How to properly expresso or espresso. Origin of the word

How to spell the word “espresso” correctly?

You can often hear in a cafe “I’ll have one expresso”, and then see a nervous tic in the barista, who hears the incorrect pronunciation of this word a hundred times a day. Why do people so often get confused and add an extra letter to a word? Was this due to knowledge of etymology or simple carelessness? Let's figure out how to spell "espresso"?

What is espresso

Etymology allows us to determine the correct spelling. For the first time, a strong aromatic drink began to be brewed in Italy. And we know that the word “espresso” comes from the Italian language from the verb “esprimere”, which translates as “to express”. Thus, literally translated, the name of the drink means “expressed,” which is quite logical: coffee has a strong, bright bitter taste. The Italians called strong coffee that way because it is the strongest among other drinks made from coffee beans.

However, there is another version. Some philologists are sure that the drink got its name from the root “to press” (to press). This reflects the principle of making strong coffee: boiling water is passed through a filter with ground beans under high pressure.

Which is correct: "expresso" or "espresso"?

According to the spelling norms of the Russian language, “express” spelling is considered the correct option and the only correct one.”

What is espresso?

Etymology allows us to determine the correct spelling. For the first time in Italy they began to produce a strong aromatic drink. And we know that the word “express” comes from the Italian verb “express,” which translates as “to express.” So, literally translated, the name of the drink means “espresso,” which is quite logical: coffee has a strong and bright bitter taste. The Italians called this strong coffee because it is the strongest among other coffee bean-based drinks.

However, there is another version. Some philologists are sure that the name of the drink comes from the root “pressare”. This reflects the principle of strong coffee: boiling water is forced through a filter containing ground beans under high pressure.

History of espresso coffee

Strong black coffee is the eternal love of all residents of the Mediterranean coast. But until the 20th century, the drink was prepared only in Turks, and cafe visitors had to wait too long for their order. Therefore, when the Milanese engineer Luigi Bezzera invented the coffee machine in 1901, it immediately became clear that it had a great future. Back in 1903, entrepreneur Desiderio Pavoni acquired a license, and in 1905 he began producing Pavoni coffee machines.

photo of the world's first coffee machine Luigi Bezzer
I liked the new product: now it took only half a minute to prepare coffee, so the name espresso was deserved. Even before the war, the fashion for coffee machines swept Italy and France. In 1927, the first coffee machine appeared in a New York bar.

But there were some dissatisfied people. The fact is that in the model of coffee machine invented by Bezzer, the particles of ground coffee overheated, the taste of espresso lost its sophistication, and the tones of burnt beans were heard.

The defect was corrected by Milanese bartender Achille Gaggia, who proposed a completely different technology. In the Gadzhia semi-automatic coffee maker, pressure was created by a stream of hot water supplied under high pressure. Since the water temperature in such a coffee maker is below +100 ° C, the aroma of the drink is fully revealed, but there is no smell of burnt beans.

The economic situation in Italy after the war was extremely difficult, which is why many residents emigrated to English-speaking countries: the USA, Canada, Australia. Espresso coffee was served in cafes and bars that Italian immigrants opened in foreign lands. As a result, already in the mid-60s of the last century, the drink gained popularity on all continents. It is also loved in conservative Asian countries, although they drink cold espresso mixed with ice.

Origin of the word "espresso"

The term "espresso" comes from Italy. Express, which translates as “squeezed”, prepared under pressure.

So this is the name of the method. It is used to make the favorite drink of Italians. Also, the literal translation means “espresso,” and this is true, since “espresso” has a bright, rather tart taste and aroma.

The meaning of “espresso” in the dictionary of foreign words is described as a strong and invigorating drink brewed on a special coffee machine under pressure. The second meaning is a cafe where coffee is prepared. Wikipedia defines this name as a drink made by displacing water, the temperature of the liquid is about 90 degrees, and is pressurized through a certain filter with ground coffee beans.

Latin roots

According to a common hypothesis in etymology, the name coffee comes from the Latin “exprimo”, which is translated from Russian as “squeeze”. Thus, it would appear that the historically correct version of the drink's name, based on its origin, would be "expressed". However, this opinion is incorrect. The word came to the Russian language through Italian, and not directly from Latin, that is, in a modified form. And the Italians replaced the letter “x” in words borrowed from Latin with “s”. Therefore, "voiced" and "utterance" are essentially the same root words that, for historical reasons, are pronounced and spelled differently. Therefore, answering the question of how to write espresso correctly, we can say that the letter “k”, which literally suggests itself, will be superfluous here.

Spelling the word "espresso"

The word "espresso" refers to strong coffee brewed in a small amount of water. In everyday speech, as soon as this word is not pronounced!

And this variability can be understood if we consider that in the Russian language many foreign words begin with the combination of letters ex-:

  • extreme
  • external
  • extract
  • eccentric
  • additional

Apparently, by analogy with such words, the name of a coffee drink in the speech of some speakers turns into “espresso,” although this pronunciation is completely incorrect. This word is borrowed from the Italian language and is also pronounced in Russian with the initial combination es-.

