Calorie content and chemical composition of various types of instant coffee

Health and coffee

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Hi all! What is the calorie content of instant coffee? - this is the question asked by those people who monitor their health and figure.

Consumption of a black instant drink made from coffee beans without sugar or sugar-replacing substances during the diet does not at all affect the increase in total calorie content per day. A cup of this wonderful drink contains a fairly small amount of calories. Over a long period of time, the pros and cons of this invigorating drink have been studied.

As a result, instant coffee, the calorie content of which remains a mystery to many people, has become one of the favorite drinks.

We recommend drinking this drink from the Czech Leander porcelain set

Calorie content of a cup of coffee with milk and sugar

As soon as you add sugar, milk and other additives that make the drink especially tasty, the calorie content increases significantly. Some coffee cocktails are more dessert-like and can have hundreds of calories.


Perhaps the ingredient that has the most nutritional impact. Just one spoon significantly increases your caloric intake, and if you are watching your weight, this drink is worth considering, especially if you drink more than one serving a day. For ease of calculation, one serving of sweetener can be considered equal to 20 kcal, but for those who like exact numbers, we present more detailed information:

  • A teaspoon of white sugar without a slide - 19.5 kcal, with a slide - 27, cane sugar - 20 and 28, respectively;
  • 5 grams of sugar crystals contain 18 kilocalories;
  • In a stick - 19.5, in a bag, which is served in some cafes (10 g) - usually 39 calories.

Let's look at popular combinations for various drinks:

DrinkPortion, mlCalories from coffee With 1 stick of sugar

5 g

With 1 spoon of sand 7 gWith 2 spoons of sand 14 g
Filter or French press2202222957
Cooked in Turk2004243159
Instant (2 tsp)20020404774

Milk and cream

Another “calorie bomb”. If you add literally a tablespoon to your Americano, that's okay, but if you like milk-based drinks, be careful when counting your total calories.

Type of milkKcal per serving 20 ml (tablespoon)Calories per 50 ml serving (2.5 tablespoons)
Low fat, up to 1%6-716-18
Medium fat, 1.5 – 2.5%9-1022-26
Fat, 3.2 – 3.5%1229-30
Soy low fat, up to 1%6-1014-22
Condensed without sugar1538
Type of creamCalories per 10 g servingCalories per 20 g tablespoon
Low fat612
Fat content 10%1224
Fat content 20%2040


Spices themselves are low in calories, and if you put cinnamon, vanilla or nutmeg on the tip of a teaspoon, you can add 3 calories with each serving. The same thing applies if you add 3 cloves or cardamom seeds.

What increases the calorie content of coffee?

Many people are accustomed to adding various additives to coffee: cream, milk, sugar, cognac, and much more. All this significantly increases the energy value of the finished drink.

It is worth noting that doctors recommend that patients with cardiovascular disease dilute their coffee with warm natural milk. In this case, the calorie content will be 2.5 times higher. If you prefer milk with a fat content of 3.2%, then add 1 tsp. the calorie content of instant coffee is added by another 18 kcal. Men and women watching their figure should avoid using dry milk powder concentrate. In 1 tbsp. l. contains 80 calories. Are you using 10% cream? In 30 ml. contains 35 kcal. For low blood pressure, it is preferable to consume brown liquid without any additives.

This year, the research center conducted a survey that found that only 30% of people drink coffee without sugar. The remaining 70% adds refined sugar to it, thereby increasing the kcal content. 1 teaspoon contains 5 grams. granulated sugar. At 5 gr. sugar contains 20 kcal. If you are used to adding 3 tsp. sand, then you get another 60 additional kcal.

One cup of instant drink with 30 ml. milk (2.5%) and 2 tablespoons of sugar contains 68 kcal. According to statistics, office workers consume 3 cups of coffee during the day, which contain 200 calories.

It is worth noting that the invigorating drink is dietary. But as soon as high-calorie foods (sugar, milk or cream) are added to it, it immediately ceases to be low-calorie.

Calorie content of coffee with additives

It is rare to find lovers of black coffee without additives: milk, cream, sugar, spices: all this gives the drink new dimensions of taste and aroma, and at the same time calorie content.

Milk and cream

The cream perfectly softens the taste of coffee, but significantly increases the calorie content.
Usually about 30 ml of milk or cream is added to a cup of black drink. If milk has a fat content of 2.5%, it will add another 16 kcal to the coffee, more fat content, 3.2% - 18 kcal. Cream is twice as fat, i.e. it adds about 36 kcal to the calorie content of coffee.


Sugar significantly increases the calorie content of the drink; a teaspoon of sugar contains 24 Kcal, respectively, adding two tablespoons of sugar gives 48 Kcal. A
teaspoon or candy contains approximately 5 grams of weight, which means that such a portion will make the drink 20 kcal more calories, and since often one tablespoon is not enough, this figure increases by 2 or even 3 times.

Positive and negative properties

Important! It is always worth remembering that such a wonderful drink has its positive and negative qualities.

Among its positive properties, it can be noted that it contains more than 1200 different chemical elements, including vitamins PP, B1 and B2, macro and microelements, potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, magnesium. Most of them are involved in the basic processes that ensure the normal functioning of the human body, so it is extremely important to maintain their quantity in it.

Coffee contains vitamins PP, B1 and B2, macro and microelements, potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, magnesium

The described drink also has a diuretic effect and a mild laxative effect. In addition, due to the oils it contains, it is quite high in calories, so if you are on a diet and want to lose weight, before drinking a cup of this drink, you need to know how many calories are in coffee with sugar.

Important! Since coffee is a tonic drink, it can invigorate a person for a short period of time, as well as increase his attention and concentration.

