Let's get off with coffee. Top 10 best substitutes that do not harm health, but even vice versa

Disputes about the balance of benefits and harms of the main “energy-supplying” drinks for the body have not subsided to this day. Today, the proportion of caffeine in coffee, as well as in black and even green tea, is calculated and compared not only by scientists, but also by all those who care about their health.

One thing is clear: these drinks do contain caffeine. And depending on the state of health and the presence of certain diseases in a person, it can negatively affect his body. In addition, drinking black tea and coffee contributes to the darkening of tooth enamel. In general, if you have reasons for refusing traditional morning hot drinks, you need to find a worthy replacement.

Rosehip decoction or infusion

It is no secret that today many varieties of tea include rosehip as an essential component. And if tea for some reason is not included in your current diet, prepare yourself a decoction or infusion of rose hips by pouring boiling water over a handful of fruits and leaving them for a while. If desired, you can add sugar or honey to this drink. But even in “splendid isolation”, rose hips will do an excellent job with the task that you have set for yourself. After all, it is a real champion among plants in terms of vitamin C content.

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How can coffee be dangerous?

The main harm is the high caffeine content in the drink. In addition to vigor and increased performance, this substance has a negative effect on health, especially if consumed in large quantities.

  1. Provokes the occurrence of hypertensive crisis, headaches and dizziness.
  2. Complicates the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Excessive consumption erodes tooth enamel and leaches calcium. Makes bones brittle.
  4. Increases the acidity of gastric juice.
  5. Causes sleep disturbance, nervousness and causeless irritability.
  6. Contraindicated for pregnant women. Interferes with the proper development of the fetus. During the first 8 weeks, drinking coffee increases the risk of miscarriage.
  7. Slows down the process of puberty in adolescents.
  8. Cases of addiction and acute intoxication have been recorded.

Mineral water with citrus fruits

Despite the lower content of ascorbic acid in citrus fruits compared to rose hips, their daily portion also combats drowsiness and fatigue well. So pour yourself a glass of mineral water and squeeze in some juice from an orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit or any other citrus fruit cut in half. You can also thinly slice the fruit crosswise and put a few circles in a glass. By the way, such a drink not only helps to cheer you up in the morning, but also promotes weight loss, along with a light dinner.

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Guarana has long been used to treat headaches, as an antipyretic and invigorating agent.

Guarana is a dried mass of processed seeds of a Brazilian tree vine. During the grinding of guarana, small particles of the peel remain in the finished mass and give the drink an original chocolate taste with a slight bitterness.

Guarana contains even more caffeine than coffee or tea, so it is not suitable for people trying to find a decaf alternative to coffee. A drink made from the seeds of this plant is common in the cultures of many peoples. Guarana coffee gained its wide popularity among the French in the 19th century; in other countries, alcohol was added to the powder, producing an original drink with unique taste characteristics.


Herbal drinks are a worthy replacement for traditional teas and coffee. One of them is quite similar in aroma to the last one. To create this drink, use the root of the plant of the same name, chicory, crushed to a powdery state. In addition to its invigorating effect, chicory is also known for its beneficial properties. For example, it contains inulin, a prebiotic that removes toxins from the body, lowers cholesterol levels, and promotes the rapid absorption of glucose and vitamins. And at the same time, being a polysaccharide, it does not affect blood sugar levels in any way. Other nuances of use include mitigating the effects of antibiotics, as well as possibly improving the color of teeth.

Along with chicory, many connoisseurs use other herbaceous plants to prepare invigorating drinks.

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Roasted baobab seeds

All parts of the baobab tree can be used for food; the leaves, for example, are used for salads and seasonings; oil is obtained from the fruit; the pulp of the fruit contains vitamins B and C and tastes like ginger.

Baobab seeds contain many essential oils, are consumed roasted and used to prepare extracts and coffee substitute. To do this, the seeds are roasted and ground, and the resulting mass is used to brew a drink that tastes very much like coffee.

