How many cups of coffee a day is not harmful to health? And what does a glass of water have to do with it?

An aromatic invigorating drink brings true pleasure and a boost of energy, but only if certain restrictions are observed. How to turn coffee drinking into a healthy ritual? Of course, having determined the permissible norm - how much coffee per day you can drink.

Avid coffee drinkers are confident that you can drink 6 cups of coffee and feel good. Others stubbornly insist that you need to drink it in doses - not exceeding 1 serving per day. Doctors and experts have not come to a common position on the question - how many cups of coffee can you drink a day? We suggest you find the answer yourself, armed with the following information.

Volume matters

The preparation of traditional black coffee and coffee aperitifs is based on standard recipes, including the use of containers of the stated volume. As practice shows, established rules often undergo changes, especially in the process of manual preparation and brewing instant coffee.

The phrase “cup of coffee” is correctly interpreted depending on the type of drink:

  • espresso – small cup (70-80 ml);
  • Americano – medium bowl (200-250 ml);
  • cappuccino – porcelain container (180-220 ml);
  • latte – large glasses (260-360 ml).

The first criterion was identified - the serving size of a particular coffee aperitif. Let's look further.

Organic acids

Of the organic acids in coffee, the most abundant is chlorogenic acid. It enhances the effect of caffeine: eliminates drowsiness, lethargy, and promotes the breakdown of fatty acids. To satisfy the body's need for chlorogenic acid, a healthy person needs 3-4 servings of espresso.

But the consumption of chlorogenic acid should be reduced if:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • glaucoma;
  • osteoporosis;
  • neurosis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder, liver.

Other organic acids not only give the drink a pleasant taste, but also irritate the mucous membranes. Therefore, even healthy people are not recommended to drink coffee on an empty stomach.

Consumption rate: do the calculation

According to numerous studies, a safe single dose of caffeine is 200 mg, and a daily dose is 400 mg. The indicated amount of the component is acceptable for a healthy person to consume. Taking into account the characteristics of the human body (age category, activity level), the indicators vary.

To determine how much coffee you can drink per day, consider approximate figures - the alkaloid content in popular drinks (mg):

  • espresso – 80-135;
  • Americano – 70-80;
  • cappuccino – 70-80;
  • latte – 50-70;
  • decaffeinated – 3-4;
  • soluble – 70-100.

Based on the information received, you can roughly calculate what type of drink and how many times a day you can drink without harming your health. Please note that other products (chocolate, tea) contain caffeine, which must be taken according to your own dosage.

How coffee works

Coffee beans have a complex and multicomponent composition. These include vitamins, antioxidants, organic acids, esters, and so on. But of particular interest in it is the alkaloid caffeine, which gives a person a boost of energy, saving him from fatigue and the desire to sleep. This is what ardent opponents of coffee as a drink are so afraid of, considering it a substance that has a detrimental effect on health. How much coffee can you drink per day without negative consequences and what determines the strength of the effect of this drink?

The volume of caffeine remains almost unchanged and does not depend on the degree of roasting of the grain

Coffee primarily acts as a natural energy booster or stimulant. It promotes the production of adrenaline and serotonin, which excites the nervous system, the body becomes toned, mental and physical performance increases, and mood improves.

In general, coffee affects the body like this:

The effect of coffee on the blood vessels of the brain

  • stimulates the heart rhythm, which increases the speed of blood flow and increases the pulse rate;
  • stimulates liver function;
  • has a diuretic effect, relieves swelling;
  • acts as an antioxidant, delaying cell aging processes;
  • protects against neoplasms in the intestines;
  • promotes weight loss, speeds up metabolism.

The main effect of coffee is the stimulation of the nervous system, which tones the entire body. The heart begins to work more intensely, pumping large volumes of blood, from which organs and tissues are saturated with oxygen and nutrients, receiving a charge of missing energy. Sleep disappears, physical and mental performance increases. As a rule, caffeine that enters the body acts for about 2 hours, after which fatigue and drowsiness may occur again. This is its short-term effect.

Scientists have noted that only ground natural coffee can provide a true invigorating effect, since caffeine is supported by other complex components of the composition. For a soluble product, which also contains an alkaloid, the intensity of the effect is much lower, since it is almost devoid of any useful substances. Well, a caffeine-free drink cannot significantly affect your well-being. It is drunk by those who are in love with coffee, but for health reasons this drink is contraindicated for them.