For the same reasons, it is used for low blood pressure or migraines. Drinks based on it are also indicated for patients with diabetes; in addition, they should be consumed for liver diseases.

There is also a cosmetic use of this plant, for example in the form of masks that rejuvenate the skin of the face. In addition to the positive qualities of use, there are also negative aspects of this process. For example, boiling coffee or espresso can significantly increase blood cholesterol levels. This, in turn, can lead to heart disease.

Coffee helps with low blood pressure or headaches

In addition, under the influence of this drink, calcium can be intensively removed from the body, which causes increased fragility of bones. For this reason, this drink is strictly contraindicated for children under 2 years of age, while older children can be given 4 times more diluted than adults. This also applies to pregnant women.

In any case, if you have been diagnosed with chronic diseases of the nervous system or gastrointestinal tract and have been prescribed a special diet in connection with this, you should consult with your doctor about the possibility of drinking this drink in the future. Also, if you are advised to lose weight, find out in advance how many calories are in a cup of coffee with sugar and add them to other lunch recipes.

Coffee is included in masks that rejuvenate the skin

Condensed milk

Condensed milk is great for coffee, as it not only softens the taste, but also makes it sweet and, as a result, more caloric.
The energy value of such a treat is 320 kcal per 100 g, so two teaspoons of condensed milk will add another 64 kcal to coffee.


Cognac will enrich the taste of coffee and give it additional calories.
Noble alcohol reveals the taste of even the cheapest coffee in a special way. However, since it takes about 30 ml of the drink to make a proper cognac coffee, and its energy value is 239 kcal / 100 ml, you get an increase of 69 kcal per serving.


Lovers of coffee with liqueur understand that a tasty addition can cause extra pounds.
An exquisite drink based on berries and spices will bring about 60-90 kcal per cup of coffee, adding 30 ml.


One tablespoon will hold 25 grams of syrup, and a teaspoon will hold 10 grams; the calorie content of the drink will increase in proportion to this
. A sweet addition in the form of syrup flavored with chocolate, caramel or vanilla will increase the calorie content of coffee several times, because 2 teaspoons of the sweet treat contains 78 kcal


Almost all spices have a low calorie content, which will have a great effect on your figure.
But adding spices (cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla, ginger) to a hot drink will not only give it unique nuances of taste and aroma, but will have virtually no effect on the energy value - in one teaspoon of spices there are no more than three of them, 5 kcal. The exception is nutmeg - its calorie content per 10 grams is 5 kcal.

Calorie content of coffee 3 in 1

A standard 3-in-1 coffee sachet is a mixture of coffee, sugar and milk powder

A sachet of 3-in-1 instant drink usually contains 20 grams of powder, and the caloric content indicated by the manufacturer is from 80 to 100 kcal. It turns out that 100 g of such coffee contains from 300 to 500 kcal, which is several times higher than the energy value of regular coffee.

The main component of the 3-in-1 drink is sugar; in a standard sachet it makes up about half of the total weight, which means its calorie content is 38 kcal. Coffee, as already mentioned, is a low-calorie component. The last component is cream, 100 g of this plant product contains 450 kcal, if there are 5-7 g in the package, then add 30-35 kcal.

Aroma and flavor additives further increase the calorie content of this coffee

Unfortunately, an unscrupulous manufacturer makes an already high-calorie instant drink even more harmful to the figure, replacing natural coffee with wheat, oak acorns, chestnuts and other cheap raw materials. Flavorings such as “chocolate”, “condensed milk” or “hazelnut” increase the calorie content of 3-in-1 coffee by an average of 15-40 kcal per serving; preservatives also add “weight”, often not listed in the essay.

Instant coffee lovers do not have to worry about extra pounds and enjoy the taste and aroma. However, it should be remembered that any additives affect the calorie content of the drink. Drinking a few cups of coffee a day with milk, cream or sugar can provide up to 30% of your daily calorie intake and should be taken into account.

Condensed milk

Per 100 grams of product – 295 kcal.

A teaspoon – 29 kcal.

Ice cream

Per 100 grams of product – 124.2 kcal.

A teaspoon – 12 kcal.

How many calories are in 100 grams of coffee?

The calorie content of coffee without sugar depends on a number of factors. For example, the energy value of a natural and instant product is significantly different. Different indicators are recorded when using the decaffeinated version and the flavored variety.


Instant coffee contains a minimum of fats, sugars and acids. These substances are simply washed away during production. The amount of natural raw materials in such a product does not exceed 15%. The rest of the composition consists of all sorts of chemicals that give color and aroma. Therefore, the calorie content of instant coffee without sugar is higher than natural coffee.

The calorie content of instant coffee without sugar is also affected by the brand of coffee. The table shows the energy value of products from different brands.

BrandCalorie content per 100 gramsKilocalories per teaspoon
Nescafe Classic565,6
Carte Noire10010
Jacobs Monarch10010
Maxwell House10010
Tchibo Exclusive26426,4

Black natural

Coffee beans contain fats, sugars and protein. The fresher the roast, the higher their concentration. If grains are stored for a long time, these substances partially evaporate. The least amount of them is in crushed grains stored in unsealed packaging. Accordingly, if you grind freshly roasted fruits and immediately brew them, the number of calories in a cup of coffee will increase by 1-2 units.

It is noted that nutritional value directly depends on the duration of extraction. For example, if ground coffee beans were brewed in a Turkish coffee pot, there will be only 4 kcal per 200 ml. The same portion cooked in a French press or filter will have only one more unit.

Cafein free

It is believed that this option is the lowest calorie, dietary option. True, not everything is so simple. In many ways, the energy value of coffee depends on the technology used for decaffeination. As a rule, 1 cup of a drink made from natural ground grains contains 1 kcal. When using an instant product without milk and sugar, this figure will increase to 15.