Express or Express

Please note that in the second syllable of the word there is a strong combination in stress:

expressed accepted

In Russian, unlike many immutable inanimate nouns of neutral gender (cafe, metro, radio, boa constrictor, etc.), this loanword has a grammatical category of masculine gender, for example, the word "coffee".

To remember the correct pronunciation and spelling, read the example sentences out loud.

Can there be changes?

People often start saying on the Internet that the norms of the Russian language need to be changed for the convenience of its native speakers. And, if people pronounce and write the name of coffee as “espresso”, this is an option that should be recognized as literary and correct. However, philologists and writers cannot agree with this decision.

You can pronounce words differently. There are common mistakes that many native speakers make. And this cannot be a reason to change the rules. Otherwise, changes may go too far. You can completely abandon the rules and propose to cancel some language rules. This can only lead to an increase in illiteracy among the population.

How correctly expressed or expressed. Origin of the word

How to say it correctly, express it or express it. The first version of the word is correct. In Russian, the name coffee comes from Italian, where the drink was named that way. If the name comes directly from Latin, it might sound like "espresso" due to its origins. However, it turned out that the correct option does not involve the use of the letter “k”.

Why is there confusion with the words "express" and "espresso"?

Philologists explain the confusion with the words “espresso” and “espresso” by the fact that people are influenced by an erroneous “etymology”, according to which the name coffee indicates a ready-made aromatic drink. According to experts from the Institute of Philology, this is due to the substitution of concepts, when a closer meaning of one word is attributed to another, similar in sound and spelling.

But the word forms “expressed” and “expressed” are not close in meaning and are not related to each other. These are completely different units with their own lexical meaning and pronunciation. And calling coffee “espresso” in this case is indecent.

Latin roots

According to a common hypothesis in etymology, the name of coffee originally came from the Latin word “exprimo”, which is translated into Russian as “squeeze”. Thus, it would seem that the historically correct version of the name of the drink based on its origin would be "expresso". However, this opinion is wrong. The word came into the Russian language through Italian, and not directly from Latin, that is, in a modified form. And the Italians changed the letter “x” in words borrowed from Latin to “s”. Therefore, “espresso” and “expression” are essentially the same root words, which, for historical reasons, are pronounced and written differently. Therefore, answering the question of how to spell espresso correctly, we can say that the letter “k”, which literally suggests itself, will be superfluous here.

Which rule applies?

So there is no rule here because "expressed" is a loan word that came to us from the Italians. To understand the logical chain of changes in this word, let’s return to the history of its appearance.

It originally comes from the Latin word exprimo, meaning “to compress.” It turns out that the letter -k- was still present in the historical version of the word. But this concept did not enter the Russian language directly from Latin. The Italians were the first to make strong coffee, which means they had to come up with a name for the new drink.

Here the opinions of linguists differ; there are two opinions:

  • the Italians borrowed this word from Latin, but, as in other similar cases, replaced -x- with -s- to make it easier to pronounce;
  • the second version is that the word was formed from the verb “express”, which in translation means “to express”.

Both options may be correct and logical. Because coffee has really pronounced bitter notes that cannot be confused with anything else.

There is often an error in the spelling and pronunciation of the word "express" because people compare it with the similar word "express". It means speed and speed (express or express). And the drink itself is prepared quickly, so it gives rise to the wrong associations in the head.

Example sentences

Here are some examples of phrases to remember to spell espresso:

  1. Only this cafe knows how to make espresso best.
  2. Remember that I like double espresso without sugar.
  3. You can easily serve excellent espresso in an inconspicuous place and bring drinks to the restaurant.
  4. On the table in front of her stood a steaming cup of espresso and a plate of fluffy cake.

If necessary, you can use this word in all styles of speech. In a text, it can act like any member of a sentence - it depends on the context in which the word is used.

How to write incorrectly

Incorrect spelling with the letter -k-. This mistake is so common that it's really easy to remember. Even today this word can be seen on the signs of all cafes and cafes. Just look closely and remember the spelling. Also, do not forget about the double -c- in the word; any other spelling is perceived as an error.

Express: what is it?

According to etymology, the word “express” has nothing to do with making coffee. It refers to any vehicle that moves at high speed and does not stop. There is also a more general meaning: a process that is completed in the shortest possible time, “express delivery” or “express payment”.

Another meaning of the prefix “ex-” is past, ended, former. Some believe that in the name of coffee it means “once under pressure,” but philologists and linguists consider this hypothesis untenable.

By the way, an interesting fact is that the first coffee machine was invented specifically for making espresso. Residents of the Mediterranean simply adored this drink, but were often unhappy that it took too long to prepare in Turk. Therefore, in 1901, an engineer from Milan, Luigi Bezzera, invented a machine that brewed espresso coffee in a matter of minutes. We can say that in Italy they invented not only the drink itself, but also an express method for preparing it.

What is the difference between espresso coffee and Americano, ristretto and lungo?

Americano is a coffee drink made from espresso. To get an Americano, 1-2 servings of espresso are diluted with hot water, bringing the total volume of liquid to 150-200 ml. There are no generally accepted standards for proportions; each barista and establishment has its own tricks and cooking features.