We take age into account

You will get a completely safe dose of caffeine by planning to drink 1 cup of the invigorating drink per day. In the absence of serious problems in the functioning of the stomach, cardiovascular system, or hypertension, it is very useful to drink in larger volumes - 3-4 cups. The limit is considered optimal. The effect becomes less favorable when crossing the limit of 6 servings.

How many cups of coffee a day are harmless to adults? Let's talk about teenagers. They can drink coffee at least 14 years of age. It is important to limit the child’s consumption of the alkaloid – a maximum of 200 mg per week. It is recommended to add cream (milk) and monitor the condition of the body after drinking a portion. If negative reactions occur, you should stop (reduce) the use of the tonic drink.

Can I drink coffee before or after training?

It is better to drink coffee before class. At the same time, it is important to replenish your water balance: with a cup of drink you need to drink one glass of clean water. It is not advisable to drink coffee afterwards.



If you want to lose weight, you need to control the volume of coffee, especially cappuccino, latte and raffa. Such drinks contain additional fats (milk, cream, syrup, sugar) - the calorie content in this case reaches 350 kcal per cup.

Pregnancy and restrictions

Is it harmful or beneficial to drink coffee while pregnant? Scientists and researchers have come to the following conclusion: women who drink more than four servings of coffee daily are at risk of fetal death and the birth of a baby with disturbances in future development. The maximum permissible limit is no more than 100 mg of caffeine per day. The final decision is made by the woman, based on the recommendations of the gynecologist and a number of factors: general health, age, dietary habits, activity level.

How many cups of coffee can an expectant mother drink? The question is purely individual. Definitely no more than one cup, maximum three. It is not advisable to drink coffee on a day when a pregnant woman’s diet is supplemented with products containing caffeine. If you have high blood pressure or toxicosis, it is contraindicated. It is necessary to add milk to avoid calcium deficiency - tea and coffee help wash it out of the bones.

Short-term symptoms of overdose

When taking excessive amounts of coffee (as well as against the background of individual increased sensitivity of the body), the development of various side effects is observed. The most common ones include:

  1. Anxiety, increased suspiciousness.
  2. Irritability, negative attitude towards what is happening around.
  3. Dizziness and photopsia (floaters, dots before the eyes).
  4. Disorders of the digestive system. This group includes: heartburn, pain in the epigastric region and in the right hypochondrium.
  5. Feeling of palpitations and interruptions in heart function.
  6. Shortness of breath, feeling of lack of air.
  7. Soreness and discomfort in the skeletal muscles (usually in the calf muscles).

Short-term symptoms are mainly associated with damage to the digestive tract (direct effects), as well as the cardiovascular and central nervous systems (these organ groups are the most sensitive to caffeine).

If the above-described effects develop, you must immediately stop consuming any products rich in caffeine and provide first aid (if the symptoms are severe, you must call an ambulance):

  1. Perform a simple gastric lavage (if less than 30 minutes have passed since consumption). To do this, drink 1-1.5 liters of water (boiled) and press with two fingers on the root of the tongue, thereby causing a gag reflex.
  2. Take enterosorbenes. Suitable: Enterosgel, Smecta or regular activated carbon (1 tablet for every 10 kg of body weight).
  3. Over the next 10 hours, ensure you drink plenty of fluids (at least 500 ml of liquid per hour).

Large doses of caffeine can cause symptoms of poisoning. It is necessary to control the intake of any products containing this substance, and if adverse reactions occur, act wisely.

Interesting Facts

Here are the results of global research: how the number of servings of a coffee aperitif affects the heart and nervous systems:

one – oxygen saturation of the blood, as a result, the walls of the arteries are strengthened;

two – inhibition of the effects of proteins on the brain, as a result, the risk of Alzheimer’s disease is reduced;

three – minimizing the likelihood of urolithiasis and ovarian cancer;

four – reducing the risk of developing diabetes, cancer of the prostate, oral cavity, and larynx;

five – no problems with liver function.

How many cups of coffee can you drink per day?

First, a few interesting historical facts:

  • Voltaire drank 50 cups of coffee a day and lived to the ripe old age of 83.
  • Ludwig van Beethoven was an ardent coffee fan, who always brewed it from 60 beans.
  • Balzac couldn't imagine a day without 40 cups of coffee!