With flavors

Flavorings contain sugars and fats. They have high energy value. The calorie content of a cup of coffee with flavors will double. When drinking a drink with the aroma of cherry, chocolate or hazelnut, prepared in a Turk, the body immediately receives 8 calories.

Different coffees have different energy values

The nutritional value of coffee directly depends, among other things, on the method and recipe for its production.

Classic espresso and Americano are black coffee without any additives. Espresso is stronger than Americano.

A latte is made from esperso by adding milk and foam. A serving of latte prepared according to a standard recipe has an energy value of approximately 250 Kcal. You can reduce the number of calories by adjusting the amount of milk and sugar, but this may change the usual taste of the drink.

Mochaccino's recipe is similar to a latte, but it also contains chocolate syrup or hot chocolate. There are recipes that use caramel. It is used instead of sugar. Mochaccino in a standard portion has an energy value of 289 Kcal.

Cappuccino is a fusion of espresso and milk or cream with the addition of a little sugar. The top of the drink is covered with delicate milk foam, whipped from milk with a high percentage of fat content. A 150-180 g serving of cappuccino contains approximately 211 kcal.

Mocha is made from esperso, hot milk and chocolate, mixed in equal proportions. The surface of the drink is covered with a layer of whipped cream. The energy value of this divine cocktail is approximately 260 Kcal.

Rough coffee is prepared by mixing espresso, vanilla sugar, cream and whipping this mixture in a pitcher in a coffee machine.

Glace is made by adding a scoop of white ice cream to freshly brewed coffee (possibly with sugar). A serving of this delicacy “weighs” approximately 155 Kcal.

Irish is made by mixing coffee and alcohol, covering the surface with whipped cream. Calorie content 60 Kcal per serving.

Coretto is espresso with alcohol (whisky, liqueurs, cognac). Calorie content up to 95 Kcal per standard serving.

Tore (toro) is a large shot of espresso with a high head of milk foam on top of the coffee. Calorie content is about 100 Kcal.

Espresso Romano is black coffee prepared with lemon and garnished with a slice of this citrus. Energy value 4 Kcal per 100 ml.

Espresso macchiato differs from regular espresso by a drop of milk foam (15 ml) placed on top. Calorie content 53.5 Kcal per 100 ml volume.

Espresso con panna is made by sprinkling ground cinnamon on top of whipped cream. The calorie content of a 250 ml serving is approximately 99 Kcal.

Ristretto is an espresso brewed in a small volume of water (7 g of caffeine 20 g of water), very strong and invigorating. Drink it by taking a sip of water before each sip of coffee. This is necessary to avoid dehydration and cleanse the taste buds of the tongue. The calorie content of this drink is 7 Kcal per serving.

The effect of various additives on the calorie content and chemical composition of the drink

Unroasted coffee beans are quite high in calories. 100 grams of cooked grains contain about 223 kcal. However, not all calories end up in the finished product, since approximately 20-29% of water-soluble substances remain after all production processes. The nutritional value of 100 grams of brewed ground coffee is only 2 kcal per 100 grams.

But many people prefer to prepare black coffee, regardless of type, with various additives. You can add the following to the drink:

  • sugar;
  • milk;
  • condensed milk;
  • cream;
  • syrups;
  • liqueurs;
  • cognac;
  • ice cream;
  • honey;
  • grated chocolate;
  • marshmallows and other ingredients.

Any additive significantly increases the energy value of the final product. It should also be noted that instant coffee is much higher in calories than natural coffee. In the process of making an instant drink, only 15-20% of the coffee beans remains, the rest are preservatives, emulsifiers, dyes and other components. Because of this, the taste of the final product significantly changes, so many people prefer to add milk, sugar and other additives to instant coffee to mask the bitter taste of the drink.

If you prefer an invigorating drink with milk without sugar, the calorie content can be calculated as follows. For example, to prepare a drink you use 2 teaspoons of coffee granules (about 20 kcal). With the addition of milk with a fat content of 2.5%, the calorie content increases by another 26 kcal. Total, 300 ml of coffee is 46 calories.

Many people prefer to drink instant coffee with sugar, without thinking that the calorie content of the product increases many times. A heaped teaspoon of granulated sugar is plus 25-30 kcal. And if you put not one spoon, but 2-3, into the drink, then in terms of energy value it can be compared with a bar of chocolate.

The calorie content of instant coffee with cream will depend on the percentage of fat in the dairy product. 100 grams of 10% cream contain 119 kcal, 20% cream – 207 kcal. Dry concentrate is even higher in calories - 100 grams contains more than 550 kcal!

Adding cream, full-fat milk, sweet ingredients (condensed milk, chocolate, caramel, honey and, of course, granulated sugar) to an invigorating drink increases its calorie content many times over. For those watching their figure, it is better to avoid supplements or use low-fat dairy products. It is also recommended to choose herbal supplements.

Plant based milk

Calorie content of coffee and additives

Although many people are unaware of this fact, coffee is considered a low-calorie drink. The fact is that, of course, it contains a certain amount of oil and fat, but they are at such a low level that they have virtually no effect on the energy balance of the human body. But various additives to this drink can raise the calorie content very high. This should always be remembered when asking yourself the question, how many calories are in coffee with sugar?

The calorie content of the drink is affected by such ingredients and additives as sugar, cream, condensed milk. The basic amount of calories in black ground coffee is only 2 Kcal, but if you decide to add just 1 spoon of sugar to the drink, the number of kilocalories will immediately increase to 250! At the same time, there are special calculators that help calculate how many calories are in coffee without sugar and how many calories are in coffee with sugar.

If we classify all additives by energy value, then they can be arranged as follows:

The calorie content of coffee is affected by additives to it: sugar, cream, condensed milk.

