How to brew delicious coffee - basic techniques and interesting recipes

There is no person who does not know about the invigorating properties of a morning cup of coffee; it will lift your spirits in the second half of the working day and warm you up on a frosty evening.

You can enjoy this popular drink in a coffee shop, or you can make coffee at home, treat yourself and your friends with an unusual recipe and amazing combinations of ingredients. The main thing is that the coffee raw materials are of freshness and quality.

How to brew delicious coffee?

Let's look at the basic rules for preparing delicacies in Turk. This method has been known for a very long time; it is considered the best way for the grains to reveal all their taste qualities.

  • The main condition is gradual slow heating of the liquid with ground grains in the Turk. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the temperature regime is observed: too high will lead to rupture of the top layer - the foam. Strong fire is the enemy in creating a flavorful drink.
  • For good taste, it is recommended to use only purified “soft” water. It also should not be brought to a strong boil.
  • It is better to choose a fine grind and grind the grains immediately before brewing.
  • Another condition for a good drink is the proportional ratio of coffee and water. An excess of grains can affect the taste, and the finished drink will be bitter.
  • To make the drink more aromatic, experts put a pinch of salt on the bottom of the Turk - the grains reveal the aroma better. Don't be afraid of the salty taste; with a small portion of salt it won't be there.
  • Serving is also an important stage in creating a drink. Before pouring the mixture, the cups need to be warmed up, so the delicacy will retain its taste characteristics longer.
  • To avoid spoiling the impression of the grounds, pour a teaspoon of cold, pure water into the Turk, or hit the cezve on the edge of the table.

You can prepare a truly delicious treat at home. You just have to follow all the rules!

Popular coffee bean producers

According to the ratings for 2022, the top 5 best manufacturers were:

  1. Molinari is a premium product, expensive, but very high quality. It is represented by a wide range of both single varieties and mixtures with Robusta. It effectively invigorates due to its high caffeine content, has a bright aroma and a unique taste with a tart bitterness.
  2. Blasercafé presents a collection of blends of selected Arabica and washed Robusta. Balanced taste without excessive bitterness and acidity, with light sweetness.
  3. Julius Meinl is a Viennese roasted coffee with a rich chocolate flavor without sourness, but with noticeable bitterness.
  4. Tasty Coffee is a Russian company that supplies blends and single-origin coffees. Suitable for preparation using different methods (both in coffee machines and in Turks).
  5. Lavazza is one of the most popular brands in the global coffee industry. Supplies beans to Starbucks and other coffee chains.

How to choose coffee

Among today's variety, it is easy to choose a variety to suit your taste. When choosing, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  1. The region of growth, which, in turn, is divided into smaller areas. Literally everything affects the taste of coffee beans: the mineral composition of the soil, the height of the coffee plantation above sea level (the higher, the better).
  2. Type of coffee – Arabica or Robusta. Arabica is more aromatic and softer in taste. Robusta has an unpleasant sour taste, but contains a lot of caffeine, so it is added to coffee blends for strength.
  3. Processing method. After collecting the grains, they must be cleaned. This is done dry or wet. Washed coffee (that is, processed wet) produces a drink with a more pronounced acidity.
  4. Roasting degree. The longer the beans are roasted, the stronger the bitterness will be in the taste, and a short (light) roast will bring out the acidity.
  5. Single variety or mixture (blend, blend). It makes sense to start getting acquainted with basic single varieties, and then try interesting mixtures.
  6. Compatibility with additives. The debate between those who do not accept any additives and those who like to experiment with them has been going on for decades. Meanwhile, milk, sugar and cream have long become classic additions to drinks, and cappuccino, latte and Viennese coffee have joined the menu of world coffee shops. Some varieties harmonize with the taste of milk and cream, as well as spices, better than others, and this should also be taken into account when choosing.

How to make delicious Turkish coffee?

Real Arabica is always prepared in a Turk. It is also worth choosing carefully: in Turkey they prefer dishes with a wide neck, experts from other countries recommend a Turk with a narrow neck. When preparing grains, they “brew” them, since it is unacceptable to bring water to a boil.

