How to prepare and use coffee scrub at home?

Since ancient times, coffee has been valued not only as a tasty and invigorating drink, but also as an excellent body care product. The great philosopher and physician Avicenna said back in the Middle Ages that coffee not only cleanses the skin and eliminates puffiness, but also gives it a truly magnificent aroma.

Today, homemade coffee scrubs are becoming increasingly popular among home beauty products for several reasons:

  • accessibility – you can buy natural ground coffee in almost any large store;
  • naturalness - contains only natural ingredients of natural origin;
  • ease of production - only a minimum of time is required, ready-made coffee grounds or ground coffee beans and additional ingredients according to the composition;
  • efficiency and wide spectrum of action - thanks to the unique elements included in coffee, the scrub helps cleanse and detoxify the skin, has an antibacterial effect, and is hypoallergenic.

How to use scrubs

If you have oily hair, use scrubs once a week; if you have dry and normal hair, use scrubs once every 2-3 weeks.

Scrub only the hair roots and skin. You don’t need to wash your hair before doing this, just moisten it with warm water. After the procedure, wash your hair as usual.

Avoid scrubbing if you have damaged skin or are allergic to the components of the product, as well as in the first few days after coloring your hair: active mechanical action can accelerate color loss.


Elina: “Good cosmetics cost a lot, and not everyone can afford expensive beauty products. But you can always use folk recipes, which are no worse than store-bought products. I discovered coffee scrub for myself. This is an excellent remedy that helps get rid of many problems. I drink coffee regularly and use the grounds for beauty purposes. Moreover, I scrub everything with the grounds: body, face, head. I'm pleased with the results."

Olga: “I did the aqua peeling procedure in the salon several times. But this is an expensive procedure, and I do not have the opportunity to do it regularly. My sister has been using coffee for cosmetic purposes for a long time, so I decided to try it. My hair is oily and gets dirty quickly. After only 5 scrubbing sessions, I began to notice that I can no longer wash my hair every day. Usually you wash it in the morning, and by the evening fatty icicles hang on your head. The coffee scrub helps get rid of oiliness, I will continue to use it.”

Ekaterina: “I really love all kinds of recipes for homemade cosmetics. I constantly experiment by making masks and peelings for the face. Now it’s the turn of the hair. I noticed that in the spring, during the period of vitamin deficiency, they became dull, brittle, and began to fall out. My hairdresser recommended that I try applying coffee grounds with olive oil once every two weeks. You know, the product really works. The hair became thicker and had a shine.”

Trichologists and cosmetologists recommend paying attention to coffee peeling for hair. It can help make strands more manageable, silky, smooth. The method does not require large financial investments, and is also very easy to use. At-home peels provide amazing results without breaking the bank.

Sugar and oil scrub for hair shine
Sugar gently removes dirt, oil and dead skin particles. The oil moisturizes the skin and gives hair a healthy shine.


  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (olive, burdock, almond or grape seed oil).

Preparation and use

Mix sugar and butter thoroughly. Apply the scrub to your skin and massage your head. Move from the back of the head to the frontal part. After 5–7 minutes, rinse off the product with warm water.

Benefits of coffee for hair

Coffee beans can delicately care not only for hair, but also for the scalp. Thanks to its healing components, the product has a healing effect on curls, in its power:

  • Give your hair a rich and bright color , with a shiny sheen, since coffee contains carotenoids that have a coloring effect.
  • Scrub the scalp , freeing it from dust and residues of styling products that clog pores and dry out the skin.
  • Restore elasticity and firmness to hair . Phosphorus, thiamine and calcium contained in the product restore hair microtraumas, eliminate split ends and give it vitality.
  • Protect hair from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation . The chlorogenic acid present in it acts as a powerful antioxidant, which can not only resist the harmful effects of the sun, but also protect against toxins, cold and hot air.
  • Accelerate the growth of curls . This is possible thanks to iron, which is also included in coffee; it stimulates the growth of strands and they increase in length by 1-2 cm every month.
  • Energize your scalp and curls . Caffeine is a powerful psychostimulant, the effect of which is felt almost after the first application of masks with it. Hair can then withstand various aggressive factors.
  • Moisten the strands . Potassium is responsible for this effect, especially; this property is important for curls prone to dryness and those that are constantly subject to coloring.
  • Strengthen hair follicles and blood vessel walls . Magnesium serves as a conductor of oxygen and fills the follicles with it, nourishes the blood walls, thereby improving the general condition of the strands.
  • Stop hair loss . The polyphenols it contains, as well as riboflavin, help prevent baldness and eliminate hair loss at any stage.

All these healing properties of coffee are widely used for hair restoration. Already after the first use of medicinal compositions based on it, there will be a noticeable improvement in the appearance of the curls, and after 4-5 uses it will turn out that the preliminary conclusions were hasty. Coffee reveals its potential only after prolonged use; the curls will be unrecognizable.