  • 45-50 calories are contained in low-fat milk, taken in an amount of 100 g;
  • sugar - the same indicators;
  • 100 g of cream - approximately 100-300 calories, depending on its type and fat content.

At the same time, you should also always remember that these indicators can increase significantly depending on the method of preparing a particular type of drink. If you only use classic black, to which 1 tsp is added. sugar, you get about 47 kilocalories, and if you add a second one, it’s already 92 kilocalories. The same applies to milk and cream.

In addition, even if you know exactly how many calories there are in coffee with milk and sugar, you can easily gain unaccounted calories by consuming various confectionery and baked goods with it. If you drink such a drink along with a cake, it can add up to an amount of calories comparable to the total amount of calories received by a worker engaged in hard physical labor.

Coffee along with confectionery and baked goods provides a lot of calories

Due to these circumstances, many nutritionists recommend avoiding drinking caffeine-containing drinks during the period of weight loss. However, the optimal solution will still be when you simply calculate the number of calories consumed with a given drink before going to a cafe, and also refuse to consume some of its most high-calorie types.

Chemical composition of green coffee

Green coffee contains a rich mineral complex and beneficial vitamin composition. It contains organic acids, mainly chlorogenic acid, tannins, alkaloids, mainly caffeine, theophylline and trigonelline, essential oils, tannin, fiber, lipids and amino acids.

This drink contains much less caffeine than its black counterpart. However, its presence has a positive effect on the body, provided it is consumed within reasonable limits. Thanks to caffeine, you can increase mental performance, increase physical activity, and improve memory. It helps relieve accumulated fatigue and recharge the body with vigor. Also, consuming caffeine in small quantities helps speed up metabolism and prevents the accumulation of fat deposits, relieves spasms and stimulates the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Tannin helps remove dangerous toxins and harmful waste from the body, and also prevents harmful environmental effects. It has the ability to constrict blood vessels and reduce capillary permeability, and also helps heal wounds and neutralizes the harmful effects of pathogenic microorganisms and various types of poisoning.

Chlorogenic acid is one of the most powerful antioxidants that helps the body cleanse itself of free radicals and their harmful effects. However, this acid is only found in raw green coffee beans. It prevents the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, reducing the digestibility of carbohydrates, and also normalizes digestion, which undoubtedly promotes weight loss. Chlorogenic acid also has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, circulatory system and respiratory tract. Thanks to antioxidants, protein synthesis occurs, which is necessary for the stable and harmonious functioning of the body. Chlorogenic acid reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.

The amino acids that make up green coffee promote better absorption of beneficial vitamins and minerals by the body, help fight viruses and infections, speed up metabolic processes and increase hemoglobin production. They also help to gain muscle mass faster and have a beneficial effect on muscles after active physical activity. These beneficial substances can destroy subcutaneous fat and dull the feeling of hunger, and also help remove radionuclides and heavy metal salts from the body.

Lipids are responsible for the synthesis of many hormones that contribute to the proper functioning of the nervous system. And tannins speed up metabolism and reduce blood glucose levels. By the way, thanks to them, coffee acquires its astringency.

Thanks to the fiber contained in this product, harmful cholesterol is removed, digestive processes are normalized, the immune system and the body’s natural defenses are strengthened. Fiber can also prevent the development of cancer and reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems.

Essential oils give coffee its rich, luxurious aroma. With their help, you can soften the cough and increase the secretion of sputum, thereby removing mucus from the bronchi. They are able to quickly eliminate inflammatory processes and neutralize the effects of harmful bacteria. It also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and digestive organs.

What kind of coffee can you drink on a diet?

Despite the fact that many nutritionists advise completely excluding coffee from your diet during the period of weight loss, you can still drink it at this time, since it itself contains very few calories. In this case, it will be necessary to exclude various additives. It is worth abandoning those types of drinks that necessarily require the inclusion of the same cream in their composition. These include, for example, Glace, Frapuccino, Mocha and Latte.

Iced coffee is a high-calorie type

Due to their ingredients, the listed drinks become high-calorie, which, naturally, does not contribute to weight loss. If you name low-calorie varieties that are not capable of ruining your figure, then these are Ristretto, Americano and Espresso. In terms of their energy indicators, they are very close to natural black.

In addition, it is also worth noting the fact that coffee drinkers sometimes notice a weight loss effect, which is why it is believed that coffee can “burn” fat. This is due to the fact that it has some diuretic effect. It is by removing excess fluid from the body that the extra pounds are lost. However, you should not abuse this drink, as it can harm the human nervous system in case of overdose. The standard norm is 3 small cups per day.

We should also talk about the so-called green coffee, which has recently been advertised as a great way to lose weight. In principle, this is the same coffee of standard classic varieties, but unripe. Unlike the usual one, it has pale olive-colored grains.

The medicinal properties, as well as the ability to “burn” fat with this drink have not been proven, but green coffee contains fewer calories in its beans than regular coffee, which is why it can be used as food while losing weight. In addition, it has a pronounced diuretic effect, which is also a plus for a person losing weight.

Green coffee contains fewer calories in its beans than regular coffee.

The main thing is not to consume those types of it that involve the use of fatty products: cream, chocolate, condensed milk.

Note! To summarize, we can say that coffee itself cannot significantly affect your energy balance, since it contains very few calories.

If you adhere to this rule, then you can drink coffee within reasonable limits even when you are on the most difficult diet. In this case, this drink can cheer you up and prevent depression, which can be accompanied by a sudden loss of excess weight. Drink natural black coffee without sugar and forget about excess weight!