Boiling water with apple slices and cinnamon

This drink doesn’t even need to be boiled. Simply pour boiling water over an apple cut into slices or cubes and sprinkle cinnamon on top. The second option is to place a cinnamon stick in a glass of drink for a while. The fruit will give the boiling water a delicate taste with sourness, and the spice will give you an unforgettable, pleasant aroma that will not only give you cheerfulness, but also improve your mood. Sugar is usually not added to such a drink, but if you cannot live without sweets, choose honey as an additive.

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Carob powder is used as one of the coffee substitutes, although it is not widespread in Russia. A drink made from carob powder tastes like cocoa; in addition, a natural sweetener, carob syrup, is very popular. In the plant’s homeland, it is actively used in the culinary and medicinal fields; in Europe, it is used by people on diets. You can usually purchase carob powder in online stores that sell this product, shipped from Spain.

Milkshake with chocolate or berries

Berries contain little sugar, but many useful elements that not only help strengthen the immune system, but also invigorate. Dark chocolate also has similar tonic properties, supplying the body with energy. Therefore, a slightly chilled cocktail of milk and ice cream, garnished with berries and/or grated dark chocolate, will certainly wake you up.

By the way, for those who are fond of cold non-alcoholic cocktails, we also have several original recipes in our collection.

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Mugitcha is a Japanese drink made from roasted wheat or barley that tastes similar to Soviet coffee substitutes. To do this, unrefined grains are fried in a cast-iron frying pan until brownish-golden, infused and brewed. This drink is usually consumed cold.

Mugitcha, prepared according to an old recipe, has an original taste, when whole grains of oats are poured with boiling water, after which the container is tightly wrapped in a towel and allowed to brew for about five minutes.

Matcha tea

Matcha, or more correctly, matcha, is a type of green tea that is obtained by steaming, drying and grinding the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant into a fine powder. The drink made from this raw material is a concentrated source of antioxidants, especially epigallocatechin gallate. This substance is now being actively studied by medicine. Its benefits are noted in the fight against many cancers and HIV.

Matcha green tea also helps in weight and fat loss. Matcha has a fresh, mild taste. And its preparation is a real ritual that can decorate any tea ceremony.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that matcha contains a large amount of caffeine. Its concentration can reach from 35 to 250 mg. per cup. If you have problems with caffeine, you will have to find another drink as an alternative.

Add light

Light and darkness provoke the release of certain hormones. Sun exposure is thought to increase the brain's production of serotonin. It, in turn, improves your mood and helps you feel calmer and more focused. Darkness, on the contrary, aggravates negative emotions.

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Even something like music playing in headphones can affect your well-being and help you cheer up. If you want to give up coffee, don't be afraid to change your habits and experiment with your morning rituals.

Robinia - pseudoacacia

Robinia, or pseudoacacia, as it is also called, is a deciduous plant of the legume family. Robinia flowers, bark and leaves have medicinal properties and contain essential oils, salicylic acid esters, and tannin. Robinia seeds contain more than 10% essential oils and are used to prepare a coffee substitute. To do this, the seeds are dried, fried in a hot frying pan or oven and processed in a coffee grinder.

Beech walnut

Beech nut is widely used in the production of oil, which replaces Provençal, walnut, poppy and other types of oils. In addition, beech nut is actively used to make a coffee surrogate. To do this, dried nuts are roasted in the shell until the shade of natural burnt coffee appears. Processed nuts are ground in special mills until a fine-grained structure is formed.


It is not advisable to make your own drink from crushed root, since some varieties may not be edible. It is better to buy a ready-made “coffee substitute” or grow cultivated types of grass on your site.

You should not abuse chicory instead of strong coffee. You can drink 4-6 cups per day, which is approximately equal to 2 servings of espresso. If the drink is drunk every day, then it is undesirable to exceed the dose of 3-4 servings. It is also important how much raw material is taken per cup - you should not exceed the limit of 1-2 teaspoons.

Excessive consumption can cause nausea, heartburn, low blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, diuretic effect, pain in the gall bladder, and general malaise.