Ristretto is almost the same as espresso, but prepared with less water, which means it is even more concentrated. There are literally 1-2 sips of ristretto in a cup. This is the choice of real coffee lovers who want to experience the pure taste of the bean.

Lungo is a “ristretto in reverse”, that is, espresso prepared with a large amount of water (up to 60 ml per cup). It should not be confused with Americano, since lungo is not diluted with water, but all of it is passed through the coffee mass.

By the way, double espresso is called doppio, and triple espresso is called triplo. In these drinks, the amount of coffee increases in proportion to the amount of water (14 g coffee + 60 ml water for doppio and 21 g coffee + 90 ml water for triplo).

If you add 5 ml of lemon juice to regular espresso, you will get Romano coffee, and if you add the same amount of grappa, it will be Coretto. Espresso with cream is called con panna, and with milk foam it is called macchiato.

...And, returning to the linguistic debate, we remind you that, according to the rules of the Italian, Russian and British languages, the word “espresso” is written and pronounced without a “k”, therefore the variation “expresso” is considered illiterate.

Why is there confusion?

The words express and espresso are simply similar. That's why there was some confusion. There is another reason. Espresso is prepared very quickly. Therefore, a connection arises in the mind between the drink and high speed, a kind of “express method”.

Which is correct, espresso or expresso coffee. A competent person will speak and write only the first version.

Also, we must not forget how this word is spelled. The use of two letters “s” is mandatory: espre-sso. It is in this form that the word can be seen in all dictionaries and reference books. Other spellings are not acceptable. An error in the name of coffee can even be found in the menus of some coffee shops and restaurants.

Can there be changes?

People often start talking on the Internet about the need to change the norms of the Russian language for the convenience of its native speakers. And, if people pronounce and write the name of coffee as “expresso”, this option should be recognized as literary and correct. However, philologists and literate people cannot agree with this decision.

What is the difference between espresso and Americano? Which drink is stronger

Words can be spoken in different ways. There are common mistakes that many native speakers make. And this cannot be a reason to change the rules. Otherwise, changes may go too far. You can completely abandon the rules and propose to abolish some rules of the language. This can only lead to increased illiteracy among the population.

How to correctly expresso or espresso Origin of the word

How to say correctly, espresso or expresso. The first version of the word is correct. In Russian, the name coffee came from Italian, where the drink was called that way. If the name came directly from Latin, it might sound like "expresso" due to its origin. However, it turns out that the correct version does not involve the use of the letter “k”.

Health effects of espresso

Espresso contains between 35 and 95 mg of caffeine. The exact value depends on the type of caffeine and the beans selected. When choosing Arabica, one serving will be 35-55 mg. If the coffee contains robusta, the caffeine will be 55-95 mg.

The health benefits of coffee and espresso are highlighted:

  • vigor appears after a sleepless night;
  • when taken after meals, the digestion process improves;
  • improves mood and brain activity;
  • Coffee helps prevent cancer.

Beneficial and harmful properties are determined by the health status of a particular person. Excessive amounts of caffeine lead to increased heart rate. Strong drink worsens the color of tooth enamel.

Attention! A person without serious health problems does not experience harmful consequences. If you have chronic diseases, consult your doctor.

Caffeine content in an espresso shot

In the absence of serious health problems, a double shot of espresso does not cause serious problems. Caffeine can increase anxiety or cause insomnia. People suffering from high blood pressure need to be careful with coffee.

One shot of espresso contains about 60 mg of caffeine. This volume will be less than 1/4 of the daily requirement for coffee drinks. For comparison, a 250 ml cup of coffee contains about 95 mg.

Specifics of an espresso shot

An espresso shot is served in Italy or at an espresso bar. This is a traditional strong drink in a porcelain cup without unnecessary details. It will contain about 50 ml of coffee. If the drink is prepared correctly, a thick layer of airy brown foam forms on top.

Availability of foam

The first sign of quality espresso is beautiful crema. During brewing, water penetrates the compressed coffee under high pressure. At this time, certain processes occur:

  • some of the coffee oils are mixed with hot water;
  • as a result of pressure, degassing of grains occurs, from which carbon dioxide is displaced;
  • a chemical reaction leads to the release of bicarbonate ions, which increases the pH of the coffee;
  • a sudden change in pressure leads to foaming of the drink.

The above processes lead to the formation of the classic top layer of an espresso shot. The effect lasts up to 40 minutes, but it is advisable to drink the drink immediately.

Features of espresso

The composition of the coffee drink includes only two components - water and ground coffee. It is believed that espresso does not need any additives. Some connoisseurs say that adding sugar to it is the same as sweetening a dry vintage wine.

The serving size is taken into account. The Italian classic version requires only 30 ml of water. In Scandinavian countries and Russian cities, it is customary to add more water - from 60 to 80 ml.

Espresso is not just black coffee without added sugar. Its advantage is the golden foam, which is called crema. The product is called coffee bean juice due to the high concentration of aromatic extract.

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