Coffee in the diet of those watching their figure

The healthiest thing, of course, is classic black coffee without sugar, with a calorie content of 2 kcal per 100 ml of a small mug. It is enough for the final awakening, receiving all the useful vitamins and microelements, as well as satisfying the need for caffeine. It is not recommended to increase the daily dose of the drink, not only for reasons of calorie content, since there is no need to be interested in how many calories are in coffee when drinking it without additives. Increasing the “dose” threatens caffeine addiction, which negatively affects the nervous and cardiovascular systems: if in small quantities this drink has a positive effect, then in excess, unfortunately, it shows the other side of the coin.

If you prefer coffee with sugar, the calorie content of which is occasionally ignored, it is better not to add any buns or cakes to it, as is customary to do in coffee shops. Despite all its ability to speed up metabolism, coffee will not burn the fats from culinary products consumed along with a mug of grande latte. But it will help them put it off with pleasure.

How many kcal are in instant coffee?

How many calories are in a drink depends on its type and variety. The average calorie content of coffee is 90-100 kcal. Many men and women on a diet will consider this to be quite a lot for 100g. Do not rush to give up your favorite drink, because these indicators refer to 100 grams of dry product weight. To prepare one cup of aromatic liquid, much less is required. Consequently, the calorie content of the drink will be much less than 90-100 calories.

Please note that all manufacturers indicate the calorie content of the powdered product on the packaging. In this case, we are also talking about one hundred grams of dry matter. On average, a person puts 2 hours into 1 mug of water (200 grams).

l. coffee. One teaspoon equals 6 grams. dry product. This amount contains 6 calories. Therefore, if you put 2 tsp in 1 cup. powder, then the calorie content of the finished drink will be only 12 kilocalories

On average, a person puts 2 tsp in 1 mug of water (200 grams). coffee. One teaspoon equals 6 grams. dry product. This amount contains 6 calories. Therefore, if you put 2 tsp in 1 cup. powder, then the calorie content of the finished drink will be only 12 kilocalories.

Do you want to know how to independently calculate the calorie content of 1 teaspoon of instant coffee? To do this, divide the calories indicated on the packaging by 100, and then multiply by the number of grams required to prepare the drink

Please note that water has no calorie content

Energy value (BZHU)

In 100 gr. powder contains BZHU in the following quantities:

  • proteins – 12 g;
  • fats – 0.5 g;
  • carbohydrates – 40 gr.

The average nutritional value is 240 kcal. It is determined by poly- and monosaccharides (77%), proteins (23%) and fats (2%). After diluting the powder in water, the content of BJU in 1 cup of instant coffee will depend on its concentration.

Chemical composition

Scientists continue to debate about instant coffee. Some believe that drinking in moderation is beneficial to the body. Others, on the contrary, are sure that the product “artificially” calms the heart rate, which has a negative effect on the body.

The instant drink is a source of many beneficial substances:

  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • vitamins of group B1, B2, PP;
  • cellulose.

All of the above components have a positive effect on the body, but you still shouldn’t get carried away with coffee. Its overdose can lead to depletion of nerve cells.

Coffee – benefits and harm at the same time

Coffee is a rather controversial product. It combines beneficial and harmful properties. And there are many discussions about whether you should drink this bitter drink or not.

Coffee, of course, can have a beneficial effect on the body. It accelerates metabolism and is involved in the prevention of many diseases, such as cancer, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes mellitus, vascular atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, liver cirrhosis, migraine. There is evidence of the benefits of this drink for the male reproductive system and for digestion. In dietetics, coffee is used for weight loss. It forces the body to begin using stored fats for energy, rather than liver carbohydrates, during aerobic exercise and fasting.

But coffee can also be harmful. Caffeine can be considered a kind of drug: with its systematic use in large doses, addiction, psychological and even physical, can develop.

One cup of ground coffee contains on average 80 mg of caffeine, and one cup of instant coffee contains 60 mg. To become addicted to this alkaloid, you need to drink 7 cups of ground or 9 cups of instant coffee daily. Not many people consume coffee in such large quantities, so such addiction, fortunately, poses no threat to anyone.

Also, coffee in excess amounts has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the heart, the state of the nervous system and mental health, and interferes with the absorption of certain microelements.

Decaffeinated coffee does not lose all these harmful properties, since it still contains caffeine, but in smaller quantities. And in the process of removing caffeine from beans, other, even more harmful chemical compounds are formed. So this “decaf” drink turns out to be even more harmful than regular coffee.

Despite all the controversy about the dangers and benefits of coffee, millions of people drink several cups of this invigorating drink every day. Coffee is a healthy product when consumed in moderation. People for whom it is contraindicated for health reasons should not drink it. The rest may well use it, receiving enough benefit and pleasure. And to avoid harm, you need to know moderation in everything, including “coffee drinking.” And don’t forget about the calorie content of your favorite type of coffee.

What increases the calorie content of a cup of coffee?

Coffee with milk or cream

So, 30 ml of milk, which has a fat content of 2.5%, will add another 16 kilocalories and approximately 1 gram of fat to coffee. If you take milk with a fat content of 3.2%, the total calorie content will increase by 18 kilocalories. Do you like coffee with cream? 10% cream contains an additional 35 kilocalories in every 30 ml.

Coffee with sugar

Sugar also increases the caloric content of the drink. 1 teaspoon contains 5 grams of sweet sand, which gives us an additional 20 calories with each spoon.

Coffee with sugar and milk

It turns out that instant coffee with two tablespoons of sugar and 30 ml of milk with a fat content of 2.5% has an indicator of 68 kilocalories. During the working day, we make 3-4 coffee sessions, which cost us an extra 200-300 kilocalories daily

Keep in mind that coffee cocktails made in cafes score much higher on all counts. Thus, a European latte has 175 calories per 100 grams. One serving of this drink consists of 200-250 ml, that is, our 175 calories need to be multiplied by 2 or 2.5.