Basic Turkish coffee recipe:

  • Water – 50 ml;
  • Ground grains – 1 tsp;
  • Sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • If you prefer sweet drinks, then put ground grains and sugar in the Turk. The number of spoons of grains depends on the volume of water; this recipe shows the correct proportions of the drink. Depending on the specified data, determine the amount of coffee you need.
  • Fill everything with water and place on low heat. Don't leave the stove!
  • Wait for small bubbles to appear on the foam. Turn off the stove.
  • After half a minute, repeat the operation three more times.
  • Once the mixture is ready, remember the hot cup rule. Pour boiling water over them, then wipe them and pour out the treat.

Not every housewife knows how to properly brew delicious coffee, but with the help of these instructions, you can achieve the perfect taste. You can use cane or special brown for a more refined taste.

Little coffee secrets

  • Unground coffee is considered to be the richest in nutrients. After grinding, the grains lose their beneficial properties. Therefore, it is better to buy coffee as beans in order to grind them before preparing your favorite drink.
  • Coffee should not be drunk too hot. The anti-aging drink is able to expand capillaries, which is manifested by spider veins on the face. Chilled coffee served in coffee shops has little benefit, it is too nutritious
  • It will not be an alternative to a real drink, decaffeinated coffee. There is little benefit in it, there is no versatility of taste, since the grains are treated with a not particularly useful reagent. To reduce the need for caffeine, it is better to choose Arabica coffee.
  • To gain maximum benefit and pleasure from an instant drink, it must have a strong aroma. You should buy the product packaged in jars - glass or tin. The powder in the jar should not contain foreign impurities
  • The maximum dose of drinking an invigorating drink is three hundred gram cups per day. Exceeding the dosage results in a deficiency of microelements for beauty - nails, hair, and skin suffer. Health may be affected - dehydration effect, weight gain

How to properly brew delicious coffee with cinnamon?

The delicacy is often served with various additives. You can add salt, pepper, cinnamon and other spices to your coffee. Traditionally, coffee was always served with a cinnamon stick. But you can brew a drink based on it.

  • Finely ground grains – 2 tsp;
  • Clean water – 200 ml;
  • Sugar – 2/3 tsp;
  • Cinnamon – 2/3 tsp.

The cooking method is quite simple and universal:

  • Pour all ingredients, except water, into a pot and heat.
  • Then pour in water and place the dishes on low heat.
  • Wait for the foam to revive and remove the Turk from the heat. After this, wait until it boils 3-4 more times, pour into cups and enjoy the drink.

This cinnamon-infused treat is perfect for winter evenings when you want to sit at home and enjoy a drink.

Benefits of coffee beans

Coffee beans have the following advantages:

  • suitable for storage;
  • contains a lot of caffeine;
  • has a pronounced aroma and taste;
  • suitable for preparation in a coffee machine;
  • You can choose the degree of grinding yourself;
  • suitable for blending.

The last point is the most interesting. Coffee gourmets can pamper themselves with mixtures of beans of different degrees of roasting or countries of origin and enjoy new shades of taste every morning.

Coffee with flavors

Traditional coffee has already found a worthy replacement; now various toppings are being added: syrups, alcohol, spices, dairy products (milk, cream, cheese). With such a rich selection, you can experiment and try completely different delicacies every day. It is worth paying attention to what is added to lift your mood and what to improve taste. Everyone has their own recipe for delicious coffee, let’s take a closer look at the most popular ones.

Brazilian coffee

The recipe for this drink is distinguished by its bright, but at the same time mild taste. Unlike the previous version (in Turkish), this type of drink is very popular among today’s youth. To prepare you will need:

  • Pure water – 150 ml;
  • Cream – 15 g;
  • Cocoa – 15 g;
  • Finely ground grains – 2 tsp;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Sugar - to taste.