To understand how many calories are in a drink, you need to:

  • count the number of spoons of sugar - 20-25 kcal in one;
  • add the calorie content of used milk - approximately 10 kcal in 20 ml of cow's milk;
  • take into account other additives - syrups, oils.

Chicory itself contains only 11 kcal per 100 g of dry raw material, so you can ignore it when calculating - there will be no harm to your figure.

The best caffeine alternatives for a boost

For people who are concerned about feeling less alert when quitting caffeine, the following may help:


Ginseng is included in many energy drinks. It is widely used in East Asia, where it has been an important medicinal plant for 2000 years (12).

People commonly use ginseng root and ginseng extract to increase energy levels, improve memory and concentration, relieve stress, reduce fatigue, and slow the effects of aging (13).

Anyone interested in trying ginseng in tea or supplement form should carefully read the product instructions to ensure the correct dosage.


Maca is a cruciferous vegetable (also includes broccoli and cabbage) that grows primarily in the Andes Mountains of central Peru. It can usually be purchased in powder form, so you can easily add it to soups, smoothies, cereals, or baked goods.

Research shows that it can fight fatigue and improve memory and learning, making it a great alternative to caffeine (14, 15).

You can try mixing it with hot milk for an energy drink or adding some to ice cream.

The Best Alternatives to Sugary Sodas

Research has shown a clear link between consumption of caffeinated sodas and weight gain, as well as lower intake of calcium and other important nutrients. Below are some alternatives you can try (7).

Fruit and vegetable smoothie

You can make smoothies at home by blending whole pieces of fruit or vegetables with water or juice in a blender.

You can also try experimenting with different fruits and vegetables to find the combinations that work best for you. Frozen fruit gives smoothies the same refreshing chill as soda. Fresh lemon juice can give it an extra hint of flavor.

Sparkling water with fruit juice

Some people find it difficult to give up the comfort of sparkling water. Mix plain sparkling water with a little fruit juice and lemon or lime juice for a refreshing alternative.

Here are some juices that work well for this purpose:

  • cranberry
  • crimson
  • apple
  • grape

However, since many commercial juices contain a lot of added sugar, it is best to use fresh fruit or choose 100% fruit juices whenever possible.

Sweet potato

Sweet potato is a plant in which all parts are edible and contains glucose, ascorbic acid, various minerals and vitamins. Sweet potatoes are also high in riboflavin, thiamine, iron, niacin and other valuable substances.

Sweet potato seeds are also used to prepare a drink that tastes like traditional coffee. To do this, dry the product cut into pieces in the oven or in a frying pan, then grind it in a coffee grinder and brew it in a Turk.

Cyperus esculentus (chufa)

Cyperus esculentus (chufa) is a perennial plant from the sedge family, is a natural antioxidant, has antiseptic properties, helps reduce cholesterol, improve metabolism and dilate blood vessels.

Chufa is a nutritious product, the most valuable part of which is its nodules (underground cones), they contain 20% sugar, 25% starch, 20-25% oil and up to 8% protein. Cyperus tubers taste like groundnut kernels, they are consumed boiled and fried, and used in the manufacture of confectionery, drinks and coffee substitutes.

When to avoid caffeine

For most people, moderate amounts of coffee are fine as part of a healthy and balanced diet.

However, experts advise certain groups of people to avoid caffeine if possible to avoid worsening existing medical conditions or to reduce the risk of complications.

For example, a person should monitor their caffeine intake if they have the following conditions:

  • pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • glaucoma or family history of glaucoma
  • epilepsy
  • sleep problems
  • caffeine sensitivity or caffeine allergy

Common dogwood

Dogwood has many beneficial properties; it has a diuretic, choleretic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory effect. Dogwood berries contain pectins, which help rid the body of toxins and remove urea. In addition, dogwood strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, relieves swelling and inflammation in the veins. Dogwood fruits are used to prepare decoctions and jams, and the remaining seeds are used to prepare a coffee substitute by rinsing and drying them in a frying pan. The dried seeds are crushed in a coffee grinder, and the resulting mass is brewed in a Turk like regular coffee.

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