By comparison, a cup of espresso has only 4 kilocalories if consumed without milk or sugar. The natural drink has a much more gentle effect on the body compared to instant coffee or coffee-based cocktails. So count your calories and make smart choices.

If you're going to drink coffee, it's tasty, healthy and safe.

What is your favorite recipe - espresso, macchiato or oriental? Delight us with your own way of making low-calorie coffee!

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Coffee - a source of energy and antioxidants

Thousands of people prefer coffee to many other drinks. What effect does it have on the human body?

Its fruits are of plant origin, since they are collected from the coffee tree, and are used for processing and further production of the drink. Its chemical composition is complex, it has about a thousand compounds, many of which are formed during the roasting of coffee beans. The composition of raw coffee includes proteins (9-10%), carbohydrates (50-60%), tannin (3.6-7.7%), chlorogenic acids (7-10%), polyamines and alkaloids (theophylline, glucoside, theobromine, trigonelline, caffeine).

When the grains are roasted, this composition undergoes changes: sucrose disappears, the content of glucose and fructose increases, the amount of tannin decreases (to 1%), the content of chlorogenic acids decreases by 2-3 times, trigonelline is converted into nicotinic acid.

One of the main substances in coffee that has a significant effect on the human body is caffeine. Its content varies depending on the type of coffee.

Type of coffee Caffeine content,% based on dry matter
Arabica 0,6-1,2
Robusta 1,8-3
Liberica 1,2-1,5

Caffeine is a psychostimulant, has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, accelerates the heartbeat, raises blood pressure, stimulates performance, and eliminates drowsiness and fatigue. This effect lasts for several hours.

Another important component of coffee is chlorogenic acids. They act as natural antioxidants that prevent oxidation processes and eliminate free radicals from the body's cells.

Due to the high content of carbohydrates and various stimulating substances, coffee is a good energy drink. In some countries, even drinking coffee with milk or cream in the morning is considered a complete breakfast.

How many calories are in instant coffee?

On the packaging of any modern product purchased in a store, you can find very useful information about the calorie content of 100 grams of purchase. Manufacturers do not hide from us how many calories are in instant coffee. Depending on the variety and type, this figure ranges from 90 to 100 kilocalories

A lot of? Still would! But please note that the data refers to 100 grams of dry product. We use much less per cup

Therefore, the calorie content of the coffee solution will be much lower. Let's do some math.

To calculate the calorie content of instant coffee or any other water infusion, you need to divide the number of kilocalories indicated on the package by 100, and then multiply by the number of grams of the product that you took for preparation. The resulting figure will be the general indicator of your drink, because water has no calorie content.

Factors and substances affecting calorie content

Roasted coffee beans lose some of their weight and gases appear inside the coffee beans. Depending on the degree of frying, the weight will be more or less. The beans acquire a unique aroma. Their calorie content is 223 kcal per 100 grams.

The degree of roasting has virtually no effect on the calorie content of coffee. Because the fat content has almost completely evaporated, more roasted beans contain fewer calories. Moreover, the higher the degree of roasting, the richer the taste and aroma of the drink.

The degree of roasting of beans has virtually no effect on the calorie content of coffee

Freshly ground coffee has a more pronounced taste and aroma than old coffee. This happens due to the fact that due to the destruction of the grain, evaporating substances react with air and partially evaporate. Calorie content does not change depending on the age of roasting.

The highest calorie drink will be the drink that contains the least amount of water. Since coffee beans contain monosaccharides, including glucose and fructose, the longer the contact with water, the higher the calorie content of the drink.

How many calories are in a cup of black coffee?

Black coffee refers to drinks that are served without cream, milk or sugar. It has almost zero calories, and if you don't add anything to it, even if you drink up to 5 servings a day, you may not count it in your diet at all, since this number is too small to make any difference.

According to scientists' calculations, one cup of regular espresso contains only 2 kcal, and a serving of Americano contains only 2.2 kcal, which is also negligible, and this difference can be ignored. In this sense, you do not need to reduce your consumption of black coffee for weight loss. Moreover, caffeine has some fat burning effect.

The calorie content is affected by the type of bean (Arabica is slightly higher in calories than Robusta), as well as the brewing method - the longer the beans are in contact with water, the more oils pass into the liquid. But these, again, are tenths of kcal, and they can be ignored.

Let's consider how many calories are in a drink without additives, simply prepared according to different recipes.

Type of drink or preparation methodCalorie content per 100 mlStandard serving volume, mlCalorie content per serving, kcal
Double Americano22404
Drip coffee maker12202
French press22004
Coffee brewed with cold water32406
In Turkish, in cezve22004
Soluble granular620012
Soluble freeze-dried1220024
Cafein free22205

Green coffee has 0 calories. The oils and sugars do not come to the surface at all, as they do during roasting, and the grains have no nutritional value.

How many calories are in a cup of instant coffee?

One heaped teaspoon contains about 10 grams of soluble powder or granules. Each pack usually indicates the calorie content per 100 grams. That is, to simplify the calculations, if you put one spoon of instant coffee concentrate per cup, you can divide the indicated energy value by 10. If you brew half a spoon, by 20. If you put two, divide by 5. Everything is very simple. Water has zero nutritional value, so we don't count it.

As an example, let’s look at the characteristics of instant coffee drinks, the most popular among domestic consumers. You can make the same calculations by simply reading the label on the pack or can of your favorite brand.

Per 100 gramsHalf a spoonWith one spoonWith two spoons
Carte Noire10051020
Jacobs Monarch10051020
Tchibo Exclusive264132652
Nescafe Gold452,254,59
Maxwell House10051020

The preparation method directly affects the release of caffeine.