Recipes for aging skin

A scrub made from coffee grounds at home is most beneficial for aging skin. Natural antioxidants contained in the product rejuvenate the skin.

With cottage cheese

Preparation and use:

  1. The mixture after drinking coffee should be combined with cottage cheese of medium fat content (1:1).
  2. For ease of application, add milk (1 tbsp) to the mixture.
  3. You need to gently massage your face with the scrub.
  4. After 5 minutes, when the scrub begins to dry, you need to wash your face.

A curd and coffee scrub will make your skin glowing and tightened.

With rice flour

Preparation and use:

  1. Rice flour should be mixed with the grounds after drinking a cup of coffee (1 tablespoon each).
  2. Add hot milk to the coffee-rice mixture until you get the consistency of sour cream.
  3. The resulting scrub should be carefully distributed over the face.
  4. After leaving the product on for a few minutes, you need to wash your face.

Rice flour has a strong anti-aging effect and is widely used in Japan.

Facial care

Health and beauty experts say that caffeine not only stimulates the brain, but also improves skin condition, leaving it smooth, firm and glowing.

Coffee and coconut oil mask

Coffee is a natural antioxidant that promotes blood circulation and skin cell renewal. Additionally, coffee helps fight damage caused by UV rays. Coconut oil, in turn, has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that protect the skin from external factors. Moreover, this ingredient effectively rejuvenates and moisturizes the skin due to its high content of lauric acid.

To prepare a healthy mask, mix 1 tablespoon of ground coffee and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 15 minutes. Before washing off the mask, lightly massage your skin to remove dead cells. Wash your face with warm water and pat your face dry with a paper towel. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times a week.

Coffee and olive oil mask

Olive oil is known to deeply moisturize the skin, increase its elasticity and stimulate collagen production. Olive oil is enriched with vitamins A, D, K and E, each of which has a beneficial effect on skin health, slowing down the aging process. Apart from the benefits listed above, coffee also constricts blood vessels, eliminating facial puffiness caused by exposure to toxins.

Mix 1 tablespoon of instant coffee with 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil to prepare a powerful mask. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 5-10 minutes. After this, gently massage your skin in circular motions and rinse off the mask with warm water. Use this product 2-3 times a week to prevent dry skin.

Coffee and lemon mask

Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which improves skin elasticity and regulates the sebaceous glands, preventing unwanted oily shine in the T-zone.

Mix 1 tablespoon instant coffee with 1 teaspoon lemon juice to form a thick paste. Apply the paste to your face and neck, leaving it on for 30 minutes. After this, wash your face with warm water. Use this product once a week to control oily skin.

Coffee, cinnamon and coconut oil mask

The key ingredient in this mask is cinnamon, which contains cinnamaldehyde and proanthocyanidins, which reduce inflammation on the skin. Cinnamon prevents clogged pores and acne and also effectively fights germs.

To prepare a healthy mask for problem skin, mix 1 tablespoon of instant coffee with 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon. Apply the mask to your face and neck, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week to clear your skin of rashes.

Mask with coffee and milk

The raw milk contained in this mask effectively cleanses and moisturizes the skin, leaving it smooth, firm and radiant.

To prepare the mask, mix 1 teaspoon of instant coffee and a sufficient amount of low-fat milk to form a thick paste. Apply the paste to your face, leaving it on for 15-20 minutes. Before washing your face, lightly massage your skin for 2 minutes to remove dead cells. Rinse off the mask with cool water. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.

Mask with coffee, turmeric and yogurt

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe the skin. Curcumin in its composition reduces the production of melanin, preventing the appearance of age spots. The lactic acid in yogurt, in turn, successfully fights bacteria and deeply cleanses clogged pores.

Mix 1 tablespoon instant coffee, 1 tablespoon turmeric and enough yogurt to form a thick paste. Apply the mixture to your face and neck, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Use this product 2-3 times a week to brighten your skin and give it a natural glow.

Mask with coffee, egg yolk and lemon

Egg yolk contains a high concentration of lutein, which is responsible for maintaining high levels of moisture in the skin, while lemon juice stimulates collagen production and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

Mix 1 tablespoon instant coffee, 1 egg yolk and ½ tablespoon lemon juice. Apply the paste to your face and neck, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Use the product 2-3 times a week.

Coffee and honey mask

This face mask retains moisture in the skin cells and also gives firmness and elasticity to the face. To prepare it, mix 1 tablespoon of instant coffee and 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply the mask to your face and neck, leaving for 20 minutes. Lightly massage your skin before rinsing off the mask with warm water. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.

Mask with coffee, yogurt and oats

The lactic acid present in yogurt helps fight bacteria that cause breakouts. Oats also serve as an excellent exfoliant that provides nutrients to the skin.

Prepare a healthy mask by mixing 1 tablespoon instant coffee, 1 tablespoon crushed oats and enough yogurt to form a thick paste. Apply the mixture to your face and neck and leave for 30 minutes. After this, wash your face first with warm water, then with cold water. Use this remedy 2 times a week.

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