Home cooking:

  • Mix cocoa powder with half the water, put on fire and bring until thickened.
  • As soon as the mixture begins to thicken and boil, add more water and coffee.
  • Now the mixture must be simmered over low heat until foam appears.
  • Sprinkle the resulting foam with a pinch of salt, cover the cezve and let the treat brew.
  • It is advisable to whip the cream and cool it before pouring.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil again, strain and pour into cups.
  • Decorate the finished treat with cream and a cinnamon stick if desired. If necessary, add sugar.

Brazilian coffee is ready! This is one of the most popular drinks in the world, everyone loves it without exception!

Spiced coffee

This recipe is perfect for quiet gatherings with friends on a cold evening. To prepare you will need:

  • Honey – ½ tsp;
  • Cardamom – 2-3 boxes;
  • Ground grains – 1 tsp;
  • Bitter chocolate – ¼ bar.

Home cooking:

  • Grate the chocolate on a fine grater and place it in the refrigerator for a while.
  • Place the cardamom and ground grains in a Turk. Fill with water (about 150 ml will be required) and place on low heat.
  • As soon as foam forms, remove the vessel from the heat.
  • Pour the coffee into cups, add a little honey.
  • Stir the drink again before serving and sprinkle a little grated chocolate on the surface for taste.

When serving, the cup can also be decorated in any way. This will add a special charm to the atmosphere of the evening!

Popular recipes for instant coffee with additives

Milk and cinnamon

What to prepare:

  • instant powder (1-2 teaspoons)
  • sugar - optional
  • high fat milk (quarter cup)
  • water, it should be less than a glass

How to proceed? Pour the powder with sugar into the prepared cup and add two-thirds of the hot water. After three minutes of infusion, pour in heated milk or cream, sprinkle with pre-prepared cinnamon

Cold drink

What to prepare:

  • sugar and coffee powder (5 teaspoons each)
  • water and milk (250 ml each)
  • vanillin (pinch)

How to proceed:

  1. 1 way. Mix instant coffee granules with sugar and brew with boiling water. Add vanillin to the cooled mixture and pour into ice cube trays to freeze. Then add coffee ice cubes to the cold milk and leave in the refrigerator
  2. Method 2. Prepare a cup or glass with a few ice cubes. Carefully pour concentrated coffee, prepared in advance, over them. To prevent the drink from losing its original taste, drink it immediately using a straw. This refreshing treat can be varied with milk or cream.

Coffee granule latte (instant)

What to prepare:

  • instant coffee - teaspoon
  • hot water - a glass and two teaspoons
  • a little sugar - if desired
  • additives – cocoa, spices, vanilla

How to proceed? In a cup, a teaspoon of coffee granules is mixed with two teaspoons of hot water to obtain a concentrated coffee syrup. After adding sugar and your favorite spices, add hot milk to the latte base and stir to combine the ingredients. You can flavor the drink with cream, ground cinnamon or nutmeg.

How to brew ground coffee

— As was said earlier, it is better to brew very finely ground coffee in a Turk (see How to properly brew coffee in a Turk


— If you use a coffee maker, it is very important to observe moderation when preparing coffee. It is better not to grind the grains very finely, but coarsely is also not correct.

If the grind is too fine, coffee dust may pass through the filter and the drink will turn out cloudy. And if the grind is coarse, then it will infuse longer than usual, and most of the aroma will evaporate.

— A sense of proportion comes with experience, so we won’t give specific numbers.

— The aroma of coffee is improved by salt, or rather a couple of its crystals. They need to be added before cooking.

— It is better not to heat up coffee that has cooled down, as you will hardly feel its aroma.

How to make a foam latte

Recipe ingredients:

  • ground coffee powder - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • milk with fat content 3.2% – 350 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 40 g.

Cooking process:

Prepare 2 servings of espresso in a kitchen appliance.

Pour the mixture into a special Irish glass.

By turning on the whisk in the kitchen gadget, beat the milk until foamy.

Carefully pour the foamy component over the coffee.

Serve the finished drink with marshmallows, cinnamon sprinkles or ground nuts.