Doctors and nutritionists recommend drinking no more than five cups of the aromatic drink a day, including to prevent the onset of harmful addiction. Side effects of the latter: irritability, insomnia and, in rare cases, allergies. You should not drink the drink often on an empty stomach, so as not to irritate an important organ and, at the same time, not to burden the liver. It is worth considering that caffeine can promote the removal of calcium from the body. When shopping in a store, evaluate the condition of the coffee granules, if possible. Powdery sediment at the bottom of the jar will indicate poor production quality. Do not use expired products.

Beneficial properties of instant coffee (dry)

Instant coffee has a vasodilating effect and prevents oxidative processes in the body, as it is created from a natural antioxidant. Daily use of the product is popular, as even a relatively small amount of caffeine in the drink tones and invigorates. At the same time, it has been scientifically proven that it also improves thought processes and reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease, obesity and diabetes (if you do not overuse additional ingredients).

For clarity, here is the caffeine content in various versions of the drink:

  • soluble – 21 mg;
  • espresso – just over 200 mg;
  • natural, freshly brewed – about 160 mg.

Differences by variety:

  • Liberica – from 0.7 to 2.5%;
  • Arabica – from 1 to 1.5%;
  • Robusta – from 1 to 2.5%.

Is it possible to drink instant coffee while losing weight?

If you stick to a diet, count calories, study the composition of the foods you eat every day, you will definitely come across the question: is it possible to drink an invigorating drink while on a diet?

In moderation, natural coffee has a positive effect on the body of a person losing weight:

  • reduces hunger;
  • reduces daily caloric intake;
  • promotes better absorption of proteins;
  • gives additional energy;
  • increases endurance;
  • has diuretic properties.

Nutritionists allow overweight people to drink natural coffee, but do not abuse the amount: you should not drink more than 4-5 cups a day. For those on a diet, it is best to drink black coffee prepared plain or with a small amount of skim milk.

It is not recommended to drink the aromatic drink after 18 hours, so as not to worsen the quality of sleep. It is known that the process of losing weight directly depends on a good night's rest, so it is better to avoid products containing caffeine in the evening.

Instant coffee lovers and slim figures know how many calories it contains, and are happy to start the day with a cup of granules diluted with water. But it is worth considering that losing weight should not negatively affect your health. An instant drink has a more negative effect on the digestive system than a drink made from ground grains. It is strictly forbidden to drink instant coffee on an empty stomach! This habit can cause gastritis, ulcers and other digestive problems.

Not all additives to the aromatic drink will negatively affect your figure; some will help restore thinness

What you need to know about instant coffee

The main ingredient of the invigorating drink is roasted coffee beans. Based on scientific materials, the soluble variety was created in 1899 by the talented Swiss chemist Max Morgenthaler. From that moment on, this type of drink gained great popularity. This popularity is explained by its simple recipe. The drink retains its aroma, taste and invigorating properties. The calorie content of instant coffee is less than that of grain coffee. It is worth noting that caffeine is also found in tea leaves.

There are 3 types of instant drink:

  1. Sublimated. The grains are ground, boiled with water, and then dried by freezing. This is one of the most difficult processes for creating an instant drink, however, thanks to it the drink retains its quality taste and aroma.
  2. Powder. This is the very first version of an instant drink. The grains are ground to a powder, then water is passed through them under vacuum and dried.
  3. Granulated. This is a new type of drink. The grains are turned into powder, after which they are moistened and rolled into granules. This method of creating coffee allows it to dissolve faster in hot water.

Which one to choose is up to you to decide. The calorie content of instant coffee per 100 grams in each of them is approximately the same.

Chemical composition of coffee

The composition of coffee will differ between raw and roasted coffee beans, between ground and instant drinks, and each variety has its own special set of elements, which have not yet been fully studied. But its main components are well studied. The main one is caffeine.

The concentration of other substances depends on the variety and soil in which the plant grew. Many substances appear after the beans are roasted. About 80% of them are responsible for the taste of the final drink. Coffee consists of alkaloids, phenolic compounds, proteins, sugars and polysaccharides, organic acids, lipids, minerals, amino acids, etc.

Coffee contains a significant amount of complex organic compounds. These are proteins and amino acids that perform nutritional and energy functions for the cells of the body. Coffee beans are one of the rare plant products that contain essential amino acids that the body gets from meat and fish. Such amino acids are not synthesized in the human body and participate in the restorative functions of cellular mechanisms and maintain immunity at a fairly high level.

Caffeine molecule structure

Raw grains

The chemical composition of coffee is proteins, fats, carbohydrates, caffeine, tannin, minerals, vitamins, including B1, B2, E, niacin, as well as organic acids and trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, potassium, copper. . In short, these are carbohydrates, water and coffee oils. More than 50% of the composition is occupied by carbohydrates such as fiber and sugar. They are the body of the drink.

Roasted coffee beans

When exposed to physico-chemical influence, the substance in coffee changes due to partial decomposition and the formation of new substances. So, during roasting, grain loses up to 18% of moisture and increases by 1.5 times. The sugars caramelize, causing the color to turn dark. Fiber breaks down into acids and alcohols. Fats are partially broken down into acids. The caffeine content does not change significantly because the grain loses moisture and the solids concentration increases.

In addition to proteins, fats, carbohydrates, organic acids, dietary fiber, water, ash, fried grains contain vitamins B2, E, niacin and trace elements such as calcium, sodium, phosphorus and iron.

Instant coffee

The formula of coffee is proteins and carbohydrates, which account for 50-60% of the total mass of raw coffee. Instant coffee differs from natural coffee because manufacturers add many chemical additives and flavorings. There is also organic coffee, the creation process of which involves drying the coffee extract.