The fact is that as you get used to it, the invigorating effect of caffeine gradually weakens and in order to increase your tone, you have to increase the dose of coffee.

Previously, coffee was considered a luxury and was the drink of gentlemen. But now almost everyone drinks it. It is estimated that every Russian resident consumes up to 2 kg of coffee per year. How to make sure that such an amount of an invigorating drink brings only benefits?

In the company of a cigarette, instant coffee turns almost into poison. Scientists have proven that such a couple increases cholesterol levels, and the harm to the heart from this combination doubles or even triples compared to how caffeine and nicotine affect the cardiovascular system separately.

Any, even the most healthy product in large quantities can become poison. Coffee is no exception. This drink helps many people to cheer up, feel better, and work actively, but all these advantages also have a downside.

Coffee contains caffeine, an overdose of which can cause headaches and cause problems with the heart and nervous system. Coffee should not be drunk at all by those who suffer from gastritis or peptic ulcers, as well as pancreatitis or diabetes.

In all other cases, in relation to coffee, there is also a certain norm. It is determined not by the actual volume of coffee consumed, but by how much caffeine it contains. So, if one person drinks a very strong ristretto, and another drinks an Americano diluted with water, then the maximum amount of coffee per day will be different for them.

Normal or how many cups per day can an adult drink?

For adults, the amount of caffeine entering the body at one time should not exceed 100-200 mg. You can drink no more than 2-3 such servings per day. The following amount of caffeine daily is considered optimal:

  • no more than 300 ml per day;
  • no more than 120 mg per dose.

It is best to use natural, freshly ground coffee - it does not contain chemical additives that can negatively affect health. Decaffeinated coffee is not considered the healthiest drink - it contains almost no caffeine, but at the same time it contains a number of additives, many of which can be harmful. Accordingly, even in the case of decaffeinated coffee, it is better to limit its consumption.

Now let's look at how much caffeine is contained in different coffee drinks.

  • 1 cup of espresso - from 80 to 135 mg;
  • 1 cup of cappuccino - from 70 to 80 mg;
  • 1 cup of Turkish coffee - from 115 to 175 mg;
  • 1 cup of instant coffee - from 65 to 100 mg;
  • 1 cup of decaffeinated coffee - 3-4 mg of caffeine.

These figures are approximate. The exact amount of caffeine is determined by a number of nuances - from what types of coffee were used to prepare a particular blend, to how exactly the drink is prepared.

In order to reduce the amount of caffeine in coffee when preparing it (and, accordingly, increase the maximum permissible dose of the drink per day), you can use some tricks. For example, when preparing a drink in a Turk, you can pour ground coffee not with cold, but with hot water. This will shorten the caffeine extraction time, resulting in less caffeine in the drink. It is better to serve this coffee after straining so that there is no grounds in the cups.

Another way is to add milk to coffee. This not only reduces the concentration of caffeine, but thanks to milk it is absorbed more slowly, and its effect becomes less aggressive.

Quantity matters

Scientists, researchers and doctors have been studying the properties of coffee for many years. It turns out that this drink is very multifaceted and its effect on the body depends on the number of cups you drink per day. Let's see how the nervous and cardiac system reacts to 1 cup, and how to react to 6 mugs of strong drink.

1 cup – one benefit

This is exactly the opinion that scientists and researchers have come to. They also found that a cup of the drink a day strengthens the walls of the arteries. Why? This is because grains contain antioxidants that saturate the blood with oxygen. The last element is able to relax the walls of the arteries. Let's conclude - one cup definitely won't do any harm.

Back side. Even one mug of coffee can cause insomnia, especially if we are talking about strong espresso.

2 cups stimulate brain function

This is the conclusion reached by scientists who studied the effects of caffeine. True, people did not participate in the studies. However, 200 milligrams of caffeine will prevent proteins from affecting the brain and causing Alzheimer's disease. Also, 2 cups of the drink are considered the optimal dose for those who want to energize themselves before going to the fitness center.

Back side. For people suffering from high blood pressure, two cups of the drink can worsen the problem. Also, this is the amount of coffee that will become the “limit” for a pregnant woman.

