugar is higher than natural coffee.

Granulated coffee will contain approximately 6 kcal per 100 grams of prepared drink. Freeze-dried - 12 kcal.

The calorie content of instant coffee without sugar is also affected by the brand of coffee. The table shows the energy value of products from different brands.

BrandCalorie content per 100 gramsKilocalories per teaspoon
Nescafe Classic565,6
Carte Noire10010
Jacobs Monarch10010
Maxwell House10010
Tchibo Exclusive26426,4

Black natural

Coffee beans contain fats, sugars and protein. The fresher the roast, the higher their concentration. If grains are stored for a long time, these substances partially evaporate. The least amount of them is in crushed grains stored in unsealed packaging. Accordingly, if you grind freshly roasted fruits and immediately brew them, the number of calories in a cup of coffee will increase by 1-2 units.

It is noted that nutritional value directly depends on the duration of extraction. For example, if ground coffee beans were brewed in a Turkish coffee pot, there will be only 4 kcal per 200 ml. The same portion cooked in a French press or filter will have only one more unit.

Cafein free

It is believed that this option is the lowest calorie, dietary option. True, not everything is so simple. In many ways, the energy value of coffee depends on the technology used for decaffeination. As a rule, 1 cup of a drink made from natural ground grains contains 1 kcal. When using an instant product without milk and sugar, this figure will increase to 15.

With flavors

Flavorings contain sugars and fats. They have high energy value. The calorie content of a cup of coffee with flavors will double. When drinking a drink with the aroma of cherry, chocolate or hazelnut, prepared in a Turk, the body immediately receives 8 calories.

Strawberry coffee with whipped cream


— freshly ground coffee — 1-2 tsp; — strawberries — 2-3 pcs.; - whipped cream (canned).

Cooking method:

Let's start making strawberry coffee with whipped cream by collecting all the necessary ingredients. Then finely chop the strawberries. We put them in the Turk. Fill with water and put on fire. When the water begins to boil and the strawberries discolor, remove the Turk from the heat. Pour coffee into it. Mix thoroughly and return to low heat. As soon as the strawberry coffee starts to boil, remove from heat and leave for two minutes. Then strain into cups and cover with a cap of whipped cream. That's all. Our strawberry cappuccino is ready.

Coffee with apricot and whipped cream

The wonderful delicate taste of apricot coffee with whipped cream will delight any coffee gourmet.


- ground coffee - 1-2 tsp; — apricot — 2 pcs.; - whipping cream - 20-25 ml.

Cooking method:

First, pour the calculated amount of ground coffee into the heated pot. Next we send the apricot halves. Pour in water and put on fire. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. Let it brew for a couple of minutes. Strain the finished drink into cups. Spread whipped cream on top without stirring. Serve to the table.

How many kcal are in instant coffee?

How many calories are in a drink depends on its type and variety. The average calorie content of coffee is 90-100 kcal. Many men and women on a diet will consider this to be quite a lot for 100g. Do not rush to give up your favorite drink, because these indicators refer to 100 grams of dry product weight. To prepare one cup of aromatic liquid, much less is required. Consequently, the calorie content of the drink will be much less than 90-100 calories.

Please note that all manufacturers indicate the calorie content of the powdered product on the packaging. In this case we are also talking about one hundred grams of dry matter.

On average, a person puts 2 tsp in 1 mug of water (200 grams). coffee. One teaspoon equals 6 grams. dry product. This amount contains 6 calories. Therefore, if you put 2 tsp in 1 cup. powder, then the calorie content of the finished drink will be only 12 kilocalories.

Do you want to know how to independently calculate the calorie content of 1 teaspoon of instant coffee? To do this, you need to divide the calories indicated on the packaging by 100, and then multiply by the number of grams needed to prepare the drink. Please note that water has no calorie content.

Energy value (BZHU)

In 100 gr. powder contains BZHU in the following quantities:

  • proteins – 12 g;
  • fats – 0.5 g;
  • carbohydrates – 40 gr.

The average nutritional value is 240 kcal. It is determined by poly- and monosaccharides (77%), proteins (23%) and fats (2%). After diluting the powder in water, the content of BJU in 1 cup of instant coffee will depend on its concentration.

Coffee with apricot, cinnamon and whipped cream

A delicious dessert drink will delight any group of coffee lovers with a sweet tooth over a cake. So if you like to gather friends over a cup of coffee, take note of this recipe.


- ground coffee - 1-2 tsp; — apricot — 2 pcs.; - cinnamon - 1/2 tsp; - whipping cream - 30 ml.

Cooking method:

Let's start cooking by pouring the required amount of coffee into the Turk. Next we add cinnamon. We also add apricot halves. Pour in water and put on fire. When it boils, remove from heat and leave for a couple of minutes. Strain the apricot coffee with cinnamon into cups. Gently spoon whipped cream on top. Don't mix. Coffee with apricot, cinnamon and whipped cream is ready.