Unlike instant non-organic coffee, where natural substances make up only 20% of the total composition, in organic coffee this percentage is slightly higher.

NutrientQuantityNorm**% of the norm in 100 g% of the norm in 100 kcal100% normal
Calorie content118.7 kcal1684 kcal7%5.9%1419 g
Squirrels15 g76 g19.7%16.6%507 g
Fats3.6 g56 g6.4%5.4%1556 g
Carbohydrates7 g219 g3.2%2.7%3129 g
Water7 g2273 g0.3%0.3%32471 g
Ash1 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin1 mg1.8 mg55.6%46.8%180 g
Vitamin RR, NE24 mg20 mg120%101.1%83 g
Niacin24 mg
Calcium, Ca100 mg1000 mg10%8.4%1000 g
Sodium, Na3 mg1300 mg0.2%0.2%43333 g
Phosphorus, Ph250 mg800 mg31.3%26.4%320 g
Iron, Fe6.1 mg18 mg33.9%28.6%295 g

However, the chemical composition of instant coffee also includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, organic acids, dietary fiber, water, ash, vitamins B2, niacin, calcium, sodium, phosphorus and iron.

Calorie content of Coffee. Chemical composition and nutritional value.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of "Coffee".

The table shows the nutritional content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of edible portion.

NutrientQuantityNorm**% of the norm in 100 g% of the norm in 100 kcal100% normal
Calorie content52 kcal1684 kcal3.1%6%3238 g
Squirrels4.3 g76 g5.7%11%1767
Fats1 g56 g1.8%3.5%5600 g
Carbohydrates6.4 g219 g2.9%5.6%3422 g
Organic acids0.1 g~
Water87.4 g2273 g3.8%7.3%2601 g
Ash0.8 g~
Vitamin B1, thiamine0.04 mg1.5 mg2.7%5.2%3750 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin0.16 mg1.8 mg8.9%17.1%1125 g
Vitamin B4, choline15.8 mg500 mg3.2%6.2%3165 g
Vitamin B5, pantothenic0.2 mg5 mg4%7.7%2500 g
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine0.025 mg2 mg1.3%2.5%8000 g
Vitamin B9, folates3 mcg400 mcg0.8%1.5%13333 g
Vitamin B12, cobalamin0.2 mcg3 mcg6.7%12.9%1500 g
Vitamin C, ascorbic acid1.3 mg90 mg1.4%2.7%6923 g
Vitamin H, biotin3.2 mcg50 mcg6.4%12.3%1563 g
Vitamin K, phylloquinone0.1 mcg120 mcg0.1%0.2%120000 g
Vitamin RR, NE1.3 mg20 mg6.5%12.5%1538 g
Niacin0.1 mg~
Potassium, K157 mg2500 mg6.3%12.1%1592 g
Calcium, Ca136 mg1000 mg13.6%26.2%735 g
Magnesium, Mg16 mg400 mg4%7.7%2500 g
Sodium, Na52 mg1300 mg4%7.7%2500 g
Sera, S42 mg1000 mg4.2%8.1%2381 g
Phosphorus, Ph96 mg800 mg12%23.1%833 g
Chlorine, Cl100 mg2300 mg4.3%8.3%2300 g
Aluminium, Al50 mcg~
Iron, Fe0.1 mg18 mg0.6%1.2%18000 g
Yod, I9 mcg150 mcg6%11.5%1667 g
Cobalt, Co0.9 mcg10 mcg9%17.3%1111 g
Manganese, Mn0.005 mg2 mg0.3%0.6%40000 g
Copper, Cu12 mcg1000 mcg1.2%2.3%8333 g
Molybdenum, Mo5 mcg70 mcg7.1%13.7%1400 g
Tin, Sn15 mcg~
Selenium, Se1 mcg55 mcg1.8%3.5%5500 g
Strontium, Sr17 mcg~
Fluorine, F20 mcg4000 mcg0.5%1%20000 g
Chromium, Cr2 mcg50 mcg4%7.7%2500 g
Zinc, Zn0.4 mg12 mg3.3%6.3%3000 g
Digestible carbohydrates
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars)6.4 gmax 100 g
Sterols (sterols)
Cholesterol3 mgmax 300 mg
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids0.7 gmax 18.7 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids0.31 gmin 16.8 g1.8%3.5%
Polyunsaturated fatty acids0.026 gfrom 11.2 to 20.6 g0.2%0.4%
Omega-3 fatty acids0.004 gfrom 0.9 to 3.7 g0.4%0.8%
Omega-6 fatty acids0.023 gfrom 4.7 to 16.8 g0.5%1%

The energy value of Coffee is 52 kcal.

** This table shows the average levels of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms taking into account your gender, age and other factors, then use the “My Healthy Diet” application.

Number of calories in pure coffee

So, an ordinary cup of a “pure” drink (200 ml) will reward you with only two kilocalories! For comparison: a standard serving of sugar adds at least 20 kcal. If you just take 100 grams of the original product, then the nutritional value of natural coffee for the average person will look like this:

  • caloric content about 200 kcal (12% of the daily value);
  • proteins, fats and carbohydrates (bzhu) – 13.9 g (18%), 14.4 g (24%) and 4.1 g (2%);
  • vitamins B1, B2 and PP – 0.07 mg (5%), 0.2 mg (11%) and 19.3 mg (97%);
  • phosphorus – 198 mg (24.8%);
  • magnesium – 200 mg (50%);
  • iron – 5.3 mg (29.4%);
  • calcium – 147 mg (14.7%).

All indicators are averaged, that is, there may be differences with different weight, height and gender. The data can be used not only when brewing a drink, but also in cooking, in particular when preparing confectionery.

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