3 cups will protect against gallstone disease

Yes, this is exactly the amount of drinking that is necessary in order to minimize the risk of this disease. Also, 3 cups a day can protect against the development of ovarian cancer.

Back side. Consumption of about 250-300 mg per day increases the risk of heart attack.

4 cups for four diseases

Studies have shown that consuming more than 370 mg of caffeine may minimize the risk of diabetes, oral, larynx and prostate cancer. Great minds claim that people who drink 4 cups of coffee are 40% less likely to suffer from these diseases.

Back side. It goes without saying that such a quantity of coffee beans can lead to cardiovascular diseases. Also, more than 350 mg of the pep drink can lead to rheumatoid arthritis. Why is this happening? Large amounts of caffeine cause reactions in the body that lead to inflammation in the joints.

5 cups will “save” the liver

Japanese scientists have concluded that drinking 5-6 cups of coffee reduces the risk of liver disease. Research conducted in Tokyo showed that of 90 thousand people drinking 500 mg of caffeine per day, only a quarter had liver problems.

Now you know how many cups of coffee you can drink per day without harm to your health. It should also be noted that your well-being can be affected not only by this or that amount of an invigorating drink, but also by its quality. That is why it is recommended to choose only natural varieties of coffee and brew it yourself.

A short video about drinking coffee.

How many cups of coffee can you drink per day?

How many cups of coffee can you drink per day?
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Nina August 29, 2022, 21:47

Thank you for the detailed information about the benefits and harms of coffee!


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Principles of proper coffee drinking

Having determined your individual limit - how many times you can enjoy your favorite drink, follow simple rules. The result will be true pleasure that brings benefits.

  1. Don't drink coffee on an empty stomach. The optimal time is immediately after eating or an hour and a half later. Coffee drinking is complemented by a delicious dessert in between meals.
  2. Give preference to bean (ground) coffee. Natural ground grains have significant advantages - bright taste and aroma, contain a lot of useful substances (antioxidants, vitamins, potassium, magnesium, niacin).
  3. Do not go beyond 6 cups, otherwise your sensitivity to caffeine will decrease. Try to adhere to the established limit - how much coffee you can drink per day for good health.
  4. Drink coffee 4-5 hours before bed. It is known that the acceleration of metabolic processes and short-term excitement can lead to insomnia, and, accordingly, interfere with sound sleep and proper rest.

We hope you have determined your limit - how many cups of coffee you can drink a day, feeling a surge of strength, energy, and vigor. Finally, let’s add that high-quality beans and ground coffee, packaged in branded vacuum packaging, bags with a valve, and cans from the manufacturer, have beneficial properties. Try not to overuse instant drinks.

The effect of coffee on the body

When it comes to coffee, the first thing everyone thinks of is caffeine. There are no discrepancies when using this substance in tablets. In the instructions for the drugs, manufacturers indicate: the dosage rate is no more than 500 mg per day, no more than 300 mg at a time.

But when it comes to coffee, recommendations vary: from the point of view of some researchers, the maximum permissible dose of caffeine is 400 mg per day (no more than 200 mg at a time). But there are also expert estimates that exceeding the daily dose of 300 mg is fraught with serious diseases.

Despite the popularity of coffee and the large sums that its producers invest in scientific research, the effect of the drink on the human body has not been studied enough.

The fact is that raw coffee beans, in addition to caffeine, contain a number of compounds:

  • tannins (tannins);
  • organic acids: chlorogenic (4–10.9%), tartaric (0.4%), malic (0.3%), citric (0.3%), caffeic (0.2%), oxalic (0.05 %);
  • fats (9.4–18%);
  • 20 amino acids;
  • sucrose (4.2–11.8%).

Each of these substances has a specific effect on the body. At high temperatures they decompose, forming new compounds. The chemical composition of a coffee drink largely depends on the method of its preparation.

Correct size of coffee cup

Drinking a lot of coffee will lead to the development of various diseases and poor health. In order to determine the optimal dosage, you need to take into account the volume of the cup from which you drink your favorite drink. After all, some people prefer to pour it into small vessels with a capacity of 70-100 milliliters, while others use large glasses up to 350 milliliters.

The phrase “cup of coffee” refers to a standard coffee container (100 milliliters). When it comes to espresso, the volume is even smaller (70-80 milliliters).