How to brew coffee at home using savory additives

Show your imagination

Now let’s talk about how to make coffee beans at home using spices. There are many ways in the world, the main thing is that the resulting drink pleases with its aroma, gives vigor and a surge of vitality.

With some effort and imagination, you can even come up with your own recipe. Having mastered the subtleties, you will tell your relatives and friends how to properly brew coffee with spicy additives. Here are several ways to get a drink with an exquisite taste for gourmets.


For lovers of a rich aroma and dense foam, a recipe with cinnamon would be ideal. To prepare, take 1/3 teaspoon of sugar and cinnamon plus a teaspoon of coffee. Everything is mixed and placed in a dry container. Then heat the container over the fire for 3-4 minutes, and pour 125 ml of water into it in a thin stream. After the foam has risen, pour small portions into a cup.

For those with a sweet tooth – honey and chocolate

Those with a sweet tooth will enjoy coffee with honey, cardamom and chocolate. To prepare, you need to grate the chocolate, add 30-40 g of cardamom seeds, 1 teaspoon of coffee and 100 ml of water. Cook over low heat. After the foam rises, remove and add half a teaspoon of honey.

Cognacs and liqueurs

A very rich palette of taste and aroma is obtained when preparing coffee beans with alcohol, in particular liqueur and cognac.

When drinking this drink, driving vehicles and working with moving machinery is not recommended. You should also consult your doctor about the possibility of consuming such alcoholic beverages.

How to brew: prepare coffee in the usual way; alcohol in the amount of 7-10 g per serving is added to the ready-made drink.

Recipe for making coffee in a geyser coffee maker

The working process consists of placing the device on a special plate. Proceed according to the following algorithm:

  • Place the coffee bean powder into the filter mesh and distribute the product evenly;
  • place the part in a special compartment;
  • fill the tank with cold filtered water;
  • turn on the device.

You will hear the end of the preparation of the coffee drink by the characteristic hissing sounds, indicating that the water has boiled away. Remove the geyser from the heating element and pour the drink into cups.

How to grind coffee without a coffee grinder

After roasting, it is better to leave the grains uncovered in a flat container to cool. You can grind no earlier than after 10 hours. And this can be done even without a coffee grinder. Every housewife has more than one kitchen device that helps with grinding:

  • blender (put no more than 100 g of raw materials);
  • food processor;
  • meat grinder (only coarse grinding is obtained);
  • spice grinder.

Raw materials are successfully prepared for brewing even without the use of mechanical and electrical devices, as our ancestors did. At the same time, a tasty, aromatic drink was brewed from grains. Among the manual grinding methods we highlight:

  • mortar and pestle;
  • rolling pin;
  • chop hammer.

Read more about grinding methods in the article “How to grind coffee without a coffee grinder.”

Cooking options

Fans keep their favorite Turkish coffee recipes for years. The classic version of Turkish coffee on the stove step by step:

  1. First you need to grind a small amount of roasted beans. The degree of grinding is selected at your discretion.
  2. Pour the powder into a pot and pour about half of cool water into the bowl. Be sure to wait until the mixture of powder and water stops bubbling.
  3. At the next stage, you need to pour the rest of the water into the Turk, in which, if necessary, you should first dilute such liquid ingredients as milk, honey, instead of the latter you can add a little sugar. It is necessary to carefully monitor the liquid level and not allow it to rise above the place where the neck of the dish narrows, since, when heated, the foam can splash out over the edge.
  4. Place the Turk on the stove, preferably over low heat. If you have a gas stove, you can hold the cookware in your hands directly over an open, high heat.
  5. After 1-2 minutes, you should stir the contents of the cezve so that there are no lumps left in the finished drink. It is not recommended to stir the drink in the future. When brewing coffee, do not allow it to boil. Immediately after the foam in the Turk begins to rise (this happens when the temperature reaches +95...+96°C), the drink along with the grounds must be poured into a preheated mug.
  6. After 2-3 minutes, when the extraction process is completed and the grounds have settled, the drink can be served. It is advisable to serve with a glass of cool water: 1-2 sips help cleanse the taste buds and allow you to more fully enjoy the taste of the finished product.