Fragrant coffee with whipped cream and star anise

Everyone probably knows that coffee with whipped cream is smooth and very tasty. But not everyone knows that this classic tandem can be diversified with the help of star anise.


— 200 ml of water; - 1-2 star anise; — sugar – 1 teaspoon (can be without sugar); - chocolate sauce - 1 tbsp. spoon; — instant coffee – 1 teaspoon; - whipped cream in a can.

Cooking method:

We prepare the necessary ingredients for coffee with whipped cream: boil water, take sugar, star anise, etc. according to the list. By the way, the aroma and taste of such a drink can be made a little warmer; for this purpose, chocolate sauce is used in the recipe. Next you can make coffee. Since the recipe calls for instant coffee, we simply pour boiling water over it and stir. Add chocolate sauce or syrup. Sugar, of course, is added if desired. The drink will turn out quite sweet due to the chocolate sauce and cream, so you need to decide for yourself about sugar whether to add it or not.

Next, drop 1-2 star anise into the star cup. We “cover” the coffee drink with a high layer of whipped cream, since it is hot, the cream quickly melts, so squeeze it out just before serving, otherwise you will have to serve coffee with star anise and cream without a beautiful decoration. We decorate our aromatic coffee with chocolate sauce. You can also sprinkle with ground nuts, chocolate chips, cinnamon, etc. Coffee with star anise is ready! Enjoy your coffee!

Coffee with ice cream and cream

Do you like iced coffee? This is French coffee with ice cream. Then you'll love a slightly new twist on this creamy drink! Unusual, very “milky” and crazy tasty! Try making this drink, especially if you like soft, gentle, refined coffee with which you can start your morning.


— instant coffee – 1 teaspoon; — sugar – 1 teaspoon; — ice cream – 20 g (sundae or creme brulee); – cream – 10 g.

Cooking method:

We prepare the necessary products for making coffee with ice cream and cream. Ice cream, if it is in a waffle cup, remove it, and measure out the required amount of cream in a shot glass. Boil water.

In a small cup, mix instant coffee with sugar. By the way, if you don’t like instant coffee, you can take ground coffee and prepare Turkish coffee using one of the methods you have tested, but without adding salt, herbs and spices.

Pour boiling water over the mixture and stir. Pour a little more than half a cup of water to leave room for other ingredients of coffee with cream and ice cream.

Add ice cream with a spoon, but do not stir, let the ball melt in the cup on its own. Do not use popsicles or frozen juice for this recipe, because we want to achieve the milky taste of the drink, otherwise it will turn out completely different. And then pour the cream (can be cold) into a cup. By the way, if you like cold coffee drinks, you can add cream and ice cream to the cooled drink. All that remains is to serve coffee and ice cream to the table. Don't forget about the addition to your drink. Suitable for coffee cookies, sweets, croissants, marshmallows, etc.

Baileys - Irish cream liqueur

If you want to really enhance the flavor of your coffee and make it more “adult,” you can add Baileys liqueur to it.
Baileys is an Irish liqueur based on whiskey and cream. This means that the drink will then contain alcohol. The liqueur mixes very well with coffee, giving it a completely unique taste. However, due to the alcohol, this coffee is only suitable for adults. Drink coffee with liqueur carefully, and don't push it too hard, especially if you need to drive soon. As you can see, there are a huge variety of coffee creamers. Remember: When using cream, always consider the calorie and fat content so as not to overdo it. You don’t want to wear clothes a size larger just because of coffee, do you? With this factor in mind, you can feel free to experiment with different options to find your perfect creamer.

Not all varieties of creamer will harmonize with every type of coffee roast. This needs to be verified experimentally. You should always have several options on hand, so make sure you always have the right milk or cream to add to your coffee.


Black coffee with cream and ice cream


- instant coffee - 1 tsp, - ice cream - 50 grams, - dark chocolate - 10 grams, - milk - 100 grams, - cinnamon stick - 1 pc., - sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

Brew coffee with boiling water and place a cinnamon stick in the cup. Leave the coffee to sit for about 10 minutes so that the cinnamon stick releases its aroma. If you don't have a cinnamon stick, use 0.3 tsp. ground cinnamon.

Pour milk into a mug and add sugar or powdered sugar. You can add vanillin powder, it will add additional flavor. Add dark chocolate to milk and heat until completely dissolved. If you don't like dark chocolate, you can use milk or white chocolate. When the chocolate has dissolved, pour the milk into the glass in which you will serve the drink. Pour the brewed coffee into it and mix everything well. Dip the ice cream into the coffee and do not stir it again. You can start drinking the drink. The ice cream in the coffee will gradually melt and dissolve on its own.

Calories in grams

The calorie content of coffee without food additives, stabilizers and fillers depends on the type of product:

  • ground;
  • in grains;
  • in granules or soluble powder.