Signs of calcium deficiency in the body

The fact that there is not enough calcium in the body can be judged by indirect signs:

  • the enamel turns yellow and cracks, teeth crumble;
  • joints and bones hurt;
  • bones become brittle;
  • muscle cramps in the arms, calves and thighs occur;
  • insomnia appears;
  • nervousness increases;
  • nails break;
  • the skin becomes dry;
  • blood pressure increases;
  • dryness, fragility, hair loss;
  • In women, symptoms of PMS and menstrual pain intensify.

Those who have discovered these symptoms need to seriously reconsider their diet, as well as consult a doctor and get tested. Based on their results, the doctor will prescribe a vitamin and mineral complex.

Some important recommendations from doctors:

If you would like to reduce the negative effects of caffeine on the body, listen to the following tips:

  • Choose Arabica rather than Robusta, which is lower in caffeine, although the specific variety and location of growth, as well as the way the beans are processed and brewed, are important.
  • If you drink coffee about half an hour to an hour after eating, you can add one cup to yourself. If you are on an empty stomach, remove at least one.
  • Try not to drink a new cup if you drank the previous one less than 3 hours ago.
  • In stressful situations, lack of sleep or weakness, reduce the number of cups allowed by one. The body is weakened and perceives stimulants more acutely.
  • Smokers should also reduce the safe dose of coffee per day by one cup, since nicotine constricts blood vessels, and the heart beats faster, so it has a double load.

What affects calcium absorption

Calcium is a difficult-to-digest macronutrient, since its absorption requires the presence of the following substances in the body: magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, manganese, silicon, chromium, vitamins D, etc. Moreover, an excess amount of the first two compounds prevents its full absorption.

The optimal ratio of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in food or dietary supplements is 2: 1: 1. Considering that the mineral “transforms” into a bioavailable form only under the influence of gastric juice, taking it and alkaline substances that neutralize hydrochloric acid, including carbohydrates, leads to to reduce the absorption of the element in the intestines. At the same time, the combined use of the compound with rhubarb, spinach, parsley, cabbage, sorrel, radish and currants potentiates the formation of oxalate kidney stones.

Remember, calcium is well absorbed from dairy products due to the optimal ratio of nutrients and the presence of lactic acid bacteria in such products. Moreover, to increase the bioavailability of the mineral, it is permissible to use healthy fats. However, it is important to take into account that an excess or lack of lipids in the diet prevents the complete absorption of the “bone” substance, since in the first case there are not enough bile acids to break it down, and in the second - fatty acids.

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The optimal ratio of calcium to fat per serving of food is 1:100.

Natural springs

Considering that calcium is involved in the formation of bone, connective and nervous tissues, it is important to ensure a regular supply of the macronutrient with food.
Table No. 1 “Sources of calcium”

Product nameCalcium content per 100 grams of product, milligrams
poppy seed1450
Parmesan cheese1300
Hard cheeses800 – 1200
Sesame (unroasted)700 – 900
Nettle (green)700
Brynza530 – 600
Common mallow500
Basil (greens)370
Sunflower seeds350
Almonds (unroasted)260
Sea fish210 – 250
Parsley (greens)240
White cabbage40
Beans160 – 190
Garlic, watercress180
Dill (greens)120
Milk, kefir, cottage cheese, whey, sour cream, yogurt90 – 120
Shrimp, anchovies, oysters, crabs80 – 100
Chicken egg (1 piece)55

Calcium is found in small quantities in cereals, fruits, vegetables, berries, meat and honey. The content of the element in these products varies from 5 to 50 milligrams per 100 grams.

How many spoons of coffee should I put in a mug?

This question initially depends on the individual taste preferences of each person. However, too much coffee will make the drink simply tasteless. Usually they put a couple of teaspoons per 200 ml, but this is a matter of taste. Again, some people like to brew coffee in a Turk, some drink exclusively instant coffee, others buy coffee beans and manually grind them using a coffee grinder.

In this regard, there is a need for a unified measurement system. The table will help you, how many grams of coffee are in a teaspoon of coffee.

To avoid harm to the body, control the total amount of caffeine consumed. It is believed that 100 mg of caffeine is 1 KE, which corresponds to 3 teaspoons for ground coffee and 2 teaspoons directly for instant coffee.

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