To make the aroma of coffee feel much brighter, experts advise heating the powder in a cezve over a fire at the stage before water is added. This method is suitable for coarse grinding because if the beans are ground into dust, they can quickly char.

Interesting! How to brew espresso in Turk

In addition, to enhance the aroma and taste, you can add a pinch of table (non-iodized) salt to the Turk along with the ground grains. In the finished drink, the taste of salt will not be felt, and the smell will become much brighter.

To properly brew this delicious drink, you need to follow a minimum of recommendations. However, some recipes require a different cooking technology.

In Turkish

Turkish coffee is a popular drink that is preferred by many lovers. Its preparation requires some skills:

  • heat the cezve over the fire and pour 1 tsp into it. sugar (you can use more, it depends on taste);
  • At low temperature, bring the sugar to a light brown color (wait until caramelization begins);
  • pour about 100 ml of water into the melted sugar and bring to a boil;
  • remove the dishes from the stove, pour 10 g of ground coffee into it, stir;
  • pour 1 tbsp. l. cold (possibly ice) water;
  • place the dishes over low heat and heat, avoiding boiling;
  • as soon as the foam rises, you should immediately remove the dish from the heat and leave it alone;
  • After 2-3 minutes, you can pour the drink into heated cups.

Experts advise adding a pinch of cardamom and ground cinnamon to coffee prepared according to this recipe.

In Arabic

To prepare this drink you need:

  1. first pour a pinch of sugar into the container and heat it until light brown - this will give the drink a rich caramel taste;
  2. add cold water (approximately 75-80 ml per 1 cup);
  3. pour the freshly ground grains into a separate bowl and mix them with cardamom (in a ratio of 10:3);
  4. after the water boils, remove the dishes from the burner and add the prepared mixture to it;
  5. stir, place on the stove and wait until boiling starts again;
  6. after the foam rises, you need to remove it and repeat the entire procedure 3 times, avoiding strong boiling.

The finished drink should be sprinkled with ground cinnamon.

In Brazilian

The drink prepared according to this recipe is strong and rich.

At the initial stage, pour 0.5 tsp into a bowl of chilled water. cocoa powder and caxapa and mix thoroughly. Add 2 tbsp to the mixture. l. ground grains, heat in the cezve until fluffy foam rises, and remove the container from the stove.

Interesting! Spices and seasonings for coffee

An important point: the liquid should be filtered through several layers of gauze.

Pour the finished drink into a mug, add a small amount of rum and garnish with whipped cream or a large piece of ice cream.


Many fans prefer to brew ground Viennese coffee - this drink is popular in many countries around the world.

To prepare 1 serving, you need to take:

  • 35 ml of ready-made black coffee, brewed in Turkish;
  • 20 ml cream;
  • 3-5 g of dark natural chocolate;
  • Sugar is added to taste.

At the first stage, you need to brew the drink according to the classic recipe. While the grounds settle, you need to thoroughly whip the cream and sugar into a dense foam. Pour the drink into a preheated cup, carefully place a layer of cream on top and sprinkle with chopped chocolate.

Warsaw style

If you want to brew delicious coffee, you can choose the Warsaw-style recipe for this drink. For 1 serving you will need: ground coffee beans, water and milk, taken in equal quantities, a few tablespoons of regular sugar, 5 g of vanilla-flavored sugar.

First, you need to pour enough cold water into 100 g of coffee powder, place the dishes on low heat and wait until foam forms.

The resulting liquid should be quickly removed from the burner, add sugar to taste and place back on the stove. When the foam floats up, it needs to be removed several times.

In a separate bowl, heat high-fat milk together with vanilla sugar, but do not let the liquid boil.

You must first pour sweet milk into a warm cup, and then carefully add coffee strained through cheesecloth or a strainer.

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