Natural coffee (roasted whole beans) contains 331 kcal per 100 grams. However, the number of calories decreases when brewing the drink. Black coffee (espresso) per 100 ml contains only 1-2 kcal. The drink is low-calorie, dietary (in the absence of cream, sugar, spices and dairy products).

Instant coffee without added sugar in a cup (200 ml) contains up to 12-14 kcal.

Expert opinion

Vadim Kudryavtsev

Coffee expert, professional barista and simply in love with this aromatic drink.

Ask the barista a question

A slight increase in nutritional value is noted due to the composition of the powder. Granules contain about 18-20% coffee powder. The rest of the mass consists of emulsifiers, safe coloring agents, thickeners that change the natural taste of the grains.

It is necessary to take into account differences in the composition of the product (in granules, powder) from different manufacturers.

Calorie content per 100 g for different brands:

  1. Nescafe Gold - 49;
  2. Egoiste - 90;
  3. Carte Noire - 100;
  4. Ambassador - 329;
  5. Milagro Gold - 150;
  6. Jardin - 92.

The number of calories in 100 g of ground coffee rises to 202 kcal; 1 tsp. ground product contains 8-12; 100 grams of dry roasted coffee - 223.

The share of BJU coffee is (per 100 g):

  • proteins - 28%;
  • fats - 64%;
  • dietary fiber - 12.8%;
  • carbohydrates - 8%;
  • water - 0.26%.

Interesting! Which countries rank first in coffee consumption?

How many kcal are in coffee with various additives?

The consistency, nutritional and energy value of products depend on the characteristics of the fillers. Adding milk or cream softens the taste; The change in calorie content is affected by the consistency and degree of fat content. In 100 g of low-fat milk (1% fat) - 42 kcal, in a product with 2.5% fat - 54.

Do you count calories?

Not really

In 1 tbsp. l. Milk of varying degrees of fat content has the following caloric content proportions:

  1. 6 (0,1%);
  2. 7 (0,5%);
  3. 10 (2,5%);
  4. 12 (3,2-3,5%).

The increase in calorie content of a drink with milk depends on the added portion. You can place 2 tablespoons of milk in a mug, increasing the nutritional value by 5-7 kilocalories; calorie content of a cup (espresso) with 2 tsp. milk reaches about 22.

The calorie content of coffee with sugar increases. When adding 2 tsp to a cup. granulated sugar, the drink has an indicator of 68; instant coffee with 1 spoon of sugar - 45-56; granulated without granulated sugar with milk - 10-15.

Portioned cream (10% fat) in beverage packaging contains 118 kcal per 100 g of product. When measuring the nutritional value of a coffee drink, the amount of creamer added is taken into account.

Black coffee with sugar can increase its calorie content with the addition of spices. Cinnamon gives it a spicy taste. The norm for a cup of coffee is 0.5 tsp. (3 g) cinnamon. The nutritional value of cinnamon powder per 100 g is 247 kcal; increase in nutritional value for a standard cup - 7.5.

To highlight the taste, honey is used, the calorie content of which is 304-415 kcal per 100 g.

When adding the following seasonings, the number of calories per gram is taken into account:

  • cardamom - 3;
  • vanilla - 3;
  • dried ginger - 1;
  • nuts - 5;
  • cloves - 3;
  • cinnamon powder - 2.5;
  • ginger root - 3.5, etc.

Increases the calorie content of coffee with the addition of condensed milk - per 100 g. products contain 330 kcal. Using chocolate syrup as a filler will increase the number of kcal by 15, classic ice cream weighing about 50 g - by 100-112.

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Coffee with Multivitamin juice and cream

This recipe came about impromptu, but, nevertheless, the finished coffee pleased me with its taste. For preparation, you can make fresh juice from orange, pineapple, tangerine yourself, but it’s easier, of course, to use ready-made nectar.


— ready-made black coffee — 50 ml; — multivitamin juice — 25 ml; - whipped cream with sugar; - sugar to taste; - caramel - for decoration.

Cooking method:

First of all, we prepare coffee. Here you have what you like, but we follow the classics - in Turk. The finished coffee should be cooled. Then beat the cream with sugar. Of course, you can use a balloon, but the taste is not the same. Let the whipped cream cool slightly.

Let's start assembling the drink. First of all, pour half a cup of ready-made black coffee. Next, pour in the multivitamin nectar. You can mix the coffee with nectar properly, or you don’t have to mix it. Then comes the turn of the cream. Carefully place them on top of the coffee and juice. And now, in principle, the drink is ready.

Serve coffee with Multivitamin juice on the table, first garnishing with caramel. You can, of course, place pieces of fruit on top of the cream, but this is optional.

Enjoy your coffee!


Hello, I'm Irina. I have been a coffee expert for over 15 years. Over the past 6 years, I have tried every coffee there is to try and even opened my own coffee shop. Join me on this journey to learn more about coffee at

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